Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2186 Fairy Cold Moon

Chapter 2186 Fairy Cold Moon

"It's Shen Cangye, it seems that he wants to cut off the connection between the wall water beast and the heaven and the earth."

Jian Lao lost his voice, his eyes were full of shock.

Shen Cangye is at least one of the peak seven-fold combined body, so he naturally understands the reason. For him, it is obviously impossible to kill him with a single strike.

Then only the second method remains.

I saw that countless runes were intertwined, like a net of heaven and earth, sealing the world.

Jian Lao's eyes couldn't help but shine brightly, and there was a hint of expectation faintly.

Fang Yi subconsciously shook his head.

Although this heaven and earth net is powerful, it must be easy to deal with ordinary warriors, even those who are at the sixth level of the combined body.

Even against the combined seven-layer Xeon, it has a great miraculous effect.

However, it might not be enough to deal with this water beast.

The attack of this walled water beast may not be much different from that of an ordinary combined seven-fold, but its defense is not comparable to that of a human being.

And with such a huge body, the sky net is not enough to support it.

as predicted!

As soon as the giant net fell, the Wallwater Beast roared and slammed it with its huge palm like the sky was falling.

In an instant, the huge net trembled violently, and the last inch was broken.

Shen Cangye's expression also changed drastically.

Paleness appeared on his face. Facing such a huge monster, he was at the peak of the seventh level of fusion, and he had no way to make a move.

Not to mention the others, all of them were terrified and at a loss.

Jian Lao was already dumbfounded.

In his opinion, this trip was for nothing, not only him, but everyone.

As long as this giant starry sky beast cannot be killed, this spiritual spring cannot be occupied, and it will be a useless place after all. Who dares to cultivate here?

Shen Cangye and the others were also helpless, but they were obviously not reconciled.

It's a pity that no matter what they do, it will be in vain.

On the contrary, those who were not strong enough were accidentally torn into pieces by the Wallwater Beast.

"Shen Cangye, don't waste your strength, this beast can't be killed at all, instead, it is in the spiritual spring, its strength will become stronger and stronger, and its body will become bigger and bigger. At that time..."

Facing Shen Cangye at a distance is an old man in green robes, with five willows and long beards, he has an immortal demeanor.

It was the True Monarch Lingyu of the Fairy Spirit Clan.

"It's good to know. If this evil animal is not eliminated, it will be a disaster if it stays. What's your opinion?"

Shen Cangye couldn't help asking.

"For the current plan, the only way to get rid of them is to call together strong men from other races." Zhenjun Lingyu replied after a pause.

"However, in this way, this spiritual spring will be shared by everyone."

The matter of Lingquan has not been spread yet, although all major forces have received the news.

But I don't know the details, and the Xeons of all races have not arrived yet.

Originally, the two were planning to take it as soon as possible and take it as their own, but now it seems that it is obviously impossible.

"it is good!"

Although Shen Cangye was somewhat reluctant, he finally nodded.

Gathering the strongest from all races may not be able to instantly kill the wall water beast, but it can definitely cut off the connection between the wall water beast and the heaven and earth, and then kill it slowly.

This seemed to be the only way at the moment, so he couldn't help but be unwilling.

When Jian Lao heard this, his eyes could not help but light up slightly.

Because of this, the Shenjing Merchant Alliance may also be able to get a share of the pie.

Subconsciously, he couldn't help looking at Fang Yi, hesitant to speak, because he wasn't sure what Fang Yi was up to.

Fang Yi naturally had no idea, he just raised his eyes quite unexpectedly, and looked towards a certain void.

Buzz! !

The next moment, there was a roaring sound from that direction.

Shen Cangye and the others also reacted in an instant and saw it suddenly.

From that direction, a wave of extreme cold swept over, followed by the blossoming ice lotus, the ice lotus was extremely blue, like a vast ocean.

blue lotus!this is? ?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a flash of disbelief flashed.

Shen Cangye and the others also changed their expressions slightly.

However, that extreme cold swept all the way, and wherever it passed, the world was frozen.

The crowd was so frightened that they backed away again and again, just because of the extremely cold air, it seemed that they were about to turn into ice sculptures in an instant, and the energy in their bodies was frozen.

Even the wall water beast roared endlessly, as if feeling a huge crisis.

The whole body burst out with bright light.

However, when the light met the extremely cold air, it seemed to be frozen.

In the end, countless blue ice lotuses merged into one place and turned into a huge blue lotus sword shadow, which fell from the sky and directly attacked the wall water beast.

That sword didn't seem to have earth-shattering power.

Instead, it was extremely slow.

Time seemed to be frozen by that sword, and the place where it passed was frozen for thousands of miles.

hoohoo! ! !

The wall water beast raised its head to the sky and roared, the roar shook the sky.

But with the fall of that sword, the roar had turned into a howl of despair.

Everyone held their breath, not even daring to vent their breath, staring closely at the sword, watching it land on the huge body of the wall water beast.

Even Shen Cangye couldn't seriously injure the Wallwater Beast. Will this sword be an exception?

They are tense and expectant.

However, under the incomparably urgent eyes of everyone, the sword, when it first touched the body of the Wallwater Beast, seemed to have penetrated directly into the Wallwater Beast's body.

On the surface, the Wallwater Beast was still unharmed.

Not even a single mark was left.

The crowd couldn't help but look at each other, with disappointment in their eyes.

But Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, and there was a flash of shock, Shen Cangye and the other super powerhouses all had pale faces.

Because only they can see the mystery of this sword.

hoohoo! !

The Wallwater Beast roared to the sky, showing despair and unwillingness.

After that, its huge body was frozen inch by inch from the inside and the outside, turning into a huge ice sculpture.

what happened?

The expressions of the crowd froze in an instant, with their mouths open enough to stuff their fists.

But before they could react, another sword shadow fell, accompanied by another beautiful figure, heading straight for the wall water beast.

Immediately, the huge wall water beast exploded directly, turning into countless ice cubes, flying in all directions, incomparably gorgeous.

And in the center of the explosion, a beautiful figure was grabbing a huge demon pill.

The demon pill naturally belonged to the wall water beast.

And that beautiful figure is none other than Fairy Leng Yue.

This! !

A look of disbelief flashed in Fang Yi's eyes. Although he had doubts for a long time, why did the other party enter the magic mirror space?

And the strength is so powerful that it can kill the starry sky behemoth with a single sword.

And it hasn't brought punishment.

This is incredible.

Looking at the other party's cultivation base, he is only at the sixth level of the combined body, which is comparable to his own. What's going on?

The crowd was undoubtedly completely stunned, and Shen Cangye and the others were no exception. They looked at Fairy Leng Yue's eyes like they were looking at heaven.

As for Fairy Leng Yue, her icy gaze swept across the crowd, and finally landed on Fang Yi.

"I leave it to you here."

Throwing an inexplicable sentence, she immediately disappeared into the world.

(End of this chapter)

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