Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2191 Soul Emperor Star

Chapter 2191 Soul Emperor Star

Jian Lao seemed to have not reacted yet, and stood on the spot in a daze.

It wasn't until the three sword qi fell that he woke up like a dream, and his face was full of ecstasy, "Thank you, son, I am grateful on behalf of the Shenjing Merchant League."

Saying that, Jian Lao bowed down directly.

Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to it and accepted it happily.

"As for the other two sword qi, please rest assured, my lord, the old man will definitely send them to the Great Dream Sky Sect and the Ten Thousand Monster Realm."

"In the future, if they want to enter this place, my Shenjing Merchant Alliance will definitely help them with all their strength."

Jian Lao said again, with an extremely respectful expression.

The energy contained in this spiritual spring storm is no small matter. For any sect, it is a great opportunity. Fang Yi sent it so easily. How dare he neglect such a great favor.


Fang Yi also nodded slightly, as if he was quite satisfied with Jian Lao's performance.

He was never a petty person.

What's more, this spiritual spring storm is of no use to him at all. On the contrary, if the Great Dream Sky Sect and the Ten Thousand Monster Realm can enter this place to practice, they can improve a lot of strength.

It can be regarded as a little support for the two sects before he left!

He didn't plan to stay in this mirror space for long, his goal was the other side of the mirror space.

In the legend, the real world of mountains and seas.

"Okay! Let's not live here! You can do it for yourself."

With that said, Fang Yi wanted to leave.


Seeing this, Jian Lao hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I don't know where the young master is going to go next? As long as there are places that are useful for the Shenjing Merchant Alliance, please show me."

At this moment, Jian Lao seems to be a loyal follower.

"No need! I will contact you if something happens. As for the future... naturally, I will go to the soul clan."

After the words fell, Fang Yi's figure also disappeared.

In the same place, only old Jian with a sympathetic face was left. He seemed to be sympathizing with the soul clan.

And somewhere in an unknown space, a beautiful figure also looked away at this moment, her eyes were cold, revealing a touch of disbelief.


She muttered in her mouth, and her eyes became brighter and brighter, but they looked extraordinarily cold, as if without a trace of emotion.

She suddenly turned out to be Fairy Leng Yue.

Looking at the direction in which Fang Yi was going away, her figure also disappeared.


"Have you heard? Lingyu Zhenjun was defeated by a white-haired young man, and that young man was only six-fold fit."

"Really? How is this possible?"

"Hey! Are you ignorant and ignorant! Let me tell you, not only True Monarch Lingyu, but also God Cang Ye, the Patriarch of the Ancient God Clan, was also defeated by that white-haired young man..."

"That's right! It's unbelievable that a six-layer combined body can be so monstrous."

"Who says it's not! However, there is more than one such peerless evildoer, and there is also a mysterious woman who..."

The news about that battle was like a heavy bomb, causing an uproar in the entire Divine Mirror space.

White-haired youth, mysterious woman!

Everywhere in the Shenjing space, this topic is being discussed.

Even those top forces are no exception.

"Tsk tsk! I don't know who these two people are, they are so overbearing, if they can..."

"I heard that the soul clan was also defeated by a white-haired young man in the three evil stars. Could it be the same person? Could it be from the Great Dream Sky Sect?"

"This! Don't say it, it's really possible. If the Great Dream Sect can produce a Shenmeng Fairy, it may not be impossible to produce a second one."

"So? Doesn't the soul clan have a catastrophe imminent?"


All kinds of rumors spread everywhere, about the origins of Fang Yi and Fairy Leng Yue, the rumors were amazing.

It's no wonder that these two people are really too domineering.

A starry sky behemoth that even Shen Cangye and the others can't do anything about in seconds.

The other one directly defeated God Cang Ye.

Such two people, it is impossible not to be famous.

In contrast, Fang Yi's origins can still be traced, but the other person has no clue at all, causing the entire mountain and sea world and all major forces to feel extremely headache.

Among them, the most difficult one is undoubtedly the soul race.


"Patriarch, it has been confirmed that the white-haired young man who defeated Shen Cangye was the one who defeated our Soul Clan army on the Three Evil Stars that day..."

In Soul Emperor Star, the largest palace, a disciple quickly reported.

Jun Jiuyuan at the top, and the high-ranking soul clan lined up on both sides, all of them were pale and ugly.

"Have you ever found out his relationship with Dameng Tianzong?"

Someone asked urgently.


The disciple nodded and continued: "After investigation, it was discovered that the white-haired young man's name is Fang Yi, and he is the fiancé of Fairy Shenmeng of the Great Dream Heaven Sect."

what! !

When these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Originally, they still had a little fantasy, but they never dreamed that that person was the fiancé of Fairy Shenmeng.

Although Fairy Shenmeng didn't suffer at the hands of the Soul Clan.

On the contrary, the Celestial Lord of the Soul Clan was beheaded by the opponent, and the Soul Clan suffered heavy losses, but the Great Dream Sky Sect also suffered a lot.

The two major forces, entangled for 20 years, have already forged a big enmity.

If the other party wants to make trouble, then what awaits them is undoubtedly a disaster.

Even Shen Cangye is no match, who else in the Soul Clan can fight?

Even Jun Wudang, the former strongest man of the soul clan, was only comparable to Shen Cangye, but now that Jun Wudang is everywhere, there is probably no one who can barely compete.

Involuntarily, everyone looked at Jun Jiuyuan together.

With the light of hope.

However, Jun Jiuyuan couldn't help shaking his head, looking extremely tired.

Although his strength is astonishing, it is obviously impossible for him to defeat Shen Cangye. It is already obvious what it means for the opponent to defeat Shen Cangye.

He is not an opponent at all.

In fact, since Jun couldn't and Jun Wutian were instantly killed, he already realized the strength of the other party.

Therefore, the order to retreat was issued.

Because he knew that it was impossible to annihilate the Great Dream Tianzong.

However, he still didn't expect that the opponent would be so overbearing, even Shen Cangye was no match.

Thinking of the news from the Shenjing Merchant Alliance that the other party is likely to visit the Soul Emperor Star in person, he couldn't help but have a strong look of worry in his eyes.

Everyone in the hall obviously thought of this, and their faces were extremely gloomy.

"What should we do now? Are we sitting still and waiting to die?"

someone asked.

But in the face of such a powerful opponent, what else can they do besides sit and wait?

"Why don't you inform Elder Hun!"

At this time, someone said.

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone in the hall suddenly brightened, each and every one of them, as if grasping at straws.

"It would be futile to notify Elder Soul, his real body cannot descend on the Soul Emperor Star, otherwise he will be repelled by the power of heaven."

"It's better than doing nothing! Let the other party know that my soul clan is not empty."


(End of this chapter)

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