Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2144 The Poor Man

Chapter 2144 The Poor Man

"I heard that Fang Xiaoyou was able to enter the space of the magic mirror, and I came here uninvited. I hope Fang Xiaoyou can put aside the past, if possible..."

The Eternal Evergreen Great Emperor is also straightforward, straight to the point.

Everyone is a sensible person, there is no need to beat around the bush, and the words are extremely sincere.

While speaking, he looked at Fang Yi expectantly, as if he was waiting for Fang Yi to make a condition.

If nothing else happened, he would accept any conditions Fang Yi offered without hesitation.

After all, nothing is more important than the future.

"Fang Yi, you decide what to do, I will not interfere."

"This old tree demon also made a surprise visit. First, he wanted to see what I was going to do. Second, he also wanted to borrow me to ease the relationship with your Kyushu sect."

"While chatting, I told him about the Shenjing space."

At this time, the voice of the blood demon ancestor also sounded in Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

It can be seen that even though he said so, he still hopes to have a companion who can enter the magic mirror space together.

After all, no one knows what's going on there.

Two people can be regarded as a help.

You know, if there are really a lot of powerhouses in the Transformation God Realm, it is extremely dangerous for them, two people are better than one.

If not, he would not have told the Evergreen Emperor about this.

Fang Yi naturally understood.

Looking at the two of them, he suddenly discovered that under the Dao of Heaven, no matter how strong you are, you are all so pitiful.

Patriarch Gorefiend and Eternal Evergreen Emperor, these two figures who stand at the pinnacle of the spirit world, also have to bow down for the future.

"Since you want to go too, let's go together!"

After pondering for a moment, Fang Yi did not make things difficult because it was unnecessary.

We are all poor people.

Emperor Evergreen was obviously in a daze, he didn't expect Fang Yi to agree so readily, his face was overjoyed.

"Little friend is really broad-minded, and this old man is deeply ashamed."

While talking, the Evergreen Emperor also took out a storage ring.

This almost included most of his wealth. He originally wanted to make a deal with Fang Yi, but he didn't want to be stingy because the other party was so forthright.

Moreover, the ancestor of the storage blood demon didn't know, so it was even more difficult for him to hide it.

Immediately handed it over, not forgetting to say: "This is a little wish from the old man, and I hope the little friend can accept it. From now on, the little friend will be the most sincere friend of the old man."

Emperor Evergreen spoke sincerely, but there was a hint of pain in the depths of his eyes.

No wonder, after all, this is his accumulation of countless years.

Fang Yi didn't care about this, so he didn't reach out to pick it up.

However, the ancestor of the Gorefiend was the first to speak, "Take it! This old tree demon has many good things, especially various elixirs. You only have a five-fold body, and you need a lot of energy to break through."

"it is good!"

Fang Yi nodded, and did not refuse.

He doesn't care about these, but the disciples of the Kyushu Sect are not afraid of too many.

Even if he has decided to send the other party into the Divine Mirror Space, accepting this storage ring is nothing.

However, he obviously underestimated this storage ring, and when he probed for a little bit with his spiritual sense, he was shocked in his heart. The spiritual stones, spiritual liquids, and various spiritual medicines stored in it were completely beyond his imagination.

It is simply an astronomical figure.

Fang Yi was really surprised that the Evergreen Emperor had such a profound background.

But it's not surprising if you think about it carefully, the Evergreen Emperor is the leader of the Demon God Alliance, and his body is an eternal green pine, so he must be extremely sensitive to various elixir and spirit stones deep in the ground.

"Okay! Then prepare as soon as possible! After ten days, we will head to the edge of the colorful galaxy."

Fang Yi put away the storage ring, there was no need to delay any longer.

After leaving, no one knew whether the two would come back, so he specially gave them a few more days to prepare.

Coincidentally, he can also take advantage of this time to leave the Shimo Scripture on the Shimo Sacred Monument.

time flies!

Ten days passed in a flash.

After dealing with everything, Fang Yi came to the edge of the colorful galaxy as promised.

It was the first time Fengshenmeng had seen that gorgeous galaxy, which made her a little intoxicated and a little suspicious.

"This is the magic mirror space?"

She looked at Fang Yi and asked.

"That's right! After entering, you will be in the Ten Thousand Demon Realm. Back then..." Fang Yi told the truth and told his own experience by the way.

But it's a pity that Fengshenmeng is only interested in the gorgeous colorful galaxy, but doesn't care about his experience.

At least on the surface.

This made Fang Yi laugh at himself involuntarily.

"Fang Xiaoyou, you are finally here!" At this moment, the two figures in front appeared in sight. It turned out that the blood demon patriarch and the Evergreen Emperor had been waiting for a long time.

Both looked a little excited, because this was a brand new beginning for them.

"Get ready! Then give up resistance."

Fang Yi nodded lightly and said directly.

The two of them naturally didn't dare to be negligent when they heard the words. The next moment, they felt as if another clear spring enveloped themselves, and after that, they saw a vast ocean.

And on top of the vast ocean, a hall completely composed of water is floating on the vast ocean.

"This is the water temple?"

The Evergreen Emperor blurted out, with a fiery light in his eyes.

The blood demon patriarch was also a little startled.

But soon, the vast ocean disappeared, replaced by a vast and boundless void.

"It's here! This is the space of the mirror."

After that, Fang Yi's voice also came.

"This is coming in?"

The Evergreen Emperor seemed a little unbelievable. He thought it would be troublesome to enter the space of the magic mirror.

But for this, he almost paid more than half of his worth, and suddenly, he couldn't help but feel pain in his flesh.

"That's right! This is the Divine Mirror Space, but it's the outermost part. The place that can shield the way of heaven is the deepest part of the mountain and sea world. You can inquire about it."

"If you have any doubts, you can ask the young master of the Shenjing Merchant Alliance."

"Okay! Good luck!"

After confessing a few words, Fang Yi didn't need to stay any longer. With the strength of the two of them, even in the magic mirror space, there might not be anyone stronger than them.

As for the other side of the legendary god mirror, the place where the god-transforming powerhouses live, it depends on their good fortune.

"You can go now!"

After leaving the mirror space, Fengshenmeng couldn't help asking.

It seems a little impatient.

"Of course!"

Fang Yi smiled.

In fact, he couldn't wait even more in his heart. It has been more than 200 years since he left Kyushu, and if the time in the water temple is added, it will be even longer.

After such a long time, he has long wanted to go back and have a look.

The 300-year period is very close. Is Kyushu showing signs of collapse?

The kid didn't know what happened.

It's a pity that so many people left back then, but this time only I and Fengshenmeng went back, and Fengshenmeng was still in this state.

Involuntarily, Fang Yi shook his head, and then disappeared from sight.

(End of this chapter)

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