Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2110 January Period

Chapter 2110

The figure with white hair and blue robe is extremely majestic, like a great emperor walking in the void.

It was Fang Yi!

"It's you!"

Seeing the person who came, everyone in the hall couldn't help but change their expressions, their eyes were filled with fear, as if they were facing an enemy.

Zong Ling and others also jumped up from their seats.

In the huge hall, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely strange, and time seemed to slow down a lot. Only that white-haired figure seemed to wander out of time, strolling in.

"You... what are you doing here?"

At this time, there was a shout, and the crowd woke up like a dream.

It's just that they seem to have forgotten that they were still blaming Fang Yi for not showing up just now.

Now that Fang Yi appeared, they asked Fang Yi what he wanted to do.

It's no wonder they repeated so much. It's really during this period of time that there are too many rumors about Fang Yi, from Corpse Yin Sect to Wanhou Mansion, from Demon Race to Water God Palace.

Recently, it was even rumored that all the masters of Dao Destruction died at the hands of Fang Yi.

All of this had already established Fang Yi's strength in their hearts. Seeing it now, they immediately panicked.

Filled with fear!

Even Zong Ling, Huang Tiangang and others were not much better.

Especially feeling the unfathomable aura on Fang Yi's body, each one's expression became extremely dignified.

"I came here for no other purpose."

Facing the gazes of everyone, Fang Yi looked indifferent, with a hint of helplessness between his brows. After all, 36 pulses are the descendants of Chaos Emperor and 36 Heavenly Generals, so naturally he would not be hostile to these people.

Didn't even want to implicate these people, but that's the end of the matter...

"I just want to tell you that this matter has nothing to do with you."

After a slight pause, he continued.

"I originally didn't want to implicate Tiankuixing, but now it's impossible, and unnecessary damage is inevitable. You should leave as soon as possible! I will try my best to guarantee Tiankuixing, but..."

Having said that, he didn't say any more.

Because in front of the top ten sects, no one can keep Tian Kui Xing from being destroyed.

There was a brief silence in the hall.

The atmosphere was solemn, and no one seemed to have expected that Fang Yi would say something to make everyone leave.

"Hmph! Tiankui Star does not belong to you, but belongs to 36 meridians. Even if I want to protect it, it is my 36 meridian's responsibility."

At this time, a cold snort broke the silence.

It was Huang Tiangang who spoke, his eyes were filled with disdain, and he was so strong.

"That's right!" Wang Xuantong also echoed.

"Tiankui Xing is a Tiankui Xing with 36 meridians. We can't control the affairs between you and the top ten sects, but if anyone dares to destroy Tiankui Xing, I am not a vegetarian with 36 meridians."

The two powerhouses expressed their opinions one after another, and the crowd also echoed.

For them, the meaning of Tiankuixing is extraordinary, not to mention Zong Ling.

On the contrary, Dugu Shisan laughed out loud.

"Interesting! If the 36 meridians are really extinct, you will be credited for it."

As soon as these words came out, the crowd could not help but think of the prophecy.

Fang Yi was indifferent, scanning the crowd indifferently. In fact, he was not worried about the prophecy in his heart, but he knew that what he said would be in vain, and 36 pulses had their own choices, and they would not be swayed by him at all.

Moreover, regarding that prophecy, he still felt that it was not that simple.

According to Huanglong Yaodi, Emperor Chaos asked himself to kill 36 veins, why would there be such an explanation?

All this, obviously more than that.

Fang Yi didn't say anything more, because there was no need for that, he just glanced at everyone, then disappeared into the void.

Only four weeks left, faint golden runes.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived at the golden rune space.

The Great Dao Tianbei stands in the center of the space, exuding an aura of repression, and countless regular thin lines spread out from it, outlining this world.

"What the hell are you?"

Looking at this square monument, he muttered in his mouth and reached out with his giant palm.

From the palm of his hand, the phantom of an identical sky tablet condensed.

"go with!"

Then he pushed lightly, and the two heavenly monuments instantly merged into one, and the entire golden space was suddenly filled with golden light.

Afterwards, he slowly closed his eyes, facing the Great Daotian Monument.


time flies!

A few more days passed in the blink of an eye, and the January deadline arrived as promised.

Neither the terrifying space storm nor the star robber can stop the greedy or curious hearts of countless warriors.

Outside the storm barrier, a large number of strong men poured in, and the void around Tiankui Star was already densely packed, with a sea of ​​people, and all of them were strong.

Those with poor strength can't get here.

"Why haven't you come yet? The suzerain of the Kyushu sect won't run away?"

"Oh! Escape? You are such an easy fool when you are one of the top ten sects! Without absolute certainty, how could they agree to this month's agreement."

"Exactly! And if you can escape, monks can't escape from temples, Kyushu Sect, Asura Hall, Red Demon Star..."

"Yes! I heard that they have all come. Look! It's over there!"

The crowd was noisy, the hustle and bustle shook the sky, and all kinds of discussions came, and everyone seemed impatient.

Qingyi and the others looked gloomy.

It's also sad, seeing so many strong people, how can they still be happy, although they have expected it, but the situation in front of them is undoubtedly far beyond their expectations.

Moreover, the top ten sects have not yet arrived, and the powerhouses of these other sects alone are already invincible.

Of course, these human figures are in the same mess, so it's not difficult to deal with them.

Afraid of those super strong.

In fact, most of them came here for the purpose of gaining insights. As for the Temple of Water, even if they had really thought about it before, seeing the situation now, they had already lost that thought.

After all, no matter how good the treasure is, it must be enjoyed with one's life.

"Great elder, the suzerain hasn't shown up for a while, where did he go?"

"No matter where you go! With the character of the suzerain, you will definitely not miss the appointment."

Hearing the question from the people around him, Qing Yi replied affirmatively.

This is also a question asked by many Kyushu sect disciples. Fang Yi hasn't shown up for a long time. In the eyes of outsiders, he probably fled, but Qingyi and the others naturally don't think so.

They believed even more that the sect did not want to implicate them.

"Where are the two guardians? Is it properly arranged?"

Immediately, he asked again.

"Back to the Great Elder, everything is ready. The two major protectors have dispersed the remaining disciples into the crowd so as not to attract attention. Many people from the Qianji Sect also came."


Qing Yi was slightly surprised, and then nodded.

But right now he was facing ten sects, and the addition of Qianji Sect did not make him happy.

"By the way, is there any news about the Divine Concubine?"

"Going back to the Great Elder, not yet. We have been unable to contact her since the concubine Shen concubine retreated, but I believe she should know all this, and the concubine Xuan, I heard that she has left the seclusion and is coming."


(End of this chapter)

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