Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2166 Healing

Chapter 2166 Healing

The wing room is extremely simple, not at all like her daughter's boudoir.

But it fits Fengshenmeng's personality quite well.

Fang Yi looked around and nodded unconsciously.

Qingmang watched from the side, but couldn't help curling her lips. With her cultivation, she couldn't see Fang Yi's extraordinaryness. In her heart, Fang Yi and Fengshenmeng were undoubtedly very different.

It's like not being in the same world at all.

In fact, it's not just her, Fengshenmeng has already been hailed as a celestial being in the entire Dameng Tianzong, and even in the fantasy world.

No one can compare with it.

Neither can Fang Yi.

As for the previous engagement, in Qingmang's view, it was undoubtedly a joke.

However, she didn't say any sarcasm at all, instead there was a little sympathy in her eyes, and a little bit of puzzlement.

"Senior Sister, she has already left, and I'm afraid she won't come back in the future! You..."

She seemed to remind Fang Yi intentionally, but stopped talking.

Fang Yi couldn't help but startled, then laughed in surprise, and didn't bother to explain, and asked directly: "How is the battle between you and the soul clan?"

Qingmang was obviously a little surprised, as if he didn't expect Fang Yi to ask this question.

Glancing at Fang Yi, he replied, "It's fine for now, but..."

Perhaps because of her hatred for the Soul Clan, when she mentioned this matter, she talked endlessly, scolding everyone in the Soul Clan, as if she was still angry.

In the end, he still didn't forget to say: "If the senior sister hadn't left, I would have slaughtered that soul clan."

She hated it so much that she gritted her teeth.

The war of the past 20 years has obviously caused the two major forces to forge an indissoluble hatred.

Fang Yi was not surprised, but just nodded lightly.

"By the way! How long has your suzerain been injured?" Immediately, he changed his words and asked.


Qingmang was obviously stunned, and then there was a trace of vigilance in his eyes. The Great Dream Sect Master has not recovered from his injuries. Not many people in the Great Dream Tianzong know about it.

First of all, it naturally shocked the soul race and the three evil gates on the three evil stars, making them have some scruples.

Secondly, it also gives confidence to internal disciples.

But as soon as Fang Yi came, he asked, why was she not vigilant.

"You... what do you want to do? You can't be a spy!"

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile in amazement when she looked ready to go, and shook his head, "What are you thinking about? Spy? Thank you for thinking it out."

Qingmang also seemed to feel that she was a little too nervous.

But the vigilance in his eyes did not disappear.

"I just want to see if I can heal her injury." Seeing this, Fang Yi added again.

During this period of time, he also had a little understanding of the Longevity Sutra. After practicing, he was able to use the majestic life force, which had an extraordinary effect on healing injuries.

The wood system originally symbolizes vitality.

The Wooden Temple is the source of life, and healing injuries can be described as a piece of cake.

This is another reason why Fang Yi stayed.

However, before the treatment, he still wanted to try it first, after all, he had never used the Longevity Sutra to heal others.


Qingmang looked disbelieving, and then said: "Let's forget it! If the suzerain's cultivation base can't heal itself, I'm afraid other people can't help much."

"As for the suzerain's injury, it was still caused by the soul clan Tianzun 20 years ago."

Qingmang obviously didn't like Fang Yi, but she accepted the kindness.

His eyes were no longer so vigilant.

Fang Yi naturally didn't bother to explain, and nodded subconsciously.

After Qingmang left, he began to study the Longevity Sutra, and even captured some wild beasts, trying to use the Longevity Sutra to heal them.

As expected, as long as there is still a breath, the Longevity Sutra can almost bring them back to life.

Of course, these are just ordinary beasts, and they are relatively simple to cure.

The injuries caused by the real strong are not so easy to repair, otherwise, the Great Dream Sect Master would not have been healed for 20 years.

As he kept trying, Fang Yi's technique became more and more proficient.

Day two!

For some reason, the news about the large-scale invasion of the soul clan spread, and the entire Great Dream Sect, and even Huimengxing, were shocked.

The crowd was terrified.

They still vividly remember the great war 20 years ago, and now they are going to do it again.

The Great Dream Sect Master was furious. She had already ordered the announcement to be postponed. She didn't want to...

Fang Yi was not surprised at all. Such a big event of the soul clan's massive invasion must have caused a lot of noise, so how could it be possible to hide it.

Even if Tianmeng Tianzong concealed it, there are other sources of news, so...

As the news spread, the entire Great Dream Heaven Sect seemed to be shrouded in a layer of dark clouds, and everyone was in danger.

Qingmang is no exception. When he came to greet Fang Yi early in the morning, his face was not very good-looking.

"What kind of shit soul palace, it's simply too hateful."

She couldn't help cursing, her teeth itching with hatred.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but smiled and asked, "What does your suzerain decide to do?"

"What else can I do! Naturally, I will fight them. The suzerain decided that within ten days, all disciples will rush to the three evil stars. Before the army of the soul race arrives, they will first completely eradicate the forces of the three evil stars, and then fight them to the death. .”

Qingmang gritted his teeth, a fierce look flashed in his beautiful eyes.

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head. This is undoubtedly the most stupid way, but it is also the most helpless way.

In the face of absolute strength, there is only a desperate fight.

Otherwise, you can only surrender.

However, after so many years of fighting, I am afraid that even the surrender no longer exists. The two forces are already immortal, so...

"Fang Yi, although I don't know why you came to the Heavenly Dream Sect at this time, you should go now! The senior sister is not here, and the Heavenly Dream Sect may..."

Unexpectedly, Qingmang said so at this time.

Fang Yi couldn't help being startled.

He looked at her in surprise.

I just heard her continue to say: "You are not a disciple of Dameng Tianzong, so there is no need to stay here. The marriage contract between you and your senior sister is just a show."

"If Senior Sister is here, she definitely doesn't want you to die in vain."

It can be seen that she is indeed out of kindness.

Fang Yi couldn't help smiling, and said, "You really understand Shenmeng quite well, but you're wrong about one thing, Shenmeng and I are not just pretending."

"Also, Dameng Tianzong will be fine."

Fang Yi smiled with a calm expression on his face.

But in Qingmang's eyes, she couldn't help but stomp her feet, "Why are you so ignorant..."

She seemed to want to say something more.

Fang Yi didn't bother to tangle with her and went straight out the door.

"Hey! You, didn't you just return..., why did you leave in a blink of an eye? Where are you going?"

She obviously misunderstood that Fang Yi wanted to leave, and her tone became a little complicated.

"Go and treat your suzerain, don't worry! The sect of Shenmeng is my sect, whoever dares to offend, I will make him regret living in this world."

Far away, Fang Yi's voice came.

Qingmang was stunned on the spot, because the voice gave her an incomparable feeling, as if the emperor who ruled all living beings, no one could doubt it.

(End of this chapter)

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