Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2061

Chapter 2061

"My lord, the army of Yan Luo Palace has already approached the Heavenly Slaughter Star, and it will arrive within two days."

In the Asura Hall, the ten major Asuras gathered together.

The Supreme Asura stood high above, with a dignified expression, looking at the disciples who came to report indifferently.

"Hmph! It came so fast!"

Yuming Shura snorted first, and asked, "Then do you know how many of them came? Are there those strong people?"

"Return to your lord! There are Yan Luo, Vajra Raksha, and Sen Luo who devoured... Except for these super powerhouses, there are not many ordinary disciples."

That disciple truthfully reported.

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone in the hall became a little ugly.

Although the strength of Shura Palace is good, and they even have the confidence to face Yan Luodian, it is still a bit embarrassing to face so many strong people at the same time.

Especially for these extremely strong men, Yan Luo, the prisoner, has already reached the peak of the fifth level of integration.

In addition to Vajra Rakshasa, although it is not as good as the prisoner Yan Luo, it is also a fivefold body.

As for the Asura Hall, there is no one who has reached this level of cultivation.

The strongest Supreme Shura can only reach the fourth level of the combined body, and everyone else is at the first, second, and third level of the combined body, although they are indeed infinitely stronger than before.

But compared to the prisoner Yan Luo and others, it is obviously not enough.

"My lord, what should we do now? Is there any news about the emperor? Does he..."

Someone asked.

Invisibly, they have already regarded Fang Yi as the backbone, especially in the face of these powerful enemies, Fang Yi's strength has won their trust.

"The great emperor is now entangled in various matters, and I am afraid he will not be able to take care of us. The top ten sects in the spiritual world are all ready to move about the Water God Temple."

"Damn, these are the top ten bullshit sects, one by one, what's the difference between them and robbers."

Everyone was obviously a little outraged.

They were naturally no strangers to the rumors during this period, apart from curiosity, they were also angry.

But they are still reluctant to face Yan Luodian, let alone the top ten sects.

There was a brief silence in the hall, and everyone's mood was obviously a little heavy. Under such circumstances, it's no wonder they were so.

"Things may not be as bad as imagined."

After glancing at everyone, Supreme Shura finally spoke.

"Since the prisoner Yan Luo only brought some people here, it shows that he has taken care of it. The top ten sects are watching the Water God Temple, and they dare not mess around with them."

"This time, it's mostly just a test."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

The chaotic star field is completely in chaos. The ten great sects gather together, and the whole body is affected by a single hair, which makes Yan Luodian have some scruples.

This can be regarded as a small accident.

However, even so, if you want to take over Yan Luo and others from the prison, I'm afraid...

"Okay! Everyone retreat! Get ready!"

"It doesn't matter whether he is the prisoner Yan Luo or the Vajra Rakshasa, if he dares to attack my Asura Palace, they will have no good fruit to eat."

Supreme Shura finally shouted, a powerful killing intent erupted vigorously.


Everyone also shouted in unison, each one full of fighting spirit.

The spirit of the Asura Palace is to keep fighting and keep living, no matter how strong your opponent is, you will suppress them all.In ancient times, the Asura Hall became famous in the entire spiritual world because of it.

Today, although the Asura Hall is not as powerful as it used to be, the spirit of the Asura Hall has never been forgotten.

What's more, the Asura Hall has risen.

And this, perhaps, is the opportunity for Shura Hall to reach its peak again.

Everyone quit.

In the main hall, only Supreme Asura remained, as well as Commander Asura and Phantom Asura, and the three were also the highest decision makers of the Asura Hall.

At this moment, the Supreme Shura was a little tired and frowning.

Obviously, although he spoke lightly, he still felt a little apprehensive when facing the prisoner Yan Luo and the others. After all, he was a top-five-layer combined powerhouse.

It's not that he didn't think of this day.

However, he always thought that it was Fang Yi who would face this day with him.

Fang Yi's formidable strength, able to kill the fivefold body, made him confident that he could face Yan Luodian and suppress Yan Luo.

But now, with Fang Yi not around, he actually felt powerless.

It turned out that not only other people, but even him, the master of Shura Hall, was the same.

"Your Majesty, our strength alone may not be enough to compete with the prisoner Yan Luo. Although there are not many of them, they are all strong, and it is difficult for ordinary disciples to intervene."

"How about asking the Kyushu sect for help!"

At this time, Phantom Shura suddenly spoke.

The three of them are naturally very clear about the current situation, but some things can only be said in private because they will hurt everyone's morale.

"Kyushu sect? Apart from the great emperor, who else can compete with the prisoner Yan Luo?"

Yuming Shura heard the words and couldn't help saying.

"Maybe there is still the Red Demon Immortal, but it is impossible for the Scarlet Demon Immortal to guard the Red Demon Star all the time."

"No! You forgot that there is another person? That is Fairy Shenmeng."

Phantom Shura hurriedly said.


Hearing this, Yu Ming Shura's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, it's true, Fairy Shenmeng is extremely domineering, even the Great Emperor may not be an opponent, if she helps, then...

It's just that the other party has nothing to do with Shura Palace, unlike Fang Yi.

"Okay! Don't think about anything else! The Shura Palace is our Shura Palace after all, we still have to rely on ourselves for everything."

"Besides, the news about Yan Luodian has already spread, and the emperor must have already received the news. I believe he will make arrangements, so you don't need to worry too much."

At this time, Supreme Shura spoke again.

"Yes!" The two couldn't help but nodded when they heard the words.

"Get ready, we will rush to the Heavenly Slaughter Star immediately, the Heavenly Slaughter Shura must be in a hurry."

The facts are undoubtedly as Supreme Shura said.

The Heavenly Killer Shura was in a state of anxiety at the moment. Since he took refuge in the Shura Hall, the original disciples of the Heavenly Killer Sect hadn't adapted, and everything remained the same.

It's just that the Heavenly Killing Gate no longer exists, and the Lord of Slaughter has also passed away.

It was replaced by God Kill Shura.

The Heavenly Slaughter Star is still led by the Heavenly Slaughter Shura.

Now that he knows that Yan Luodian is attacking, how can he not be in a hurry, especially after learning about the strength of Yan Luodian, he can be said to be restless.


At this time, a disciple came quickly.

"How is it? Does His Excellency have any instructions?" Heavenly Killer Shura stepped out quickly and asked anxiously, his face full of anticipation.

"No! It's Yan Luo Dian who will kill the Lord. The Yan Luo Dian has already attacked, so you can come here soon."


Hearing these words, Heavenly Killing Shura's face instantly became extremely ugly, and a touch of paleness emerged.

At the same time, in the endless void of the Heavenly Slaughter Star, a group of people were approaching quickly. Although there were not many people, only 30 to [-] people, they were all as majestic as a prison, like an army of gods and demons fighting against the starry sky.

The person who leads the most is the Lord of the Hall of Yama, the prisoner of Yama.

(End of this chapter)

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