Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2102

Chapter 2102

The terrifying energy turned into a huge hand, crushing it like a mountain.

The surrounding void instantly collapsed.

The power of this palm almost shattered the space. Under the wind of the palm, everything was crushed into dust, and it was unparalleled. If it was replaced by other warriors, with a combined body below the sixth level, I am afraid that they would not be able to escape death.

Daoist Shattered also seemed extremely confident in this blow to himself, with a ferocious smile on his lips, like a demon from hell.

In his eyes, Fang Yi is undoubtedly a dead man.

Thinking of getting the Water God Temple soon, his ferocious smile became more intense.

However, just when that palm was about to fall.

Under the palm wind, Fang Yi's figure slowly faded away, different from normal fading, as if completely melting into the world, like water ripples, slightly rippling, and finally disappeared.



Daoist Shattered was visibly startled, and his pupils shrank violently.

Based on his knowledge, all kinds of evasion techniques can't be hidden from his eyes and ears, and all evasion techniques need a medium.

This is true of wind and thunder escape, and the same is true of water escape.

As long as a medium is needed, energy fluctuations are unavoidable, although some extremely powerful people can suppress such fluctuations to the point where outsiders cannot detect them.

However, he is a majestic six-fold body, and Fang Yi is only a four-fold body.

No matter how tyrannical it is, it is impossible to hide it from his eyes and ears.

But what about the fact?

"No! It's not an escape technique!"

He quickly denied the possibility of escapism, and his eyes became extremely cautious, because he couldn't detect where the other party was.

As if the other party just like this, really completely disappeared.

That palm immediately fell through, shaking the surrounding world into turmoil, as if the end was approaching.

"You bastard, do you think you can hide! Get out of here."

Daoist Daoist Shattered shouted, even though he said that, his expression became a little ugly, the other party's movements were so weird, he thought he was sure of him at first, but now it seems...

This battle is undoubtedly more difficult than imagined.

Of course, that's all.

After all, this is the inner world, and the other party has nothing to hide from. He can hide for a while, but he cannot hide for a lifetime. ,

So, he wasn't too worried, just a little aggrieved.

Shuo Shuo! ! !

However, it was Wan Dao Jianying who responded to him.

In the endless void, countless sword shadows gathered out of thin air, falling from the nine heavens, completely turning the surrounding into a sea of ​​swords.

The surrounding scenery also changed accordingly, as if he had come to an endless wilderness.

Huge monsters rose from the ground, suddenly they were ancient mythical beasts, crushing towards Daoist Destroyer, roaring loudly.


Daoist Daoist Disillusioned was shocked at first, but then, there was a strong irony, "It's just an illusion, and you dare to show off in front of me, it's simply beyond your control."

He snorted coldly and slapped his giant palm away.

Obviously, he wanted to completely shatter this illusion. With his palm strength, let alone an illusion, even the sky and the earth could be shattered.

and so……

However, a scene that he didn't expect happened. When the palm fell, the surrounding space trembled, but it didn't collapse.

Instead, it rippled slightly like ripples.

Finally, it slowly calmed down and returned to its original appearance.

"how can that be?"

Daoist Daoist's pupils suddenly dilated, filled with inconceivability, "Why is your inner world so weird? Wait, illusion?? The third form of the inner world?"

At this moment, Daoist Shattered seems to have just come back to his senses.

He hadn't realized it before.


Suddenly, his face became more and more ugly.

"What? Are you scared? Unfortunately, it's too late, hahaha!!!"

A faint voice echoed around, followed by unbridled laughter, just like when he just entered the inner world, he retreated.

The difference is that it has been reversed.

The one laughing wildly is Fang Yi, and the one with a gloomy face is Daoist Destroyer.

"You bastard, don't be ashamed to speak out. I admit that I have underestimated you, but so what? Do you dare to come out and fight with me?" Daoist Daoist Broke roared, his eyes tearing open.

The monstrous rage erupted out completely, without any reservation.

"What! Can't wait to die! If so, I will grant you, go!"

As soon as the word "go" was uttered, the huge monster roared away, carrying endless tyranny, like a real ancient beast.

"Bastard! I want to deal with this seat just based on these illusions. It's whimsical."

Daoist Shattered instantly entered it.

The power of the illusion comes from the master of the illusion, and it can be said to be more effective against warriors who are weaker than the master of the illusion.

However, dealing with warriors who are stronger than the master of the illusion is more of a confusing effect. It is obviously not that simple to kill. If there is a third party, they can kill each other.

But right now there are only two people, obviously impossible.

Fortunately, Fang Yi was not limited to these methods, otherwise, he might not be able to win the opponent.

As for now...

"Is it whimsical, you will know in a while, take the sword!"

Voice again.

At the same time, a sharp sharp sword suddenly pierced out of the void, piercing through everything.

The unparalleled breath makes people feel that the god of death is approaching, as if even the soul is trembling.

This sword came extremely fast, as fast as thunder, and without a sound, it came through the void, if it was someone else, even if it didn't kill him with one blow, he might easily dodge it.

However, after all, Daoist Shattering is not comparable to ordinary people.

Almost at the same time that the sword was thrust out, he was the first to react.

He couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Hmph! You're not afraid to flash your tongue if you have a small skill, and break it for me."

He shouted angrily, and at the same time as he spoke, he also slashed out with a sword.

Pointing directly at the back of the Void Sword.

However, just as his sword was about to fall, the long sword that pierced from the void sank into the void again and disappeared.

Like a dragon seeing its head but not its tail, it suddenly appears.


Daoist Shattered was obviously taken aback.

But before he could react, another long sword pierced out of the void behind him, pointing directly at his vest.

not good!

He turned around in an instant and greeted him again.

After doing this several times, his whole body was terrified, like a frightened bird, physically and mentally exhausted.

What's worse, from the beginning to the end, he didn't sense Fang Yi's existence.

At this moment, his face had turned pale, and the depths of his eyes were full of fear. It seemed that he was really scared.

"You bastard, you're just a coward. You only hide in the dark and attack. How dare you come out and fight me openly?" Daoist Daoist Shattered roared. He was really scared and tried to provoke him.

But unfortunately...

"Upright and aboveboard? You have the face to tell me that you are upright and aboveboard?"


The sarcastic laughter reverberated across the world, making Daoist Shattered feel a chill down his spine.

"You bastard! If that's the case, I won't play with you anymore."

As he said that, Daoist Daoist Shattered once again slashed his sword, trying to escape from the inner world.

(End of this chapter)

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