Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2099 Unexpectedly

Chapter 2099 Unexpectedly

"I have seen the Lord Holy One!"

Bai Yingying didn't seem surprised, she bowed to the Heavenly Demon Lord, her eyes flickered slightly.

The Heavenly Demon Lord glanced at her lightly, quite playfully.

"Do you know why the deity chose you?"

"Subordinates don't know!"

Bai Yingying replied honestly, and a hint of doubt flashed in her eyes.

In fact, until now, she is still a little baffled. Just a few days ago, the Heavenly Demon Lord suddenly appeared in front of her and asked her to replace the Wanmo Young Master.

She thought she had heard it wrong, but she didn't agree until she confirmed it was correct.

Young Master Wanmo is wholeheartedly against the Kyushu Sect, if he can replace him, Bai Yingying will naturally be happy to see him.

However, why the Heavenly Demon Lord made such a decision really baffled her.

"It's very simple! Because you are holding the Demon Palace."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Yingying's complexion changed drastically, she became extremely pale.

"There's no need to panic!"

Seeing this, the Heavenly Demon Lord comforted her, and his complexion was quite gentle, which made Bai Yingying even more puzzled, but she soon calmed down.

Now that the other party has already learned about the Cumo Palace, with the other party's strength, if she really wanted to make a move, she would not have the slightest chance at all.

That being the case, why panic.

"Not bad!"

The Heavenly Demon Lord was quite surprised by her calmness, and nodded lightly.

"Do you know, why did the deity know that you own the Demon Palace?"

he asked immediately.

Seeing that Bai Yingying kept her mouth shut, she smiled again, and said to herself, "You often walk by the river without getting your shoes wet. Although you have been extremely careful, you have planted quite a few magic seals."

"As long as the deity uses a little tricks, he will naturally learn from them."

Bai Yingying didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

But a heart is like falling into an abyss.

Naturally, she would not fail to understand this truth, but, for the sake of the Kyushu Sect, she had to take risks.

Moreover, outsiders did not know about the capture of the Demon Palace.

People in the demon clan thought that Jumo Palace was in the hands of Master Wanmo, so how could she have thought that someone was going to check the Jumo Seal, and this person was the Heavenly Demon Sacred Venerable.

She would never have thought that after the Heavenly Demon Lord learned everything from Fang Yi.

He didn't take any action immediately, and was investigating the magic seal, wanting to see how many were controlled.

Unexpectedly, this investigation turned up Bai Yingying.

"What's your relationship with that kid?"

Taking another look at Bai Yingying, the Heavenly Demon Lord asked again.

These words obviously made Bai Yingying startled, and she immediately settled down, saying: "This subordinate doesn't understand what Master Shengzun is going to say."


"Then let me explain clearly, what is the relationship between you and the suzerain of the Kyushu Sect, Fang Yi."

Heavenly Demon Lord looked deeply at Bai Yingying, with an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth.

But that smile, in Bai Yingying's eyes, was undoubtedly like a devil's smile, which made her tremble slightly, and her back was soaked.

"Don't be so nervous."

The Heavenly Demon Lord smiled indifferently, looked away, and began to look around.

He also said in his mouth: "In the first battle on Shimo Star, Master Wanmo's Palace of Obtaining Demons was taken away, but now it is in your hands. It is not difficult to guess your relationship."

He smiled playfully, making people unpredictable.

"What exactly does the Lord want to say?"

Bai Yingying seemed to be willing to go all out at this moment, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

Things have come to this, the worst is to die, quite a fearless temperament.

However, what she didn't expect was that the Heavenly Demon Lord had no intention of attacking her, but instead said: "Naturally, it is about you replacing Master Wanmo."

"Starting today, you will gradually replace him."

"This is a mental method. With your Demon-Jugong Palace, you can plunder the Demon-Juyin Seal planted by Master Wanmo."

"This is the list. All the people on it have been planted with the magic seal by Master Wanmo. Let's start with these people."


Bai Yingying was obviously at a loss and at a loss.

She was still interrogating at the last moment, but why did it suddenly become like this? All of this was obviously unexpected for her.

"What? There is a problem!"

The Heavenly Demon Lord asked.


Bai Yingying shook her head dully, and took over the method and the list, as if in a dream.

"Why?" Finally, she couldn't help but ask.

"Want to know? Work hard, and you will know in a short time." The Heavenly Demon Lord smiled lightly, and then his figure slowly faded away until he disappeared.

In the original place, only Bai Yingying was left, as if she had been picked up from the water.

Looking at the method and the list in her hand, her eyes could not help becoming more and more fierce.


"Boy! You are finally willing to show up."

In the vast void, a voice like thunder fell.

Immediately, a majestic figure condensed out of thin air, and with his strike, the surrounding void was shattered, as if it was about to collapse completely.

And that figure was suddenly the Daoist of Disillusionment.

"You haven't left all this time!"

Fang Yi's expression was indifferent, and he looked coldly at Daoist Shattering, not too surprised.

In the last battle, the Heavenly Slaughter Star had been destroyed badly, and the teleportation array had already collapsed, making it impossible to teleport any more.

And this shattered Daoist was actually waiting around, waiting for Fang Yi to show up all the time.

"Boy, it's best for you to understand. If you are sensible, hand over the Water God Temple as soon as possible, and this seat can still give you a way to survive, otherwise..."

As he spoke, his eyes suddenly turned horizontal, revealing his killing intent.

"Oh! Water Temple!"

Fang Yi couldn't help but chuckled, and said sarcastically, "Did you forget the January appointment?"

"What a shitty one-month appointment, boy, everyone understands people, don't pretend to be confused in front of me, there are two ways, you choose one, you should hand over the Water God Palace obediently, or let me kill you, and then you will be killed by yourself. Pick."

Daoist Daoist Shattered said with a fierce light in his eyes.

The whole face also became a little hideous.

"I choose the third option, kill you, and walk on your corpse."

The faint voice was not loud, but it seemed to make the whole world quiet down, and the atmosphere became extremely strange.

"How brave!"

"Dare to be so presumptuous in front of this seat, your No.1, now, this seat will not give you another chance, die!"

As soon as the word "death" came out, the aura of Daoist Daoist Shattered burst forth, like an erupting volcano, soaring straight to the sky.

The world was shaken and trembling.

He stepped out, and the void disappeared, and the terrifying power swept out like a flood in an instant, as if it was going to completely engulf this world, and it was extremely shocking.

Boom! !

The void trembled endlessly, shaking the sky and shaking the earth.

However, Fang Yi stands between heaven and earth, like an unshakable mountain.

Still attacked by the roaring power, but his expression did not change.

"Good come!"

The next moment, he only heard a soft drink, and also stepped forward.

Immediately, the dragon's chant shook, and thousands of dragon shadows seemed to descend from the nine heavens, lingering around the world, guarding one side.

(End of this chapter)

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