Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2169 The Battle Is Coming

Chapter 2169 The Battle Is Coming

In the main hall, the treatment of the Great Dream Sect Master has almost been carried out.

Sweat dripped from Fang Yi's forehead.

It has to be said that Sect Master Dameng was seriously injured. If it were an ordinary person, he would have died many times already.

Fortunately, she is strong and has been suppressing the injury.

But because of this, her injury became more troublesome.

If it wasn't for the Longevity Scripture, it would be almost impossible for someone else to heal this injury.

Even so, Fang Yi also relied on the majestic life force in the Wooden Temple, otherwise, the Longevity Sutra that he had only practiced for a few days would still not be enough to heal the other party.

As for now...

Although it took a lot of energy, it finally got what it wanted.

Sect Master Dameng's originally suspicious face also became extremely excited.

Because she can clearly sense the changes in her body.

The unrestrained and unfettered feeling made her ecstatic, but during this period, she also consumed a lot of energy and became slightly weak.

But compared with that hearty feeling, these are naturally insignificant.

"Okay! There should be no major problems. After another ten and a half days of recuperation, I will fully recover."

At this time, Fang Yi had already finished his work.

The Great Dream Sect Master looked at his body with great excitement, his expression was unbelievable, as if in a dream.

After a while, she suddenly came back to her senses and looked at Fang Yi in a daze.

"Thank you!"

She didn't seem to know what to say, and finally spit out these two words, with tears flickering in her eyes, which all showed the excitement and excitement in her heart.

"You're welcome! I believe that Shenmeng doesn't want anything to happen to you."

Fang Yi replied lightly.

"By the way! You really decided to let all the disciples of the Great Dream Heaven Sect rush to the Three Evil Stars? Aren't you afraid that they will suddenly attack the Dream Star?"

"It's impossible to have a large army, but if it's just a few extremely strong men, it's hard to say."

After a pause, Fang Yi couldn't help reminding him.

"I know!"

Unexpectedly, the Dream Sect Master seemed to have thought of this possibility, and then said: "But, do I still have a choice? The strength of the Dream Heaven Sect is far inferior to that of the Soul Clan, so we can only fight together."

"Once separated, the consequences are even more unpredictable."

This is true, although the Great Dream Sky Sect is strong, but if the soul clan invades on a large scale, plus the three evil sects, even if they have the ability to reach the sky, they will definitely not be opponents.

If the strength is scattered, it will be even more impossible, and even the chance to fight will be lost.

"Since this is the case, then you should take good care of your wounds! I will leave this place to me."

With that said, Fang Yi didn't stay any longer, and strode away.

In the same place, there was only the Great Dream Sect Master who was a little absent-minded. Fang Yi's domineering obviously made her a little uncomfortable, but then, a gratified smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

There was also a sense of relief on his face.


"You... how are you? How is the suzerain's injury?"

Outside the main hall, seeing Fang Yi coming out, Qingmang hurriedly went up to meet him, but his speech had become a little stuttering, as if his tongue was trembling.

No wonder, the news about Fang Yi undoubtedly had a huge impact on her.

"It's almost there. It can be cured after a while of cultivation."

Fang Yi replied casually.

"Really?" Qingmang seemed a little unbelievable, looking at Fang Yi in disbelief.

Fang Yi couldn't help but look slightly sideways.

Seeing this, the former seemed to be frightened, waved his hands again and again, and said, "I... I didn't doubt what you mean, but I didn't expect that the suzerain's injury could really heal..."

She tried her best to defend, as if she was afraid that Fang Yi would misunderstand, her eyes were full of fear.

"Am I really that scary?"

Fang Yi glanced at her lightly and asked.

These words undoubtedly startled Qingmang, she didn't know how to answer, if it was scary, it didn't seem to be true, but she couldn't help but tremble when she thought of the other party's consecutive kills of the three and six.

However, before she could answer, Fang Yi had already turned and left.


Qingmang felt as if he was being played with, stomped his feet, and followed.

Time goes by like this.

The disciples of the Great Dream Heaven Sect rushed to the Three Evil Stars one after another, and the entire Huimeng Star was in an extremely tense atmosphere, and even the entire Dream World.


"My lord, according to reliable sources, the soul clan's visitor may have arrived."

Still in the attic, Mr. Duobao nodded slightly after listening to his subordinates' report.

"Do you know who is here?"

Immediately, he asked.

"Master Hui, Jun Fu and Jun Wutian, the two great combined sixth-level peak powerhouses, each led a few people together." The disciple replied.


Mr. Duobao didn't seem surprised, "What about the news, did you tell them?"

"It has already spread, but they don't seem to care."


Young Master Duobao smiled calmly, all this was in his expectation, the position of the Soul Clan Heavenly Venerable, these two people have long been eyeing each other, how could they shrink back because of a rumor.

"My lord, you seem to have expected it a long time ago?" The disciple was obviously curious.


Mr. Duobao said calmly, "If it were you, do you believe that someone would kill the three powerful and sixth-layer powerhouses one after another in seconds?"

"Of course I didn't believe it at first, but we have already confirmed this matter, so there should be no doubt."

The disciple quickly explained.

"Nice! We've checked, but they haven't."

Mr. Duobao said quite meaningfully.

"Even if you and I don't believe it, what's more, they are two dignified six-layer peak powerhouses."

"Don't say they don't believe it, even if they believe it, with their strength and their coveted desire for the position of the Soul Clan Heavenly Venerable, it is impossible for them to back down, so..."

The disciple nodded subconsciously when he heard the words.

"My lord, is that person really that powerful? Could it be that even Jun Fu and Jun Wu Tian are not his opponents?"

He seemed a little skeptical, looking at Young Master Duobao and asked.

Mr. Duobao didn't answer in a hurry, but just shook his head, and said after a while: "I don't know, but you have heard of the strengths of the great powers in the mountain and sea world, so have you ever heard of them? Can you instantly kill the combined six-layer?"

"And at the same time, kill the leader of Tianying and the master of illusion at the same time."


The disciple looked dumbfounded and subconsciously shook his head.

Such a pioneering work is indeed unheard of. It can be said to be a coincidence to kill one person in a flash. Killing three people in a row is far more than a simple coincidence.

But real strength.

"In this way, the arrival of the soul clan is not bad, then we..."

Before the disciple could finish speaking, Mr. Duobao interrupted him, "What does it have to do with us? My Shenjing Merchant Alliance is only responsible for providing news, and since the news has been spread, it has nothing to do with us if there are any consequences."

"We just need to wait patiently and watch this good show."

"I'm really looking forward to it. Is he really so tyrannical?"


(End of this chapter)

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