Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2104 Abacus

Chapter 2104 Abacus

"My lord, it should be around here."

In the vast void, a huge uninhabited star, where the Black Wind Group and the Eternal Imperial Court had fought before, two figures stood majestically.

It was Tie Feiying who spoke.

And the other one, of course, is the Myriad Devil Young Master.

"Looking at the fluctuation of breath here, it should be the scene of the battle. Both sides have already left, I'm afraid..."

Tie Feiying continued, with suspicion in his eyes and cautiousness.

Young Master Wan Mo also frowned slightly.

"What do you think of those rumors?" After a while, he asked.


Tie Feiying was a little unsure, looked suspiciously at Mr. Wan Mo, and then asked cautiously: "What Mr. said, could it be that the Nine Sons of the Heavenly Dao appeared in the Black Wind Group?"

"Not bad!"

Young Master Wanmo glanced at him lightly, his expression was somewhat intriguing.

Seeing this, the latter quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at him, appearing extremely fearful.

After pondering for a moment, Wei Wei said: "Master Hui, from the point of view of my subordinates, it's mostly rumors."

"The Nine Sons of the Heavenly Dao have always been extremely mysterious, so how could they appear so easily, let alone a group of thieves, only shocking figures like Young Master can be selected, and the others..."

Tie Feiying originally wanted to say a few compliments.

But halfway through the conversation, he sensed the sharp gaze of Young Master Wanmo, and his face turned pale with fright.

"Your subordinates have made a slip of the tongue, I hope the young master will calm down."


Young Master Wan Mo couldn't help snorting coldly, and immediately said: "Remember this Young Master, forget everything you have seen, know the consequences."

"Yes Yes!!"

Tie Feiying nodded as if he was about to receive an amnesty.

"Okay! Let's take a look around! Regardless of whether the rumor is true or not, this black wind group, if I remember correctly, should have a great relationship with that kid."

Young Master Wan Mo said, with a cold light in his eyes.

"This? If that's the case, why didn't you come with the demon army?"

Tie Feiying looked puzzled.

In fact, he had wanted to ask this question a long time ago. This time, he was not only facing that kid. With all the top ten sects present, he would definitely not get anything by relying on himself.

Even if Young Master Wan Mo is one of the nine sons of heaven, there will still be no change.

Moreover, with such an identity, the other party will definitely not reveal it.

"Army of demons?"

Young Master Wanmo couldn't help but chuckled, "Who do you think are fighting for the Water God Temple this time? Is it useful if there are many people?"

He asked rhetorically.

Tie Feiying couldn't help being startled, not knowing how to answer.


With the top ten sects gathering together, no matter how many ordinary warriors there are, it may not be enough.

"Then what should we do?" He couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry! Isn't there still the blood demon ancestor!"

The corners of Master Wanmo raised his mouth slightly.

Hearing this, Tie Feiying's eyes lit up, and he asked with some doubts: "My lord, will the blood demon patriarch really help us?"


Young Master Wan Mo looked confident.

"Now that his time is approaching, no one can help him except this young master. Only this young master can guide him to where he should go."

Young Master Wan Mo had a smug expression on his face.

After a slight pause, he asked again: "I asked you to bring the news to the blood demon patriarch, have you sent it?"

"Young master, don't worry, the message has already been sent, I believe the blood demon ancestor has received it."

"It's just that, in the vast spiritual world, is there really an unknown space where the god-turning powerhouses live?"

Tie Feiying was full of doubts.

The so-called message to the blood demon ancestor is actually to tell the blood demon ancestor that there is such a space.

Of course, he didn't know whether it was true or not, and at the same time he was extremely curious.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

"Want to know? When you reach the seventh level of combined body, this young master will naturally fulfill you."

Master Wanmo glanced at Tie Feiying slightly.

Seeing this, the latter quickly said yes.

"Young master, the ancestor of the blood demon is no small matter. After living for endless years, I am afraid it will not be so easy to submit. You need to be more careful." At the end, he did not forget to remind him.

"No, he will submit!"

Master Wan Mo was full of confidence, and continued: "The longer a person lives, the more afraid of death he is."

"Besides, he can't stay in the spirit world for long. For the future of the blood demons, he will definitely help me, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, Master Wanmo didn't say any more.

But the meaning is already obvious.

Without the blessing of the blood demon patriarch, the blood demon clan would have plummeted, and it would not be up to him at that time.

The best way is undoubtedly to seek refuge early on.

Tie Feiying's eyes could not help but brighten, but deeper down, there was a gloomy look. Maybe he didn't want the demons to fall into the hands of the Nine Sons of Heaven, but it's a pity...

"Okay! Tell me to go down and see if there is any trace of the black wind group, and find out the whereabouts of the Nine Sons of Heavenly Dao. Maybe it can be used by me."


Tie Feiying took the order and retreated quickly.


At the same time, Dragon Subduing Arhat and Subduing Tiger Arhat lived like years, looking at the void with incomparable urgency.

"Why so long? It shouldn't be? Can that kid resist for so long?"

"Yeah! It stands to reason that it should have ended long ago."

The two looked puzzled.

One combined six-fold, one combined four-fold, normally, it wouldn't take long to solve it, but now it's better, it's been more than half a day.

"Look! There is movement."


At this time, a ripple rippled slightly in the space in front of him.

The two of them held their breath, not even daring to breathe out, for fear of being discovered by Daoist Shattering and being silenced.

However, the next moment, their eyeballs seemed to fall out, because the figure stepping out of the ripples was not what they expected.

" is it possible, how could it be him? Where is Daoist Destroyer? Dead??"

The horrified mouths of the two couldn't close together, one by one, as if they had seen a ghost.

No wonder, no matter how high they looked at Fang Yi, they never thought that Fang Yi would be able to walk out of the inner world.

And looking at this calm and calm look, the Daoist of Disillusionment has obviously...

Just, how is this possible?

The opponent is only at the fourth level of the combined body, and Daoist Destroyer is famous even in the sixth level of the combined body.

At this moment, the two arhats seemed to be petrified, and their faces were full of shock.

It wasn't until Fang Yi's gaze came that the two of them woke up like a dream.


The two of them escaped into the inner world space in an instant without any hesitation.

Just kidding, the other party can kill even the master of Dao Destruction, let alone them, so...

"Running really fast!"

Fang Yi couldn't help but smiled in amazement, he really didn't expect that the two big arhats were so cowardly, they ran away without even meeting each other.

Either way!

Now that he had escaped, there was no point in staying where he was, and he disappeared from sight as soon as he moved.

(End of this chapter)

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