Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2171 Sword Cage

Chapter 2171 Sword Cage

"Jian Lao, if that person is as powerful as the rumors say, people from the Soul Clan..."

Young Master Duobao paused, and said.

However, before he could finish speaking, Jian Lao replied first: "There is no doubt that you will lose, and the whole army may even be wiped out."

"so serious?"

Mr. Duobao obviously couldn't believe it. After all, it was Jun Fao and Jun Wutian who came here. The two combined sixth-level peak powerhouses are both famous in the mountain and sea world.

Far from being comparable to the leader of Sky Shadow.

Moreover, they each brought a lot of followers.


"Young Master, I don't know. Defeating a combined six-level peak powerhouse is a completely different concept from killing, let alone instant killing, and killing two people at the same time."

"To be honest, even the old man has never heard of it. I'm afraid there will be no second one in the entire magic mirror space."

"I don't know whether this rumor is true or not. Although we have confirmed it, we didn't see it with our own eyes after all. It is also possible that the monster race is exaggerating."

"How about it, we'll have to see what happens next."

As he said that, Jian Lao's cloudy eyes also showed the light of longing.


"Senior Sister! People from the Soul Clan have already arrived."

At this moment, all the disciples of the Great Dream Sky Sect were in a mess.

The strong people in the sect had already rushed to the three evil stars, and the suzerain couldn't retreat. Of the remaining people, only a few elders have the strength to fight, and the others are not enough to watch.

The soul clan invaded at this time, how could they not panic.

The same is true for Qingmang, but thinking of Fang Yi behind her, for some reason, she has calmed down a little.

"Everyone, don't panic, the suzerain has already made arrangements, and we can perform our duties."

Having said that, but looking at the surging energy, Fang Yi never showed up, and Qingmang's face was pale.

Boom! !

At this time, a shocking thunder exploded, like a stone breaking the sky.

"Sect Master Dameng, come out quickly and die."

The loud voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, exuding endless fierceness, accompanied by this voice, one after another majestic attacks smashed towards Yunmeng City like meteorites.

In an instant, loud noises came from the sky, the void was extinguished, and the sky above Yunmeng City was almost turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The crowd fled in panic, and the shrill and desperate voices could be heard endlessly.

"Bold soul race, you court death!"

In the Great Dream Heaven Sect, the few remaining elders were already furious, and rose to the sky one by one.

How could they endure being bullied, even though they knew they were not strong enough, but since this was the headquarters of the Great Dream Sect, they had no choice.

Qingmang also gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

However, as the turbulent air wave dissipated, Jun Wutian and his party appeared in the sight of everyone, and everyone was shocked.

Because the strength of this group of people undoubtedly far exceeded their imagination.


The faces of Dameng Tianzong and his party were all pale.

"Hmph! As for these wastes, only one person in this seat is enough. Don't ask your suzerain to come out and die, otherwise, the entire Yunmeng City and Huimengxing will be buried with them."

Before Jun Wutian could speak, a person behind him jumped out first, with disdain on his face.

No wonder, these people in front of them really let them down so much.

It's not that the Great Dream Heaven Sect is so unbearable, but because the powerful members of the Great Dream Heaven Sect have already rushed to the Three Fiends and are ready for an all-out war with the Soul Race.

Originally, the Great Dream Sect Master hoped to entangle these people with the help of the Zongmen Mountain Guard Formation.

If that's the case, I'm afraid...

Fortunately, everything has been handed over to Fang Yi.

"It's all about you scum."

Although the fear in his heart was extremely high, but now that things were going on, Dameng Tianzong and his party had no choice but to go all out.

And the countless people in Yunmeng City also recovered from the previous panic at this moment.

Especially when they saw the group of Dameng Tianzong appearing, they shouted as if they had found a backer.

"Kill them to death, these people are too hateful, they dare to invade our Yunmeng City."

"Yes! Drive them out."

Apparently, in their hearts, the powerful image of Dameng Tianzong has been deeply ingrained.

In their eyes, the intruders in front of them were just a bunch of jumping clowns after all, and they couldn't make any big waves.

However, something happened that they didn't expect.


Just listening to the sky above, the previous person snorted coldly, and then he slammed down with a majestic giant palm, directly grabbing the entire Yunmeng City.

not good!

The complexion of Dameng Tianzong and his party changed drastically.

In front of him was an old man with a long beard, his figure was like lightning, and he quickly greeted him.

This old man's strength is not bad, he is the strongest among the disciples of the Great Dream Heaven Sect present, he has reached the fourth level of the combined body, and he is also very famous in Yunmeng City.

Seeing his shot, the crowd all looked confident.

But the next moment, he went fast and came even faster.

Hearing a loud noise, his figure fell straight down like a shooting star.

The blood in the mouth is also like a spring, swaying the sky.


The huge crowd seemed to be in a daze, and they were all dumbfounded, watching this scene in horror, with disbelief on their faces.

For them, the Great Dream Heaven Sect has always been invincible, but now...

"Huh! What a waste, vulnerable, you should go together!"

Above the sky, the man was full of contempt.

On the ground, the crowd also seemed to have come to their senses, one by one, their eyes were full of fear, and they were no longer as confident as before.

As for the members of the Great Dream Sky Sect, not to mention, their faces were pale.

Because the long-bearded old man is already the strongest among them, even the long-bearded old man is not the enemy of that person, let alone them.

The most terrible thing is that none of the dozens of people seems to be weaker than that person.

How to fight this battle?

Involuntarily, everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"A bunch of nonsense, kill them first, I want to see how long the Great Dream Sect Master can hide."

Jun Wutian seemed a little impatient, and a cold voice sounded.


As soon as the word "kill" came out, all of the dozen or so people were full of ferocious light, and their evil aura shot up to the sky. The terrifying aura permeated the air, sweeping the world like a storm.

The surrounding space was torn apart with a hissing sound.

The crowd was all scared and panicked. They no longer had the calmness they had before. They were in chaos, and screams could be heard endlessly.

The members of the Great Dream Sky Sect were no exception, all of them fell into an abyss, and their faces were ashen.

But in this situation, they couldn't help but shrink back.

The surrounding world seems to have frozen, and there is no escape, only a desperate fight.

"Fight them!"

At this moment, Qingmang couldn't help flashing a flash of determination in his eyes, but he was yelling in his heart: Damn it, don't come out yet.

It was as if she heard her inner voice.

At this moment, the sound of swords screaming suddenly became louder in the surrounding space, and above the sky, it seemed as if there were thousands of sword shadows shrouding down, completely turning this piece of heaven and earth into a cage of swords.

(End of this chapter)

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