Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2246 9 Entrance to the Abyss of Death

Chapter 2246 Entrance to the Abyss of Nine Deaths

call! !

Inside the flying magic weapon, Qi Feng gasped heavily, as if he was still in shock.

Elder Lin was not much different, with a look of lingering fear.

As for Fang Yi, naturally he wouldn't react too much, instead he looked calm like a normal person.

But in Qi Feng's eyes, he thought he was scared stupid.

As for Fairy Leng Yue, she had never released a flying magic weapon from the beginning to the end, so naturally she wouldn't feel anything, and even if she went out, it probably wouldn't be much different.

At this moment, she was looking at the three of them playfully.


Sensing her gaze, Qi Feng immediately settled down, with a smug look on his face.

"Miss Leng, I'm sorry! I didn't scare you!"

He asked a question in a very gentlemanly manner.

Looking at the blood all over his body again, he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but rather showed off.

"Young Master Qi is really powerful, especially the last blow. If it weren't for that, I'm afraid we would all be left here."

Fairy Leng Yue was not stingy with her praise.

It's just that look, it always feels a little bit playful.

Others couldn't see the changes in the field, but she naturally couldn't.

"Ms. Leng praised it absurdly. Thanks to Mr. Lin holding her back, if not, Qi would not be sure."

"There is also Brother Fang Yi, who is also very useful, rare!"

Being favored by Fairy Leng Yue, Qi Feng looked proud and joyful, and even when he was excited, he didn't forget to give Fang Yi an appreciative look.

Perhaps in his opinion, he deserved the greatest credit for the death of the spirit-devouring python.

It is obvious to all that there is no need to attack Fang Yi anymore.

On the contrary, it can also show his magnanimity, so...

Elder Lin had come to his senses at this moment, and even changed into a set of clean clothes. His eyes couldn't help turning to Fang Yi, taking away a trace of suspicion.

Before, during the battle, he had no time to take care of the situation on the field.

But looking back at this moment, I faintly feel that something is wrong.

However, what was wrong, he couldn't tell for a while.

"Old Lin, the spirit-devouring python is so huge, how many spirit stones can it exchange for? Can you refine a flying magic weapon?"

At this time, Qi Feng also changed into a set of clean clothes, he was very energetic and quite handsome.

He also asked impatiently.

Fang Yi was also a little curious.

The reason why the flying magic weapon is precious and time-consuming to refine is mainly because of this material.

Although it is not impossible to use external materials, the materials that are born and grown in this sea of ​​suffering are undoubtedly the best for walking through this sea of ​​suffering.

more adapted to the environment here.

And the scale armor of the Devouring Python is quite precious among them.

In the past, only those super strong can occasionally win a head in the depths of the sea of ​​bitterness.

"Refining a flying magic weapon is naturally not a problem, and there should be a lot more."

"As for how much Lingshi is worth, it's hard to say!"

Elder Lin pondered for a moment.

This is true. Although the spirit-eating python is precious, the specific value of spirit stones varies from person to person, and it is not impossible to have a price without a market.

and so……

"Little brother, I want this spirit-eating python from Akasaka Palace, and I won't take advantage of you."

"The three of us shot at the same time, but you have the lowest cultivation and the least effort, so the old man will give you one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones, what do you think?"

"If you need other things, you can also ask."

Elder Lin looked at Fang Yi at this moment, and said.

I have to say that he is quite magnanimous, if it were an ordinary person, he might not speak up.

Dare to have half a complaint.

It's fine if you don't kill someone.

And one hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones is really not a small amount for a martial artist with a four-fold body.

Although it is still not worth mentioning compared to this huge spirit-eating python, it is already considered good. After all, the weak have no right to speak.

Although Fang Yi is not a weak person, he admires the actions of the two of them.

So there is no objection.

A spirit-eating python may be extremely precious to the two of them, and it is rare to get one, but to him, it is not a matter of minutes.

"Hahaha!! Good!! The little brother is indeed a cheerful person."

Seeing Fang Yi agreeing, Elder Lin was very happy.

He casually took out a storage ring, which happened to contain one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones.

Fang Yi was also polite and put it away.

Qi Feng on the side seemed to be a little greedy, and his eyes couldn't help looking at Elder Lin.

"It's not your share now, we'll talk about it when we return to the sect,"

Elder Lin gave him a blank stare, then stepped aside and began to meditate.

Qi Feng couldn't help curling his lips with a helpless expression, but in the end he had to give up.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yi couldn't help being curious about the relationship between the two. At first, he thought Mr. Lin was Qi Feng's follower, or something like a bodyguard.

Generally, when a powerful son goes out, he always likes to bring a powerful follower.

In order to ensure their comprehensiveness.

In fact, the pairing of the two is indeed very similar.

And along the way, it was Qi Feng who made the decisions, Elder Lin rarely spoke, but at this moment...

Of course, although he is curious, Fang Yi is not so gossip.

Fairy Leng Yue seemed to have the same question, so she asked directly.

Qi Feng naturally knew everything about Fairy Leng Yue's question.

It's just about Mr. Lin's matter, so he can't say more, but Fang Yi probably heard it.

The son is still the son, and the entourage is still the entourage, but the identity of this entourage is not ordinary, more similar to the elders, so...

"Young Master Qi, just now you said that your demigod powerhouse from Chixiao Palace also rushed to the abyss of death?"

For the relationship between the two, Fairy Leng Yue obviously has no interest.

It was the demigod powerhouse that the other party mentioned inadvertently, which aroused her interest.

"That's right! I, Senior Brother Qi Tiancheng of Scarlet Heaven Palace, is No. 15 on the list of demigods, and I am rushing to the Abyss of Nine Deaths at this moment."

"Actually, not only our Chixiao Palace, but also many powerful demigods are coming."

Qi Feng didn't hide anything, and said so.

"Oh? Why are they all here at this time?"

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"Good question!"

Qi Feng glanced at Fang Yi quite appreciatively, and said: "In the eyes of outsiders, it is naturally because of the spiritual seeds, but there are rumors of spiritual seeds in the Abyss of Nine Deaths, and it is not just today."

"And the reason why they came here now is because of the breakthrough of the blood demon ancestor, which confirmed this matter."

"Besides, it will be easier and safer to enter the Abyss of Nine Deaths today."


What more?

A look of surprise flashed across Fang Yi's eyes.

"I don't know! Hehe!!" Qi Feng continued with a rather smug look, "Actually, all the big forces know that the abyss of nine deaths is not as simple as imagined."

"Abyss of Nine Deaths, nine entrances, whether you can successfully enter or not, there are actually certain rules."

"What exactly is this law, Qi does not know, only know that these few days are the best time."


(End of this chapter)

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