Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2139 Origin

Chapter 2139 Origin


Although the war had passed for several days, the people from the three major sects did not leave.

However, they did not bother Fang Yi in a hurry, but chose to wait silently. After all, the Kyushu sect lost a lot in this battle, so they can naturally understand Fang Yi's mood.

Those who did not leave were also the Scarlet Demon Star Monster Clan and Shura Hall.

Speaking of Shura Hall.

In the past few days, the disciples of Shura Hall were impatient.

Because of the great battle three days ago, the top ten Shuras did not appear in the end, only the Heavenly Killer Shura and a group of Shura Palace disciples appeared.

But the top ten Shuras seem to have evaporated from the world.

The same did not appear, and Yan Luodian and so on.

Logically speaking, even if they had no intention of competing for such a big matter in the Water God Temple, they would definitely come and take a look.

But the fact...

Faintly, the disciples of Shura Hall had a premonition that something might happen.

Strictly speaking, from the moment the Emperor Huang Quan appeared, they felt something was wrong.

It's just that in this situation, they don't want to disturb Fang Yi, so they have to wait patiently. At the same time, God Kill Shura has led some people to leave first to find out the reason.


"I have seen the emperor!"

In the main hall, the 36 disciples headed by Gongsun Yu bowed respectfully to Fang Yi at this moment.

Can't see any difference from others.

However, there is still a faint golden light in their eyes, giving people a cold feeling.

Fang Yi was surprised, with a hint of puzzlement.

Gongsun Yu obviously saw Fang Yi's doubts, and said directly: "Go back to the emperor! In fact, we are still disciples of Tiandao Sect. The only difference is that when we accepted the inheritance in the space of the big formation, a trace of soul was sealed by the big formation."

"So, at this moment, I have a sliver of consciousness."

"However, you can't leave Tiankui Star. Once you leave, this little bit of consciousness will be completely lost."

Gongsun Yu's expression remained calm, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

Perhaps it was because she had accepted everything in these three days.

Or maybe he thought of other strong men with the same 36 veins. Compared with them, the 36 people of his own are undoubtedly lucky.

Fang Yi glanced at the 36 people faintly, not knowing what to say.

Among them, he is familiar with many, such as Wu Wei, Liu Jianqing and so on.

"What about before? When blocking the way of heaven, your voice..."

After thinking about it, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"That voice came from the ancestor, the Emperor of Chaos." Gongsun Yu replied.


Although Fang Yi had already guessed, he was still a little excited when he heard Gongsun Yu say it himself, and was about to ask something.

But Gongsun Yu had already spoken first.

"Not only the ancestors, but also part of the energy of the 36th Heavenly General has been sealed in the formation for today. However, after they sealed Tiankui Star, it completely dissipated."

There was a little sadness in the voice.

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help dimming. He originally wanted to ask the Emperor of Chaos face to face, but it turned out...

"I know the doubts in the emperor's heart, the ancestors have already told everything."

At this time, Gongsun Yu spoke again, and continued: "The reason why 36 Meridians became a disciple of Tiandao Sect is that 36 days will be exchanged for the bargaining chip of Daotianbei."

"One side of the avenue and the sky monument, exchange 36 veins and become slaves forever."

This! !

Fang Yi couldn't help being startled, first he was furious, but then his expression was full of sadness.

For the 36 generals, for the disciples of the 36 veins, and for Kyushu.

All really worth it?

Fang Yi didn't know.

However, he suddenly felt that the pressure on his body increased sharply, almost making him breathless. For Kyushu, 36 Tianjiang and 36 Mai gave everything.

How would I face these people if I couldn't gain anything from this monument?

Fang Yi didn't dare to think about it, he just felt physically and mentally exhausted.

The atmosphere in the hall also became a little weird, and everyone was silent, maybe they couldn't understand the decision of the 36th general at all.

Their understanding of Kyushu is only limited to the memory that 36 days will give them.

But that memory does not belong to them after all.

However, they still stood in front of Fang Yi in the end, which made Fang Yi feel extremely ashamed.

Fang Yi felt that he should say something, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say, as if saying anything was superfluous.

Suddenly, he remembered that prophecy again.

The day when the Emperor of Kyushu ruled the chaotic star field was the day when the 36 veins were extinct.

No, all 36 meridians have turned into puppets of heaven, what is the difference from extinction?

Even worse, even the soul cannot rest in peace.

Fang Yi felt extremely sad and sad.

In the past, he even threatened to see who would dare to exterminate the 36 veins, but now...he really can only watch, there is nothing he can do.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the 36 people, full of apology in his heart.

Do not!

The 36 veins are not extinct, and there are still 36 people in front of me.

The Emperor of Chaos was able to win a ray of life for the 36 veins, so he must be able to.

Moreover, he has two temples, even three.

Fang Yi cheered himself up, and his eyes suddenly brightened. He was never a person who gave up lightly, and the situation in front of him did not allow him to give up.

Because in addition to 36 veins, there are Feng Yiyi, Feng Shenxiu, and Fang Rulong.

These people need him to come back.

"I ask you, what's going on with Tiankui now? Is it really possible to shield Tiandao's investigation here?"

"If Yiyi wakes up, will she regain consciousness just like you?"

Sweeping his mind away, Fang Yi hurriedly asked.

"This..., I'm afraid it won't work!"

Gongsun Yu paused for a moment, and then said hastily: "According to the information my ancestors left me, it is not as simple as I imagined to block the investigation of the Heavenly Dao."

"Strictly speaking, today's Tiankui star is not blocking the investigation of the Heavenly Dao, but disrupting it."

"Because the stele of the Great Dao in Tiankuixing's formation is itself a part of the way of heaven. The ancestors used the technique of crossing the sea to hide Tiankuixing and turned Tiankuixing into Tianwaitian."

"If Patriarch Gorefiend breaks through at this moment, he will still be attacked by the Daoist monument in the formation and the 36 of us, but he will not be detected by the outside world. The territory of the Tianbei is average."

"But in fact, the entire Tiankui star is still within the induction of the Dao of Heaven. The only difference is that the 36 of us can preserve our consciousness, because our souls have been imprinted in the formation."

"But Concubine Xuan didn't have one, so..."

Gongsun Yu patiently explained.

To put it bluntly, this so-called seal is just a one-time seal, at least for other people.

It is only useful for 36 people.

Fang Yi was a little disappointed, although he had two major temples, and he was confident that the two major temples would be able to block the investigation of Heavenly Dao.

After all, the Fire God Temple can even incinerate the mark of heaven.

However, if Feng Yiyi really wakes up...

"That's right! The ancestors still have a word to leave for the emperor..."

At this time, Gongsun Yu said again.

(End of this chapter)

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