Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2118 Immortal Jade Formation

Chapter 2118 Immortal Jade Formation

Although these countless sword shadows are similar to the four great sword formations, they are completely different, as if they are more mysterious and more brilliant.

as predicted!

Buzz! !

The next moment, the countless sword shadows trembled in unison, gathered together in an instant, and turned into an array that could not be brightened.

The pattern runes were completely transformed by sword shadows, like living things, they were quickly arranged, mysterious and mysterious, and finally, on the pattern, four huge phantoms of divine swords slowly condensed.

That incomparable aura moved the heavens and the earth.

The surrounding void collapsed piece by piece.

Thousands of swords blared! !

This is?

The crowd was all stunned, looking at this scene in horror, looking at the bright array, they only felt chills down their backs and dripping with cold sweat.

Even those strong men don't have to turn pale.


Four huge divine sword phantoms, one of which suddenly shone brightly, as if it was about to solidify, and the word 'juexian' was already clearly visible on the sword body.

With an unrivaled aura, he directly slashed at the dead wood monk.


The dead wood monk was furious, his eyes widened, like an angry King Kong.

However, he had already shot at Hua Lian'er a moment ago, and now it was too late to take the blow.

And all of this seems to be slow, but in fact it all happened between lightning and flint, and almost at the same time as he made a move, Hua Lian'er had already made a move.

And at the same time he hit back at Hua Lian'er, the phantom of the huge divine sword also fell at the same time.

If it were an ordinary person, not to mention being killed on the spot, they would have to sit and wait for death.

But the six-layered body is always the sixth-layered body, and the dead wood monk is known as one of the three great monks, how can ordinary people be able to compare.

Seeing that the phantom of the huge Excalibur is about to fall.

Suddenly, the dead wood monk was covered with golden light, and a huge golden Buddha phantom gathered behind him, directly facing the phantom of the divine sword.

Boom! !

The next moment, the sky trembled and the earth trembled.

That gigantic divine sword phantom seemed to be invincible, cutting everything and pulverizing everything.

Even the golden Buddha trembled extremely, and finally cracked open with a "click".

At the same time, Hua Lian'er flew upside down, spouting a mouthful of blood, and the huge phantom of the divine sword seemed to have exhausted its energy and completely collapsed.

The originally bright formation also dimmed instantly, revealing a figure.

The figure was like lightning, instantly dragging Hua Lian'er.

Suddenly it was Feng Yiyi!

It's just that compared to before, her aura has become stronger and sharper, and her cultivation has reached the fourth level of integration.

"It really was you! Who asked you to save me!"

Hua Lian'er looked very unhappy, and glanced at Feng Yiyi.

Feng Yiyi also stared back, then ignored her and looked at the dead wood monk again.


At this time, the cracks in the huge golden Buddha expanded again, like a spider's web.

The dead wood monk seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, a mouthful of blood poured out of his mouth, and his face became extremely pale.

Obviously, this blow caused him serious injuries.

"No! You are only a four-fold body, it is impossible to break my golden body!!"

However, he didn't seem to care about his injury, instead he looked at Feng Yiyi with horror, his face full of disbelief.

In fact, it's not just him.

The faces of all the people present changed drastically, and they looked at each other in blank dismay, with disbelief written all over their faces.

The reason why the Great Buddha Temple is strong, and the reason why the three great monks are overbearing, is because of this golden body, few people in the same rank can break through it.

But now, a fit quadruple actually cut the golden body apart.

How could everyone believe this if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

"Hahaha!! Old bald donkey, it turns out that the six-fold combination is nothing more than that." A wild laugh suddenly came, and suddenly it was Xuanwu.

As soon as Feng Yiyi smashed the opponent's golden body, he was the most excited.

On the side of 36 veins, several powerful men couldn't help but glance at each other, and they all saw the deep shock and incredibleness in each other's eyes.

Others may not know Feng Yiyi well.

Because since Fang Yi came to the chaotic star field, she has been in retreat more often.

But they knew the 36 veins of the Kyushu sect like the palm of their hands, so they were naturally clear, but it was precisely because of this that they were so shocked.

Because Feng Yiyi's previous strength was not strong.

At least it is far less dazzling than Fengshenmeng who defeated Lord Wanmo and beheaded Zi Yihou.

But now, the other party actually broke the golden body of the dead wood monk, which is simply unbelievable.

The dead wood monk is not an ordinary six-layered body, far from being able to compare with the leader of Yinyue. If he can break his golden body and replace it with an ordinary six-layered body, even if he does not die, I am afraid it will not be much worse.

The two great monks, Kukui and Deadleaf, were also furious at this moment, as if they were about to make a move.

But at this moment, a long laugh suddenly came.

"Hahaha! What a Kyushu Sect, a successor of the Great Dream Immortal Venerable, who is in charge of the Great Dream Astrolabe, and a true heir of the Heavenly Sect, who is the master of the ancient formation, and who is in charge of the Zhuxian Formation."

"Interesting, really interesting."

The voice came from within the dragon chariot.

The wanton laughter made the crowd turn pale with shock.

Immortal Master Dameng is a true immortal, and she is a strong person in the fairy world. There are countless rumors about her in the spiritual world, and Nightmare Star has attracted many strong people.

Her successor?No wonder he was able to instantly kill the leader of Yinyue.

The ancient formation Tianzong is also famous, and no one has been able to break the nine-curve chain so far. The diagram of Zhu Xian is the first diagram of the ancient formation Tianzong.

It's not surprising that Feng Yiyi was able to break the golden body of the dead wood monk.

Of course, there were more reasons for surprise and Hua Lian'er's interference. The Jade Immortal Formation is powerful, but Feng Yiyi has only comprehended a little, and is far from being able to compete with the dead wood monk.

"Then...that is really the most powerful formation in the spirit world? The Immortal Execution Formation? It is said that a fairy was really killed."

"This Kyushu sect is too monstrous!"

When the crowd heard this, their expressions changed dramatically, and their gazes on the two girls also became extremely hot.

Leaving aside the Temple of Water, just the Dream Astrolabe and the Jade Immortal Formation are worthwhile trips.

"Unfortunately, the Great Dream Astrolabe is condensed by itself and cannot be taken away."

Inside the dragon chariot, the voice came again, revealing a trace of regret, but then, the conversation suddenly changed, "However, the diagram of Zhuxian Formation..."

Having said that, a bright purple light shot out from the dragon chariot and directly attacked Feng Yiyi.

The purple light was extremely fast, as fast as thunder.

Accompanied by a huge coercion, the entire space was frozen in an instant, only the purple light was not affected, and everyone else seemed to be frozen.

Feng Yiyi is no exception.

With her quadruple combined cultivation, she has no strength to resist at all.

Seeing the purple light approaching in an instant, all members of the Kyushu sect turned pale with shock.

groan! !

But at this moment, a dragon chant suddenly came.

(End of this chapter)

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