Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2197 Tianshan Sea of ​​Bitterness

Chapter 2197 Tianshan Sea of ​​Bitterness

According to what Mo Tianjun said, Fengshenmeng almost attracted heavenly punishment that day, so he came directly to Tianshan Mountain.

Intention to enter Tianchi.

As a result, Old Hun naturally refused to agree, leaving Jun Wudang aside, the Menghun Dzi Bead is a must-have for the Hun Clan, so how could he easily let Feng Shenmeng go away.

However, what no one thought of was.

Fengshen Meng couldn't help but possess the power to kill Jun Wudang, even Hun Lao had nothing to do with it.

Moreover, Tianchi is the most important place, and wars are strictly prohibited.

In the end, he had no choice but to watch Fengshenmeng enter Tianchi.

For a while, Fengshenmeng was almost shocked as a heavenly being, but it was only limited to these extremely strong men.

Outsiders naturally have no way of knowing.

But now, Mo Tianjun undoubtedly classified Fang Yi as the same existence as Fengshen Meng.

It is undoubtedly a great thing for such a strong person to be able to build a good relationship.

Although Fang Yi might enter Tianchi soon, but in another space, the ancient demons naturally have their own strength, and he himself...

"Fit seven layers!"

Fang Yi murmured, his eyes shining brightly.

It is not difficult for him to combine seven layers, and he can break through at any time.

However, once he breaks through, he will be punished by heaven, so he has no choice but to suppress it.

But if it is in Tianchi, since the Seven Elders of Tianshan Mountain are safe and sound, if he wants to break through, there will be no serious problems.

Knowing this, he is even more fearless.

"Since the head of the Demon Patriarch didn't mean this, why did he say it?"

After a pause, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

Since Old Soul is nothing to be afraid of, what Mo Tianjun said must have other meanings.

In fact, needless to say, Fang Yi has already vaguely guessed.

From the words of Elder Hun and Jun Jiuyuan, he could vaguely hear that on the other side of the divine mirror space, the so-called real mountain and sea world, the Hun Clan must have impressive strength.

If Fengshenmeng enters it, it may be dangerous.

Fortunately, Fengshenmeng's strength is not bad.


Mo Tianjun immediately said, what he said was similar to what Fang Yi had speculated.

The only difference is that the soul race in the mountain and sea world does not have impressive strength, but is extremely tyrannical.

There are not a few people who are strong in the three soul realms.

The realm of transforming gods is divided into three souls: human, earth, and heaven, also known as the realm of three souls. If the three souls are completed, the soul can be immortal.

Combined with the seven realms, reaching the immortality of the physical body.

The body is immortal, the soul is immortal, and only then can a legend be achieved.

"Fang Daoyou don't need to worry too much. My Ancient Demon Race is not weaker than the Ancient God Clan in the mountain and sea realm. If Fang Daoyou is willing, then you can..."

Seeing that Fang Yi was a little distracted, Mo Tianjun thought the other party was worried, so he took the opportunity to throw an olive branch.

This is also one of the purposes of his trip.

Any martial artist who has the hope of being promoted to the realm of transforming gods is the most extreme existence in this world.

It is undoubtedly the best to be able to win over, especially with the relationship with the blood demon ancestor.

"Thank you for the kindness of the Demon Patriarch, Fang Mou appreciates it."

After pondering for a moment, Fang Yi smiled lightly, "I can't say, I really have to trouble the ancient demons then."

"Good talk!"

Seeing that Fang Yi accepted his kindness, Mo Tianjun was overjoyed and extremely happy.

But in fact, he didn't know that Fang Yi was not afraid of any soul clan. He had three great temples in his body.

The reason why he readily accepted.

Firstly, it was because he was somewhat related to the Demon Race.

Secondly, the Blood Demon Patriarch and Eternal Evergreen Emperor were most likely guided by each other.

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is Fengshenmeng.

It has been 20 years since Fengshenmeng entered Tianchi, and he doesn't know anything about the situation inside.

If he could get the help of the ancient demons, he would be able to find the whereabouts of Fengshenmeng faster, so he said he would trouble the ancient demons.

"Chief Demon, I don't know how much you know about the real world of mountains and seas, can you..."

Now that he accepted the other party's kindness, Fang Yi didn't bother to be polite, and began to inquire about everything in the world of mountains and seas.

Mo Tianjun naturally knows everything.

It's a pity that what he knows is extremely limited, and what he knows is still from Mo Lao, one of the seven elders of Tianshan Mountain.

Although he also has a clone that entered Tianchi.

But there is a strong barrier between the two sessions, and he has no way of perceiving everything inside.

However, what he knew had already taken Fang Yi by surprise.

"What did you say? You said that in the real mountain and sea world, there is also a Tianshan Mountain? There is also a Soul Emperor Star?"

Fang Yi was dumbfounded.

Could it be that the so-called real world of mountains and seas is really the projection of a mirror?

If not, how could there still be a Tianshan Mountain?

Mo Tianjun was also full of doubts, but he nodded affirmatively, "To tell you the truth, there is indeed a Tianshan Mountain inside, not only the Soul Emperor Star, but also other planets."

"Furthermore, that Tianshan Mountain is countless times larger than the one in front of you."

"If it's a projection, the Tianshan Mountain in front of me is more like a projection."

Mo Tianjun's words were astonishing, which made Fang Yi's face full of astonishment.

This is simply unbelievable, the Tianshan Mountain in front of you is already so huge, but the other side of the Divine Mirror space is countless times bigger than this?

What a magnificent picture is that?

"Besides the Tianshan Mountains, there is also the Sea of ​​Storms over there, but it is different from the Sea of ​​Storms. It is a real ocean called the Sea of ​​Bitterness."

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and its breadth is countless billions of miles. No one can cross the sea of ​​suffering."

"But according to ancient legends, the Tianshan Sea of ​​Bitterness is just the outermost mountain and one sea among the nine mountains and eight seas!"

Mo Tianjun continued.

While speaking, his own eyes were full of bewilderment, and there was a trace of disbelief.

Maybe he can't imagine such a vast and boundless existence.

A heavenly mountain, a sea of ​​bitterness, is no longer an existence that human beings can explore, but it is said that there are nine mountains and eight seas, who would dare to believe it.

Fang Yi also stayed on the spot at the moment, his eyes full of horror.

It's so huge?

Is that really a space inside a mirror?I am afraid it is far more than that simple.

Moreover, above the Fusion Realm, isn't there only the God Transformation Realm left?

When the seven souls are complete and the three souls are complete, one can become a legend and ascend to the fairy world.

The realm of transforming gods is no more than the three realms of man, earth, and sky. The nine mountains and eight seas are so vast and boundless. I am afraid that even if you reach the legend, you will not be able to travel through the period, right?

Maybe only the legendary fairy can do it.

What kind of world is this?

Involuntarily, Fang Yi was full of curiosity and anticipation about the other side of the magic mirror space.

"Thank you, Demon Patriarch, for telling me that Fang will leave now. We will have a destiny in the future, and we will meet again in the world of mountains and seas."

With that said, Fang Yi was about to leave.

Mo Tianjun was obviously taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Where is Fang Daoyou going?"

"Naturally the Tianchi Lake!"

Fang Yi replied lightly, the words fell, but his figure was gone.

"This... is this going to Tianchi?"

Mo Tianjun was stunned, apparently a little too late to react, but when they came back to their senses, Fang Yi's figure had already disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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