Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2127 Nine-Color Flames

Chapter 2127 Nine-Colored Sea of ​​Fire

"How did this happen? He...why didn't he lose himself?"

Eternal Evergreen Great Emperor and the others were filled with astonishment.

Compared to a Son of Heaven who has lost himself, has no feelings, and only knows how to kill, Fang Yi is undoubtedly more terrifying, because he is clearer and has a stronger killing intent in his heart.

Like a real god of killing, no one can stop him.

The great avenues and sky monuments crushed all directions, countless strong men were suppressed, Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas, gods blocked and killed gods.

During the breath, several of the combined six layers fell.

Coupled with the three sons of heaven, the whole scene seemed to be turned into a slaughterhouse.


Qingyi and the others are also full of fear at this moment.

Seemingly unsure of Fang Yi's state, his face was full of worry.

"Let's go! This gentleman will be fine, Fengshenmeng, and you, go immediately!"

Fang Yi shouted, his expression was almost distorted, as if he was enduring inhuman pain.

The fact is indeed true, in his sea of ​​consciousness, two domineering forces are colliding wantonly, and the power of heaven is swarming in, trying to completely erode his soul.

If it wasn't for the Water God Temple, he would have already fallen.

But the entanglement of the two forces almost broke his soul, and he was in pain.

Seeing this, the members of the Kyushu Sect felt unwilling, but the battle in front of them had nothing to do with them. With their strength, they were simply sending them to death.

But, how can they retreat.

The same is true for Fengshenmeng, with bright stars all over his body, stepping on the big dream astrolabe, like the supreme emperor who controls the entire star field.

But it's a pity that she not only has to face the top ten sect powerhouses, but also has to deal with the three sons of heaven from time to time.

With her contract level [-] cultivation base, I'm afraid Fang Yi may not be able to do it.

However, she still didn't back down, the determination in her eyes was the same as that of Fengshen Meng back then.

The place was chaotic.

Fang Yi had no time to care about other people, the golden light in his eyes was even worse, his facial features were distorted in pain, and the torment from his soul was also turned into endless anger by him, venting towards the top ten sects.

The whole person is like an ancient fierce beast that is completely crazy.


Even the three Xeons were repeatedly injured, especially the Zihuang, who was directly blown away, with blood flowing from his mouth.

The Evergreen Emperor and the Taoist Master Xiaoyao also looked pale.

And the surrounding crowd were already scared out of their wits. They had never seen such a domineering figure. This might can only be matched by the legendary God Transformation Realm.

The pupils of Master Wanmo are also full of fear and hatred.

Perhaps he never dreamed that Fang Yi would be the Son of Heaven, and how could he bear the fact that the other party kept dominating him.

As for the Burning Heaven Sect and all the powerhouses in the Eternal Imperial Court, their complexions were all extremely livid.

However, they never joined the battle. It may be due to various reasons at first, but at this moment, they are full of fear in their hearts.

"What are you waiting for! You haven't destroyed the Kyushu sect, you think you can be alone! Dreaming!"

Taoist Xiaoyao scolded angrily, looking extremely angry at the three major sects that hadn't made a move yet.

"Patriarch Gorefiend, why don't you make a move yet? How long will it take? This kid is the Holy Son of Heaven. If he doesn't die, you will bear the brunt of it."

The Evergreen Emperor did not forget to shout at this time.

The existence of Tiandao Sect is to exterminate the existence that can threaten the operation of the Dao of Heaven. The ancestor of the blood demon will break through the realm of transforming gods soon, so it can be said that he is doomed.


Feeling the cold light in her grandfather's eyes, Hua Lian'er couldn't help casting her begging eyes.

Tears are like rivers breaking their banks.

The last thing she wants to see is undoubtedly this scene, but now...


At this moment, Fang Yi raised his head to the sky and roared again, his expression was ferocious, and his pupils were blood red, which was extremely terrifying.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the vast power of heaven almost completely eroded his Fenglei Tianying.

Fenglei Tianying was originally condensed from the Fenglei Sword Art, which is a thing of the Heavenly Dao Sect, engraved with the mark of the Heavenly Dao, and the erosion of Fang Yi's soul was originally from the outside to the inside.

But being blocked by the Water God Temple, at this moment, the seal of the Heavenly Dao suddenly appeared, from the inside out.

Looks like it's about to fall.

The way of heaven is irreversible!

It has to be said that Fang Yi's thought was too simple, and he tried to intercept the power of heaven to strengthen his body, and his soul tried to exclude the power of heaven, so how could he succeed.

Seeing that Fenglei Tianying's fall was irreversible.

That clear spring, as if giving up, began to shrink and submerged into Fenglei Tianying.


Fang Yi was full of unwillingness.

But it's a pity that the Water God Temple is still invincible, so how can it be possible with his strength.

Do you really want to become a puppet of heaven?

He looked up to the sky and screamed, the sound of the dragon's chant resounded through the sky and the earth, full of compassion.

The next moment, the golden light in his pupils was shining, and it seemed that he had completely fallen, but when he looked closely, it seemed to be a little different. In the golden light, there was a faint clear spring in the deepest part of his pupils.

Also, a trace of steaming flames.

Suddenly, the temperature of the surrounding void rose sharply, and it was like a furnace in a moment.

How is this going?

The crowd looked at each other, looking at the void in puzzlement.

Until Fang Yi's body, nine-colored flames steamed up, incinerating the world, and incinerating himself and his soul.

"This is?"

Everyone's eyes were full of horror. Is this self-immolation?Suicide?

"Sect Master!" The members of the Nine Provinces Sect were even more shocked. However, with their strength, not to mention the powerhouses of the top ten sects, they couldn't get close to the scorching temperature alone, and could only watch helplessly.

As for Hua Lian'er, her whole body almost completely collapsed, her eyes were full of despair.

But he did not forget to roar: "Grandpa, Big Wood is not the Son of Heaven. If he were, he would not be like this. He clearly did not want to become a puppet of Heaven before he set himself on fire."

These words hit the heart of the blood demon patriarch like a blow of a heavy hammer, making him startled.

But at this moment, the nine-color sea of ​​flames had incinerated Fang Yi to pieces, and even if he had the power to reach the sky, he was powerless to recover.

At this moment, the crowd all stared blankly at the sea of ​​flames.

Even the three sons of the heavenly way became a little strange, and the golden eyes projected away, cold and majestic.

Contrary to what the crowd thought, Fen Tianzong and the others couldn't help but glance at each other, their eyes full of horror.

From the sea of ​​nine colors, they could clearly sense the aura of the Nine Flame Pagoda, in other words, it was the aura of the Fire God Temple.

Did Fang Yi really die like this?

Do not!

With the two temples of water and fire, they didn't believe that Fang Yi died like this.

And even if he died, why bother?It's better to simply become a puppet of Heavenly Dao and kill him happily.

At that time, there may be very few strong people present who will be able to escape.

They didn't believe that Fang Yi would have any compassion for these people.

But if this is not the case, how can the current situation be explained?Fang Yi's body was incinerated inch by inch in the nine-color sea of ​​flames, and he was desperate for the possibility of surviving.

Even if they fit into a seven-fold Xeon and become an immortal body, they still cannot escape death.

(End of this chapter)

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