Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2244

Chapter 2244

Hiss! !

And the spirit-devouring python, although tyrannical, gradually failed under the siege of the two.

After all, Qi Feng is a strong six-layer fit.

And this periphery is mostly the place where some ordinary bitter sea creatures live, and similarly, it is also the place where some ordinary human warriors explore.

With Qi Feng's cultivation of the sixth level of body fusion, if he is not eager to show it.

And this rather unusual spirit-eating python really didn't bother to make a move.

However, after some shots, his offensive seems to have slowed down a bit.

Perhaps he felt that taking down the Devouring Python so easily could not demonstrate his strength at all.

At least, Fang Yi's performance was not too embarrassing, and he couldn't see the gap between the two.

Therefore, he gradually relaxed a lot.

And the spirit-devouring python, after being bombarded by this burst of madness, had already gone berserk, and the tyrannical air permeated out of his body, like a storm, sweeping around.

A huge vortex is formed, which is extremely frightening.

Even Qi Feng couldn't help but change his face slightly due to the huge tearing force.

However, there is more joy.

Because of this tearing force alone, he concluded that Fang Yi must not be able to hold on.

After all, Fang Yi's strength displayed at this moment is only a four-fold combination, which is not much different from this spirit-eating python.

But this is a sea of ​​bitterness.

The huge gravity and the suppression of energy in the sea of ​​bitterness have greatly affected the martial artist's performance, and they cannot exert their full strength at all.

Especially when you come here for the first time, you haven't adapted yet.

Being able to exert half of your strength is already extremely good, so...

He is waiting to see a good show.

At the same time, he was also prepared, in case something happened, he could make a move when necessary. In this way, not only could he see the gap between the two, but he could also show his chivalrous side.

Even, he was ready to receive Fang Yi's gratitude and the light of the worship of Fairy Leng Yue.

It's just that he waited for a long time, and even got a little impatient.

Fang Yi was always on the verge of collapse, as if he would be unable to hold on the next moment.

But it always saves the day.

"Beast! Die!"

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, instead of procrastinating like this, it's better to use overbearing means to win the battle quickly.

to demonstrate their strength.

However, Fang Yi was extremely upset in his heart.

Perhaps it was because he was so preoccupied that he didn't notice at all that the surroundings seemed to suddenly become extremely quiet, and there seemed to be no other sounds except for the fighting here.

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move, and then turned to a certain place.

And Fairy Leng Yue, who was inside the flying magic weapon, seemed to have sensed it long ago.

His eyes lit up again, revealing a playful look.

Elder Lin, who had kept his eyes closed all the time, opened his pupils violently at this moment, shooting out two rays of light.

"Not good! Come back soon."

He shouted anxiously, appearing extremely anxious.

Qi Feng, who was in a hurry to show off, was already entangled with the spirit-devouring python, so he could get away without saying anything, and he still didn't know anything about what happened.

How could he give up this excellent opportunity to kill the spirit-devouring python.

Boom! !

In just a moment, the sound of huge waves came from the front, like rolling thunder.

The huge wave was shaped like a huge wall, pressing down horizontally, nothing could stop it, like a huge mountain.

This is……

It was only at this moment that Qi Feng realized that his expression changed drastically.

I can't help but look away.

From the monstrous waves, a colossal object crushed towards it, two spheres like bright moons, emitting a cold and gloomy light.

It was suddenly a pair of pupils.

Around the eyes, the pitch-black scales exude a cold light, which makes people feel chills on their backs and shiver all over their bodies.

Suddenly it was another spirit-eating python.

However, compared to the previous one, it is already many times larger, and it can't be seen at a glance, and it is tens of thousands of feet away.

It was like a huge mountain range, lying in front of a few people.

"This this……"

Seeing this scene, even Qi Feng couldn't help chattering his teeth.

want to escape.

But unfortunately, the huge body of the spirit-devouring python has already formed a circle, completely enveloping several people and the flying magic weapon, and it is impossible to escape with its wings.

Inside the flying magic weapon, Elder Lin's face also changed slightly, and then his figure flashed, and he appeared in the sea of ​​bitterness.

Facing the spirit-eating python from a distance.

And Qi Feng, originally fighting fiercely with the little spirit-devouring python, was firmly on top.

At this moment, he was a little timid, and he didn't dare to make a rash move, because he was afraid of completely angering the big one.

Although he knew that everything was inevitable.

As for Fang Yi, there is also a hint of curiosity in his eyes at this moment. This is still the periphery, and such a huge bitter sea creature has appeared.

And looking at the breath, it is extremely good.

I'm afraid it's no less than the average human being with the sixth-fold powerhouse.

Of course, this is just breath, and in a real fight, I am afraid that the seventh-fold human body may not be an opponent.

This is not difficult to see from the fearful eyes of Mr. Lin at this moment.

"Quickly let go of that little one."

At this moment, Elder Lin shouted anxiously.

Although Qi Feng didn't dare to hit hard, he was still entangled, and Fang Yi also participated in it.

Hearing this at this moment, he immediately stepped aside and signaled Fang Yi to stop.

Fang Yi also wanted to see how the two of them were going to solve it, and at the same time, to see the strength of the two of them, as well as the strength of this spirit-eating python.

Therefore, very consciously retreated to the side.

Not being attacked, the little spirit-eating python quickly backed away until it stood side by side with the big spirit-eating python.

"Old Lin, how are you doing?"

Qi Feng seemed a little nervous, this big guy is no fun.

It would be best if it could be resolved peacefully.

But it's a pity that as soon as his words fell, the huge body of the spirit-devouring python had already crushed it, like a huge mountain of ten thousand zhang, pressing across the sky and the earth.

"Naughty animal!" Boss Lin was furious, looking extremely angry.

He originally hoped to release the little spirit devouring python in exchange for the opponent's concession.

But he didn't want to, the big spirit-eating python was very cunning, it was basically waiting for a few people to release the little spirit-eating python.

As a result, there is no handle, so it can no longer be taken into account.


Elder Lin reminded him loudly, and then quickly rushed forward, shooting out sword lights all over his body, which was extremely fierce.

But when it landed on the body of the spirit-eating python, there were only "ding ding" sounds.

It didn't do any harm to it at all.

It's amazing, and it leaves some shallow marks.

so strong?

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move slightly, Mr. Lin is also a strong seventh-layer fit, and this spirit-eating python is obviously more powerful than imagined.

Once its scales cannot be broken, then this battle will undoubtedly be extremely difficult.

Just relying on Elder Lin alone, even with Qi Feng added, I'm afraid it would be enough.

At most, it is a stalemate situation.

But don't forget, there is a little spirit-eating python next to it, so, then...

The facts are undoubtedly as Fang Yi expected.

Although Mr. Lin was already extremely tyrannical, and Qi Feng was quite good, the scene reached a stalemate.

And the little spirit-devouring python was already heading towards Qi Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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