Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2125 Heaven is ruthless

Chapter 2125 Heaven is ruthless

died? !

The three majestic monks joined forces to attack, and they ended up in such a bad situation.

At this moment, the crowd seemed to be in a dream.

One by one, the mouth is open enough to stuff eggs.

However, before they could react, the two bright sword shadows, one red and one purple, descended again, killing everything with a destructive aura.

ignore everything!

The two great monks were so frightened that they panicked and tried to dodge again and again.

With the overwhelming strength of the two of them, other people in the field can imagine how embarrassed they are.

In the breath, there are already dead and wounded.

What's even more unbelievable is that there are suddenly many Kyushu Sect, Shura Palace, and Red Demon Star disciples among them.

Feng Shenxiu and Fang Rulong ignored the enemy and themselves, turning into two killing machines.

"How could this be? Wind Guardian!"

"Master Whirlwind..."

The eyes of the Kyushu sect were full of horror, revealing deep fear.

Fang Yi's expression also changed drastically, followed by a thunderous voice, "Feng Shenxiu, Fang Rulong!!"

He tried to wake them up.

But it's a pity that the two of them seemed to be bewitched. To be more precise, the two of them seemed to have no soul body. They only knew how to kill without any emotion.

"Heaven is merciless!"

"It turns out that this is the real Son of Heaven."

The blood demon patriarch's eyes were deep, and some meaningful words came, and Fang Yi's heart sank when he heard the words.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but think of the Yin Guixing battle, Feng Yiyi and the other three relied on the power of heaven, and one of them tried to invade his sea of ​​consciousness and take over his soul.

At the last moment, he was expelled from the water temple.

Could it be that, to become a child of the Heavenly Dao, is to be controlled by the Heavenly Dao, and without self, become a killing machine of the Heavenly Dao?

Thinking of this possibility, Fang Yi couldn't help turning pale.

But in the arena, Feng Shenxiu and Fang Rulong were already like two killing gods, wantonly harvesting fresh lives.

However, most of them are affected.

Their purpose seems to be very clear, they are all super strong, and ordinary warriors basically ignore them, but the powerful shock wave still caused many casualties on the scene.

A group of people with six weights combined was beaten and dodged hastily.

How embarrassing!

"Kill them!! These two people can't stay, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

The Evergreen Emperor shouted anxiously, and at the same time he slapped out his giant palm, and a bright blue beam of light pierced through it in an instant.

The terrifying power shatters the space and is unparalleled.

kill kill! ! !

Taoist Xiaoyao and Zihuang also shot almost at the same time, as well as the group of six combined.

It seems that they can't wait to kill the two of them on the spot.

But Fang Yi, the target of public criticism, was thrown aside at this moment.

However, how could he watch Feng Shenxiu and Fang Rulong being besieged, although they are strong, but the three most powerful ones make a move, even if they have extraordinary abilities, they are probably not opponents.

Although he doesn't know much about the strength of the Son of Heaven.

But from the fight just now, he has already seen that the strength of the two is not without limit.

At most, it is comparable to Zihuang, even if it is stronger, it is still very small.

The power of heaven may be endless, but their physical bodies are not enough to withstand such a majestic energy.

Under the siege of the three most powerful men, I am afraid...

Therefore, Fang Yi hardly hesitated, and his figure shot out like lightning, and the monument of the Great Dao was crushed down like a towering mountain.


He shouted, and the terrifying power of the Daotianbei burst out wantonly in an instant.

The endless void is like a sudden space storm.

The members of the Kyushu Sect looked at each other in blank dismay before, but they came back to their senses in an instant and entered the battlefield as well.

They may not understand exactly what happened to Feng Shenxiu and Fang Rulong, but they are naturally very clear about how they are, so how could they give up on them at this time.

Even Fengshenmeng is the same.

Although she has no memories of the past, she still has a lot of memory pictures about Feng Shenxiu, after all, they came from the same Feng family.

The scene fell into chaos again.

"Bastard! Ignorant children, do you know what the Nine Sons of Heaven mean?"

"What nonsense are you talking to them? Just kill them together. It must be strange for a mere Kyushu sect to produce two Heavenly Dao Nine Sons at once."

"Yes! Everyone listens to the order and sieges the Kyushu sect with all their strength, leaving no one behind!!"

The top ten sects originally had some gaps, so they all had reservations, for fear that the Water God Temple would fall into the hands of others.

Otherwise, Kyushu Sect would have been defeated long ago.

But at this moment, with the appearance of the two Sons of Heaven, it actually made them unite and want to get rid of the Kyushu sect quickly.

Immediately, there were countless casualties at the scene, like Shura hell.


Hua Lian'er looked at this scene, trembling all over, her face was bloodless.

He wanted to rush into the battlefield, but he couldn't move at all.

The blood demon patriarch shook his head helplessly, with a complicated expression on his face. As the longest living person in the spirit world, he naturally knew more.

He knew that the person who controlled the Great Dao and Tianbei was the Son of Heaven.

He also knew that the Shimo Heavenly Book had re-identified its owner.

But what he couldn't believe was that the two would be the same person, why is this so?

Boom! !

The whole world exploded completely, Tiankuixing was on the verge of falling, and 36 Mai watched this scene in great horror.

However, in such a big battle, even if Tian Kui Xing collapsed, they would be powerless to recover with their strength.

They can only be a group of sad spectators.

Just looking at the fall of that famous Kyushu Sect disciple, they felt a kind of inexplicable sadness, which seemed to come from the soul, which was beyond words.

"What about the sons of heaven, you will surely die today!"

There are countless strong men from the top ten sects, and their arrogance soars to the sky.

Click! !

At this moment, nine days away, a huge thunder tore through the sky and came straight to Feng Yiyi.

Finally, it fell into Feng Yiyi's hands and turned into a bright silver long sword.

"True... the sword of the true spirit!"

"Another Son of Heaven? is it possible??"

The crowd was completely stunned.

Isn't it said that the Son of Heaven is extremely mysterious?It is also incredible why there are three in a row.

Not to mention the crowd, the Blood Demon Patriarch, the Eternal Evergreen Emperor and others were also dumbfounded. All of this undoubtedly far exceeded their expectations.

A mere Kyushu sect unexpectedly appeared one after another as the Son of Heaven, how could they stay?

Even the blood demon patriarch, at this moment, his eyes became extremely fierce.


This kind of Kyushu sect made him feel uneasy, if it wasn't for Shimo Tianshu, he might have already made a move.

"Fang Yi, Second Sister, hurry up! Leave us alone."

Feng Yiyi held the sword of the true spirit, his breath was rising steadily, his eyes were filled with determination, the situation in front of him couldn't be more obvious, instead of dying like this, it is better to respond to the sword of the true spirit and kill happily.

At the same time, create an opportunity for the two to escape.

"Let's go!" She shouted, and the arrogance shot up all over her body.

The expression of despair and unwillingness gradually turned ferocious and indifferent, and finally looked like a master who ignored the common people, without a trace of emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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