Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2084 Black Wind Group

Chapter 2084 Black Wind Group

"Have you heard, one month later Tiankuixing..."

"Oh! If you want to tell me, it has already been spread, tsk tsk, I never expected that the always domineering Nine Provinces Sect Master would admit cowardice this time."

"You can't say that. He is facing the top ten sects. This is a wise move."

"that is……"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple! He really wants to hand over the Water God Temple, so why do he have to do so many tricks, just hand it over, but I heard that he controls the Dao Tianbei and has extraordinary strength in Tiankui Star. "

"That's right!! I've heard that too, but I guess it's not that simple."

"Never mind him, just go and find out what's going on. This time, not only the top ten sects, but also countless powerful people have poured into the Chaotic Starfield, and they all came for the Water God Temple."


In the vast spiritual world, rumors about the Water God Temple spread almost overnight.

The chaotic star field has undoubtedly become the center of the storm.

The influx of countless strong people put the entire chaotic star field in an extremely tense atmosphere.

Of course, the influx of strong men didn't all come for the Water God Temple, more people just came to watch the fun and meet the big bosses in the spirit world.

As for the Water God Temple, even the suzerain of the Kyushu sect can't keep it, let alone them.

They still have this self-knowledge.

However, their arrival has brought great security risks to the chaotic star field, and all kinds of fights are endless.

The chaotic star field is also in unprecedented chaos.

Fortunately, these only happened among those warriors, and ordinary people were not affected, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

Fang Yi had already expected this.

But unfortunately, there was nothing he could do, the development of the matter had exceeded his expectations, and, right now, he didn't have time to care about it, and the time left for him was only one month.

The only thing he can do is break through to the quadruple body within this month.

Although even a breakthrough may not change anything.

However, he has no choice.

get away?

Someone else might do this, but he can escape, but the Kyushu Sect and Shura Palace cannot, so...


He took a deep breath, then slowly closed his eyes, and began to practice.

Time passed slowly like this.

From the outside world, more and more warriors are pouring into the chaotic star field.

"Brother, why haven't you arrived yet? Where is Kuixing today? Could it be that he got lost?"

In the vast void, a group of more than a dozen people galloped past.

The leader was a burly man with a deep breath, like a tyrannical beast, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Beside him, another relatively short man with shrewd eyes was asking.

Both of them looked around in bewilderment, as if lost.


The burly man couldn't help yelling and cursing, and spat in his mouth: "What the hell is Tiankuixing, it's just that there is no teleportation array, and it's so hard to find."

"Yeah! We've lost a lot of people along the way."

Someone agrees.

Tiankui star is located in the center of the chaotic star field, where space storms are raging, not to mention the teleportation array, even walking in the void is extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, you may be torn to pieces by the space storm.

During this time, countless powerhouses headed towards Tian Kui Xing.

And this group of people in front of them is just one of those teams.

"Brother! There shouldn't be any danger! I heard that there are many star robbers around here, because there are too many warriors here, and many people took advantage of the fire to rob."

"Yes! I also heard that there is some kind of black wind group here, which took back all the nearby star robbers. During this time, many warriors died under their hands."


A group of people chattered in a hurry, feeling a little worried.

Before changing, they were not afraid, but along the way, they have lost many people.

If you encounter Star Thief again, then...

"Shut the fuck up and make a fuss, just some star robbers, nothing to worry about."

The burly man scolded angrily, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"What kind of bullshit black wind group, it doesn't matter if they don't come, if they dare to come, I will suppress them on the spot." He was furious like thunder, with a bit of momentum.

However, the next moment, a more majestic voice sounded.

"That's right! I want to see how you suppress us on the spot."

A sound like thunder came rolling in, causing the world to rumble and the eardrums to go numb.

Accompanied by this sound, one after another majestic figures galloped towards them. They were all dressed in black robes and integrated with the void, like ghosts in the dark night, carrying a strong smell of blood, as if they had just experienced a massacre. Even the black robe was stained with blood.

Gives a very scary feeling.

Especially the person in the lead, standing there, is like a god of death, with a fierce aura.

He is tall and burly, like an iron tower, and he is a circle bigger than the burly man.

He suddenly was——Zhan Kuang.

"You... who are you? What do you want to do?"

The burly man was obviously oppressed by the aura of the war madman, and there were countless men in black robes, each of them looked like Shura who had stepped out of hell.

It made everyone tremble with fear and sweat on their palms.

"Who? Didn't you just say you were going to suppress us on the spot! Why, you forgot so quickly?"

Zhan Kuang's eyes stared like copper bells, and the burly man backed away in fright, even his legs trembled slightly.

Not to mention the others, all of them were extremely pale and dripping with cold sweat.


The burly man was so frightened that he couldn't even speak fluently, and stuttered.

Seeing this, Zhan Kuang couldn't help snorting coldly, "Trash, if you dare to come to Tiankuixing, you're just asking for your own death."

"Kill! No one left."

His eyes lit up, and countless runes gushed out, instantly turning into a rune sword, which was suddenly one of the four great sword formations, the Heaven-Slaying Sword Formation, but compared to the original, it was already countless times stronger.

That resplendent rune sword was like a divine ax that opened up the world, cutting down everything.

"Do not……"

The burly man's expression changed drastically, his eyes were full of fear and despair.

Because under this sword, the powerful energy has already fixed him, making him unable to move.

boom! !

Without any surprise, the radiant rune sword fell, and the majestic body of the burly man exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood mist, leaving no bones left.

kill kill kill! !

Before the others could react, the black-robed man had already rushed into the crowd like a killing god.


Immediately, there were shrill howls, and a strong man fell, spraying blood mist, and the scene seemed to turn into a Shura hell.

In just a moment, the entire group was completely wiped out by Tu Liao.

"What a waste!"

Zhan Kuang couldn't help cursing, and then said: "Clear the battlefield, the next target..."

(End of this chapter)

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