Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2074 Cannibalism

Chapter 2074 Cannibalism

"Inner world?"

The crowd was stunned, as if they hadn't thought that Fang Yi would actually use the inner world at this time.

It should be noted that the current situation is extremely unfavorable to him, and it is almost a doomed situation.

But, that's all. Looking at his attack at the moment, even if he is invincible, it shouldn't be too difficult to escape, but once he enters the inner world, it will not be so easy to escape.

"Could it be that this kid is insane? He even used the inner world, he's looking for death!"

Vajra Raksha was full of disbelief and sneered again and again.

Looking at Fang Yi was like looking at an idiot.

No wonder, if it was someone else, they would have already escaped, and they would not seek their own death.

The eyes of Yan Luo, the prisoner, were also full of light.

"Hahaha!! Kid, inner world? I really don't know if you are stupid or overconfident."

The powerhouses of the top ten sects were already laughing wildly,

"The benefactor is really a bit courageous. My promise from the Great Buddha Temple is still valid, as long as the benefactor hands over the water temple..."

"Vald donkey, stop talking nonsense, the water temple is not yours."

Naturally, the top ten sects will not be like iron plates. It's fine if they arrived before. They reached a tacit agreement to force Fang Yi to hand over the water temple first.

But now, it seems that they are about to enter the inner world.

From their point of view, since Fang Yi was settled, the competition between them was about to begin.

"Aren't you happy too early? The water temple has not yet seen the shadow."

At this time, another voice sarcastically said.

These words calmed down everyone's turmoil slightly.

It's no wonder they are so eager, the Water God Temple is an artifact of good fortune, no one wants to seize it.

"Boy! Sensible, quickly hand over the water temple, you are doomed now, don't make mistakes." Someone in the crowd shouted loudly.

A series of majestic figures also came quickly, already blocking Fang Yi's surroundings.


Fang Yi couldn't help sneering, "That depends on whether you have the ability."

As he spoke, he stepped into the black hole first.

"act recklessly!"

"Insanely stupid..."

One after another silhouettes are scrambling to be the first, as if they are afraid of being preempted by others.

In the breath, they have already drilled into the black hole.

"Let's go and have a look too!" Prisoner Yan Luo's eyes were deep, and he stepped on his feet, and even quickly sank into the black hole.

Vajra Rakshasa and Devouring Senluo naturally followed closely behind.

On the other side, the three monarchs also looked at each other, but did not enter.

As for Mr. Wu Qiao, he was also a little ready to move at this moment, but he sensed the eyes of Master Xuanhuo and his father above the sky, so he didn't dare to move rashly and dodged his eyes.

"Not yet!"

At this time, True Monarch Li Huo suddenly shouted.

Seeing this, Mr. Wu Qiao could only curl her lips, and reluctantly walked towards the two of them.

"Elder Xuanhuo, father!"

She saluted slightly.

"Hmph! Didn't you already know that?" True Monarch Lihuo scolded, what he said was naturally referring to the Fire God Temple.

"What did you know? My daughter doesn't understand."

Mr. Wu Qiao deliberately pretended to be confused. The matter of the Fire God Temple is just a legend in the Burning Heaven Sect. No one knows whether it exists or not.

"You..." Lihuo Zhenjun was obviously a little angry.

However, True Monarch Xuanhuo said, "Okay! Let's go in and have a look first!"

While he was speaking, he did not forget to take a deep look at Wu Qiaojun, his eyes seemed to be quite meaningful.

Among the ten strong sects, only the two of them did not make a move.

Because their purpose is different from that of others, coupled with their intolerant characteristics, everyone is happy to lose a competitor, so naturally they don't care about them.


Boom! ! !

In the endless void of the inner world, the sound of muffled thunder rang loudly, and the sky trembled.

Fang Yi and Yan'er, one person, one beast, and the ten Asuras ignored the ten powerful sects around them.

There is no fear in the expression, just like a hell Shura.

But those strong men around were like hungry wolves, one by one, with cold eyes.

"Boy! Right now you have nowhere to go. If you don't want to get caught, hand over the Water Temple obediently, or I'll kill you all."

"The benefactor is so stubborn, it is better to take refuge in my Buddha as soon as possible."

There was a sound of reprimand.

The so-called top ten sects are no different from ordinary bandits.

The weak prey on the strong, this world is like this, Fang Yi has already seen through it, so naturally he will not have much reaction, and the chill in his eyes has become even worse.

"That's right! Just relying on you trash, I have no choice but to kill."

Fang Yi grinned, giving off an extremely evil feeling.

At the same time as the words fell, Wan Dao sword shadows fell from the sky, and the surrounding scene changed instantly, turning into a black earth, with endless flames transpiring, forming a sea of ​​seven colors.

This is……

The pupils of the crowd couldn't help shrinking, full of horror.

Everyone present was extremely strong, and no one knew better than them what the condensation of this sea of ​​flames meant.

This is the third form of the inner world, changing the rules of the inner world.

Moreover, the extremely hot temperature seemed to be real, so they were not surprised.

Prison Yan Luo's pupils shrank sharply, and his face was full of disbelief. If he was shocked by Fang Yi's strength before, now, there is no doubt that there is a storm in his heart.

Although the other party has not yet made a real move, but with this inner world alone...

"Boy! No wonder you dare to enter the inner world. You really are an evildoer, but if you are alone, no matter how evil you are, you will end up dead."

"kill him!"

Someone shouted loudly, and everyone immediately killed them.

The third form of the inner world is just a legend to many people.

How exactly, not many people have seen it.

What's more, at this moment, there are so many people on our side, how can we take this mere sea of ​​fire in our eyes.

However, the facts were obviously not as simple as they imagined. As soon as they stepped into the sea of ​​flames, they not only sensed the incomparably hot breath, but also noticed that there were countless huge flame beasts hidden in all directions.

Those flames seemed to be no longer flames, but giant flame beasts.

The surrounding companions also disappeared.

"It's just an illusion, break it for me!" Everyone shot one after another, intending to defeat the fantasy sword formation.

But it's a pity, not to mention that Fang Yi's inner world has been reorganized, even the Golden Spirit Sword cannot break it. Even if there is no reorganization, it is not so easy to break it.

At least the ordinary five-fold combination is far from enough.

If they cannot break through, they are destined to be trapped in it and die here.

The four sword formations merged into one, unstoppable.

A shrill scream came immediately, and in the eyes of Yan Luo, the jailer, and all outsiders, these strong men began to kill each other.

The Illusory Sky Sword Formation was born for group battles, and if it cannot be broken, it will be lost in it forever.

until death.

(End of this chapter)

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