Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2183

Chapter 2183


Fang Yi's eyes turned cold, and he lost his patience, and his whole body was full of sword light.

A series of fierce sword shadows whizzed out.

In the eyes of everyone, Fang Yi at this moment seemed to have turned into a ball of bright sword light, surrounded by countless sword shadows, making them dazzled.

Before he could even react, he heard a shrill scream.

In just a few breaths, the world had returned to calm, the sword light disappeared, and the white-haired figure appeared in front of people again, as if it hadn't moved a bit from the beginning to the end.

However, the nearby disciple of the ancient gods had already turned into a cold corpse.

Floating in the void.

This scene seemed extremely strange, and it was only a matter of breath before and after, so that everyone was stunned and did not react at all.

I don't even know what happened, whether Fang Yi did it.

Everyone held their breath and looked at Fang Yi with eyes full of horror, showing fear.

Stepped back involuntarily.

If they wanted to invite Fang Yi to join their team before, then at this moment, they have completely lost such thoughts.

Because the gap between the two is too big, so big that they fear.

Naturally, the black-robed man was no exception. His face was pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he no longer had the prestige he had before.

His eyes were full of fear.

Maybe it's because I'm used to being arrogant and courageous enough.

He still did not forget to tremble and said: "You... who are you? The ancient gods will not let you go, and our patriarch will definitely take you down."

He tried to calm himself down, but his legs couldn't help shaking, and his whole body seemed to be picked up from the water.

Especially seeing Fang Yi stepping forward step by step.

The last bit of faith that supported him seemed to have completely collapsed, and he fell to his knees all at once.

"No...don't kill me!"

He begged for mercy again and again, and he was completely different from the arrogant and domineering appearance before.


Hong Kuan couldn't help scolding, his face full of sarcasm.

The other people also had strange eyes, but no one dared to speak out, and they were even a little afraid, but no one dared to leave either.

Because Fang Yi hasn't spoken yet.

"The Patriarch of the Ancient God Clan!"

Fang Yi muttered, frowning, subconsciously, he couldn't help but think of the blood demon ancestor.

Seeing this, the black-robed man mistakenly thought that the other party was suppressed by the patriarch's name, and immediately said: "That's right! Our patriarch is in the sea of ​​​​storms. As long as you let me go, today's affairs will be cancelled."

At this moment, he would naturally not be stupid enough to threaten the other party, but he did not forget to hint.

Although he is arrogant, he is not stupid.

Unfortunately, his wishful thinking was undoubtedly wrong.

"Oh! That's right! I'm asking you, do you know the ancestor of the blood demon?"

"Ancestor Blood Demon?"

The man in the black robe was obviously taken aback, a look of bewilderment appeared on his face.

That's it!

Seeing this, Fang Yi knew that he was asking in vain. With the strength of the other party, he might not be able to get in touch with the existence of the blood demon ancestor.

"No...don't kill me!"

Seeing a look of disappointment across Fang Yi's face, the man in black robe became anxious.

But unfortunately, at the next moment, he only felt a chill in his neck, and a hot current gushed out.

After that, he completely lost consciousness.

As for Hong Kuan and the others, they still didn't even dare to vent their anger at this moment. With the strength shown by the other party, killing them would definitely not be more difficult than killing a chicken.

No one knows what the other party is thinking, maybe in order to conceal what happened here, it may not be necessary to silence them.

and so……

"Does any of you know where the spirit spring storm discovered by the ancient gods is? Lead me the way, and these corpses will belong to you."

Fang Yi naturally disdained to kill these people to silence them.

However, he decided to go to the so-called Lingquan Storm to have a look.

First, he wanted to see how powerful the legendary starry sky monster was, and what was going on with the spirit spring storm.

Secondly, it is natural to want to know the situation of the blood demon ancestor.

In any case, the blood demon ancestor helped him after all, and he was Hua Lian'er's grandfather.

Hearing this, several people looked at those corpses with jealousy, but no one dared to stand up.

Just kidding, Fang Yi is so domineering, it is too insecure to be around such a person, no one knows if he will suddenly...


But there are exceptions, Hong Kuan stepped forward and said.

"Very good! These things belong to you." Fang Yi waved his hand, and the corpses moved towards Hong Kuan.

Hong Kuan was also not polite, and put away all the corpses, his eyes narrowed into slits, and there was a light like a money fan.

No wonder, this is not a small fortune.

With so many disciples of the ancient god race, their storage rings alone are immeasurable.

Seeing it, the other people around were extremely jealous, and even faintly regretted it, but unfortunately, the two of them had gone away and disappeared into the mist.


"Aren't you afraid of me?"

In the fog, Fang Yi looked at Hong Kuan in surprise, and asked casually.

Naturally, the performance of those people before could not escape his eyes and ears, and he was not surprised. If it were him, it would probably not be much worse if he met a strong man he could not understand.

But this Hong Kuan has some guts.

"Scared! Of course I'm afraid!"

"However! You won't kill innocent people indiscriminately. If you would, you wouldn't ask."

Hong Kuan chuckled, a little embarrassed, as if he was trying to cheer himself up.

"You are very smart!"

Fang Yi smiled, and then said: "That's right! How much do you know about this sea of ​​​​storms, let me listen to it..."

Along the way, the two talked while walking, and they quickly became acquainted.

Fang Yi was not a person who put on airs.

And Hong Kuan was also extremely talkative, a little careless, and seemed to have forgotten Fang Yi's horror when the conversation got hot.

But in fact, Fang Yi knew very well in his heart that this fat man was very smart.

Obviously, he wanted to use this to build a relationship with himself.

But he didn't care either.

"Senior Fang, entering the Sea of ​​Storms with your strength, you don't mean you want to go to Tianshan?"

At this time, Hong Kuan asked suddenly, with a bit of temptation.

How strong Fang Yi's strength is is naturally impossible to see through with his cultivation base, and can only be guessed.

"You also know Tianshan?"

Fang Yi couldn't help being a little surprised, this fat man is average in strength, but he knows a lot, even Tianshan knows it, which really surprised him.


Hong Kuan laughed dryly, and said, "To tell you the truth, once I was in the Sea of ​​Storms, I accidentally rescued a senior, and I heard him mention Tianshan Mountain."

"Oh? Then what did he say?"

Fang Yi was a little surprised and asked.

"I didn't say anything!" Hong Kuan shook his head, and said again: "I only said that with my strength, there is no benefit in knowing."

"But I was not reconciled, so I asked him how to enter Tianshan."

"But he said that we are already in the Tianshan Mountains."


Already in the Tianshan Mountains?

Fang Yi couldn't help being startled by these words, what do you mean?

(End of this chapter)

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