Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2057 Situation

Chapter 2057 Situation

"Let's talk about it, everyone! What should we do next?"

Tian Kuixing, Zong Ling stood high above, frowning tightly.

For a long time, Tiankui star has rarely interfered with the affairs of the chaotic star field, only guarding his own side of the world, and the 36 meridians rarely gather together.

It's good now, but in a short period of time, the 36 pulses have gathered several times.

And the root of all this is because of the same person, the legendary Emperor of Kyushu.

"What should we do? Hmph! According to me, just drive them out of the Chaotic Starfield. Since he came, what has become of the Chaotic Starfield? It's even worse now, even the top ten sects of the spirit world have come together."

"That's right! This is to drive our 36 pulses into a desperate situation."

"Why don't we jointly ask the Great Elder for instructions, if this continues, the Chaos Starfield will be completely destroyed."


In the main hall, everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

Even those who were more attractive to Fang Yi in the past remained silent at the moment.

After all, Fang Yi is indeed inseparable from the fact that the Chaos Starfield has today. It's nothing more than arriving before. Whether it's the Corpse Yin Sect or the Wanhou Mansion, their own problems are not small.

And it is also limited to the chaotic star field.

But now, not only the demons have come, but the ten major sects are also coming.

How a mere chaotic star field can accommodate these huge forces will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers.

No matter how 36 pulses want to be alone, it is impossible.

and so……

The crowd hates it so much. After all, what they will face is not an ordinary force, but the top ten sects in the spiritual world.

"The matter has come to this point, and it is probably impossible to drive the Kyushu sect out of the chaotic star field."

At this moment, Wang Xuantong replied calmly.

Everyone couldn't help shaking their heads when they heard the words. They all knew that what he said was true. With the current strength of the Kyushu Sect, even if the 36 meridians were united, they might at most be comparable to them.

Moreover, it is still unknown what the Great Elder thinks.

"Then what should I do? Just waste it like this? Waiting for the arrival of the ten sects?"

Someone asked.

The hall also fell into silence, because no one could answer him, and no one knew what the matter would turn out to be.

Moreover, regarding the water temple, among them, there are also some people who have illusions.

"Tell me! Does he really own the Water God Temple? His cultivation is mediocre, but his combat power is amazing. Could it be..."

The crowd was full of suspicion, and their eyes were strange.

Obviously, they are extremely curious about the legendary water temple, and even have a little fantasy.

Of course, it's just a fantasy. The top ten sects have already been dispatched. With their strength, how can they get involved.

Even Huang Tiangang shook his head subconsciously.

Fang Yi's strength is very clear to these people, even if the Lord Wanhou was beheaded, they might also...

"My lords, there is the latest news."

At this time, a disciple rushed to report.

"The Sect Master of the Kyushu Sect appeared on Greedy Wolf Star, and defeated the Golden Cicada Demon Emperor and the Moon Chasing Fairy. At the same time, he also admitted the fact that he was pregnant with the Water God Temple..."


Hearing this, the expressions of everyone in the hall changed drastically.

The matter of the Water God Temple is just a guess. No one knows whether it is true or not. It is very likely that it is just a conspiracy released by the demons.

But who would have thought that Fang Yi admitted it, which made them not surprised.

At the same time, almost everywhere in the spiritual world, such dialogues are being staged.

The water temple almost completely boiled the silent spirit world.

The legends about the water temple became more and more mysterious. Coupled with the real example of Fang Yi, everyone believed that Fang Yi owed everything to the water temple.

The result can be imagined.

However, Fang Yi himself was silently cultivating at the moment, and what happened next made him eager to improve his cultivation.

Only in this way can we deal with the endless troubles.


"Sovereign, that kid really admitted it. Could it be that he really owns the Water God Temple?"

In the demon camp, Tie Feiying had a look of disbelief.

When Young Master Wan Mo asked him to release this news, he only regarded it as a conspiracy by Young Master Wan Mo, wanting the other party to become a target of public criticism.

Unexpectedly, the other party admitted it generously.

This had to surprise him, and at the same time, his heart was full of doubts.

"Hmph! He's so gutsy that he dared to admit it. That's fine. This sect will definitely make him a street rat, and everyone will beat him up." Young Master Wan Mo had a gloomy face, with an evil smile on his lips.

There was still a monstrous anger in his eyes, it was obvious that the other party hated him deeply.

"Where's the Shimo Heavenly Book? Has he changed?"

Mentioning the Beginning Demon Heaven Book, Master Wanmo couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

This can be said to be his greatest shame, and it is also his greatest excuse. Once the demons find out...

Although he can find an excuse later, the Shimo Heavenly Book is of extraordinary significance to the demons. If he can't get the Shimo Heavenly Book, I am afraid that the top ten demons will not surrender to him.

"Back to the suzerain, that kid didn't announce the Shimo Heavenly Book, and he doesn't know what he's trying to tell."

"There are also the Nine Sons of Heaven..."

When Tie Feiying said this, he couldn't help but glanced at Mr. Wanmo vigilantly, and didn't continue talking.

Young Master Wan Mo turned out to be one of the Nine Sons of Heaven.

This fact, even now, is still somewhat difficult for him to accept.

However, the Ju Moyin was controlled by the other party, so he could only choose to surrender.

"Hmph! Tell me about it? He is in danger now, so I want to see how he will deal with those most powerful people."

Master Wanmo sneered again and again, revealing irony.

Then he glanced at Tie Feiying lightly, the light in his eyes made Tie Feiying feel a little scared, and his face turned slightly pale.

"You are very smart! This sect likes smart people the most. As long as you do things for this sect wholeheartedly, when this sect reaches the state of becoming a god, you will naturally be freed."

God Transformation Realm?

Tie Feiying's eyes were full of disappointment.

This is a legendary realm, which has long since ceased to exist.

And even if it exists, it will be bombarded and killed by the Dao of Heaven, otherwise, the blood demon ancestor would not be trapped here.

In this way, how can he not be lost.

Young Master Wanmo seemed to see through his heart, and continued: "Aren't you desperate? Could it be that you have forgotten the identity of this sect, other people cannot break through, but this sect is not restricted."

Hearing this, Tie Feiying's eyes lit up.

No, the other party is one of the nine sons of Tiandao, so how could he be killed by Tiandao.

In this way, doesn't he still have hope.

After figuring out this joint, he immediately looked overjoyed and his eyes were filled with excitement.

Young Master Wan Mo seemed to be quite satisfied with his performance, nodded lightly, and said: "Not only that, even if you are not the Nine Sons of the Heavenly Dao, this sect has a way to avoid the Heavenly Dao."

"The blood demon patriarch..."

Young Master Wanmo murmured, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger, as if he had already made up his mind.

And the Patriarch Wanmo, who was countless thousands of miles away, also seemed to have a sense at this moment, and slowly opened his eyes, revealing a deep light.

(End of this chapter)

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