Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2035 Battle of the Inner World

Chapter 2035 Battle of the Inner World

Tie Feiying is also a five-layer fit powerhouse at any rate, so it's okay to be tempered by Yan'er.

Wu Qiaojun is so rampant, how can he bear it.

This palm is also like the sky falling, pressing down horizontally.

It has to be said that this blow is extremely overbearing, and any warrior who has just entered the state of fusion may be doomed, even Fang Yi at the first level of fusion may be no exception.

Unless he escapes into the water temple, otherwise...

But now, Wu Qiaojun is facing this palm, it is conceivable that it is almost a certain death situation.

However, there was no trace of fear on her face.

Naturally, this is not because of her strength, but because of Yan'er, in the previous battle, the same attack has already been done.

But before he got close, he was incinerated by Yan'er.

Just like this moment!

That huge hand suddenly fell, and Yan'er also slapped out a huge palm at the same time, the steaming flame was like a huge fireball, and it smashed away violently.

boom! !

There was a shocking explosion, and the huge hand and the huge fireball exploded at the same time, and the terrifying air wave swept the world like a storm.

The roiling heat wave made the demon disciples watching from a distance feel as if their blood had been evaporated.

Their faces changed drastically, and their eyes were full of horror.

Compared with the air wave rolled up by Fang Yi and Wan Mo Gongzi, this air wave is undoubtedly hotter, and it has a greater impact on them, and the world is instantly turned into a melting pot.

Even the soul seems to be scorched by flames, that feeling...

A look of astonishment obviously flashed in the eyes of Master Wanmo, Yan'er's dominance was obviously beyond his expectations.

However, that's all.

With the addition of Tie Feiying, the three combined five weights, and himself, it is not easy to deal with a Fang Yi and a monster.

Wu Qiaojun was naturally ignored by him.

At this moment, the four powerhouses have sealed off the surrounding area, each occupying one side.

But Fang Yi, Yan'er, and Wu Qiaojun were besieged in it, and it seemed that they could not escape.

"Boy! Don't you think you are so good that you dare to fight this sect?"

Young Master Wan Mo shouted loudly, provoking words.

At the same time as he spoke, his inner world had already unfolded, sweeping towards Fang Yi, and the other three combined five-layer powerhouses also shot at the same time, completely sealing off the space.

Feeling the aura of Ruyuan, Wu Qiaojun's complexion turned completely white.

The beautiful eyes are also full of fear.

Involuntarily, she looked at Fang Yi, but saw that the latter's expression hadn't changed much.

Instead, he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Hahaha!!! The majestic master of the Myriad Demon Sect, united with the three majors and the fifth level, has the face to ask me if I dare to fight. Aren't you afraid of spreading the word and laughing at people's big teeth?"

"You demons have always been like this, shameless."

Presumptuous laughter, full of irony.

All the demons were gnashing their teeth in anger.

Especially Young Master Wanmo, this undoubtedly hit his pain, he has always regarded himself as extremely high, and no one in his self-identity rank can surpass him.

In fact, everything was true before meeting Fang Yi.

But it was Fang Yi who changed everything. The battle of Shimoxing almost became his inner demon, and the battle of Tianshouxing also made him unforgettable all his life. Now...

He was forced to team up with other people again, how could the proud him bear it.

However, as long as you can kill the other party, all this is worth it.

"Ignorant child, this sect will see how long you can be brave, you will definitely die today."

Young Master Wan Mo's face was full of ferociousness, revealing a touch of cruel joy, because the four deep auras had already covered the surrounding area.

In other words, Fang Yi had nowhere to escape.

The only option is to enter the inner world and fight him, and the result of this battle is needless to say.

"Death? Huh!!"

Fang Yi couldn't help sneering, and glanced at the four of them lightly.

"I said before that you helpers are just a bunch of waste, and you are the same. You will always be trampled under my feet forever." feel.

For some reason, at this moment, Master Wanmo had a bad premonition in his heart.

But it was obviously too late.

Fang Yi's inner world has also unfolded, involving the four of them.

A huge black hole also instantly condensed, together with Fang Yi, Yan'er, Wu Qiaojun, and the four powerful monsters, they all disappeared into the black hole.

The world returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

However, the entire demon army has completely exploded.

"It's too strong! Is this the power of the five-layered body? Now that kid is dead, and that huge flame beast..."

"Needless to say, facing the suzerain and the strongest elders of the three major demon races at the same time, even if that kid has the ability to reach the sky, he will definitely die."

There was a lot of discussion.

But they all agreed with each other very tacitly, avoiding the topic of Master Wanmo washing away his shame.

The four superpowers teamed up, even if Fang Yi was beheaded, it was obviously not a shame to wash away, so they kept silent, but they felt somewhat strange in their hearts.

"Despicable! Shameless!"

Xia Houzheng couldn't help it, and cursed in a low voice.

However, sensing Bai Yingying's gaze, he quickly stopped talking, and a look of worry could not help but appear on his face.

Others are similar.

"Don't worry! Since the suzerain dared to enter, he must have great confidence." Seeing this, Bai Yingying couldn't help comforting her, as if to cheer herself up.

Everyone heard the words and nodded, but their expressions were still extremely nervous.

Bai Yingying was no exception, she and everyone stared at the place where Fang Yi and the others disappeared.

In a void of space.

Young Master Wan Mo and the three powerful men stand proudly in the sky, occupying one side each, trapping Fang Yi and the other three in it.

The terrifying atmosphere permeated the world, and the sound of thunder was endless.

It doesn't matter if the others arrive, all of them are super strong, but Mr. Wu Qiao is obviously not enough. Under this terrifying coercion, she can't bear it anymore.

If it wasn't for Fang Yi and Yan'er by his side, the coercion would have been enough to cause him to explode and die.

Fang Yi also frowned.

Wu Qiaojun's sudden appearance undoubtedly made him a little bit troubled. Under such circumstances...he couldn't let the other party die.

No matter what, Yan'er was finally brought by her.

"Ignorant child, your death date has come. I never thought that you would be so stupid as to enter the inner world space by yourself. In this way, it will save me a lot of trouble!"

Young Master Wan Mo grinned, looking at Fang Yi, as if looking at a dead person.

Those three strong men also seemed to be determined by Fang Yi.

It's no wonder that anyone in such a situation may find it difficult to escape.

"That's right! It's too early for you to be happy too!"

Fang Yi's eyes suddenly turned cold.

In an instant, Wan Dao sword shadows fell from the sky, and the surrounding scenery changed instantly. The originally empty space had already turned into a piece of scorched earth, and the steaming flames were burning wantonly, and there was already a sea of ​​fire in front of the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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