Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2254 Giants

Chapter 2254 Giants

"Mr. Fang, let's go out too! The huge suction force in the vortex makes it impossible for flying instruments to get close. If you are not careful, you may be drawn into it."

Elder Lin said carefully at this moment.

"Alright!" Fang Yi nodded slightly.

Immediately, a group of people appeared on the edge of the vortex, watching everything in the vortex from a distance.

The vortex was extremely huge and extremely terrifying, like a tornado reaching the sky, the edge could not be seen at a glance.

Even if the divine sense penetrates into it, it will be shattered in an instant, and only the naked eye can see it clearly.

But the range that the naked eye can detect is limited, and the deeper it is, it seems like an endless abyss, giving people an extremely terrifying feeling and making people daunting.

"Is this the entrance to the Abyss of Nine Deaths?"

Fang Yi couldn't help but secretly startled.

Although he has not yet entered the abyss of nine deaths, the entrance alone is already shocking.

No wonder it can be called the Abyss of Nine Deaths.

Such a terrifying vortex, I am afraid that most people dare not approach it, let alone go deep into it. Moreover, this is only the entrance, and inside...

"No! Mr. Lin, Qi Tiancheng, Senior Brother Qi, why aren't they here?"

Qi Feng looked around at this moment and couldn't help asking.

At this moment, although many people gathered around the whirlpool, they were all familiar faces, and all of them had a strong aura.

However, everyone was very tacit to each other, and nothing unpleasant happened.

After all, he has not yet entered the abyss of nine deaths.

It is still unknown whether they can pass through the entrance in front of them smoothly. How can they waste their energy on this meaningless thing unless it is beneficial.

For example, spiritual seeds.

Of course, all of this has to wait until entering the abyss of nine deaths.

Otherwise, it is all empty talk.

"We were delayed quite a bit on the road, maybe they have already entered."

Old Lin paused, guessing.

The entrance to the Abyss of Nine Deaths is not always possible to break into it.

Just like at this moment, the huge vortex is flowing rapidly, containing infinite energy, not to mention the state of integration, even the state of transforming gods dare not easily step into the period.

If you are not careful, it may be torn to pieces.

Therefore, the crowds around are waiting, waiting for the energy storm to ease up a little bit.

It is the best time to enter.

And every once in a while, there will be such a cycle.

However, such a cycle is not fixed and appears randomly, so everyone can only wait patiently.

Fortunately, such a cycle will not be too long.

Fang Yi was not in a hurry, and took advantage of this time to start sizing up the crowd around him.

Most of these people's strength is not weak, and almost all of them have reached the third or fourth level of fit. Just kidding, without such strength, I'm afraid most of them would not dare to step here.

This is because these days are special, and there are too many warriors coming.

Let more curious warriors come.

If it was in normal times, they would not dare to step into this place because they do not have the cultivation base of the sixth level of body fit.

However, the God Transformation Realm has not been found yet.

It's not surprising that the rumors of the Abyss of Nine Deaths this time are spiritual seeds, and the powerhouses in the Transformation God Realm have already condensed the spiritual world, so there is no need to do anything extra.

The Abyss of Nine Deaths is not an ordinary place, and even those who are strong in the Transformation God Realm may not be able to retreat completely.

Can't afford to take that risk.

Of course, this is only for now, the Abyss of Nine Deaths has nine entrances, and the time of entry is staggered.

It's still too early to say whether there are any strong people who can transform into gods.


Suddenly, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but stop on a man in red robe.

It's just because the man's aura is extremely majestic, his eyes are red, and his body is full of evil spirits, which is extremely frightening. The feeling he gives is not weaker than that of Lei Zhen.

Even faintly stronger.

This must be another strong man on the demigod list.


As if sensing Fang Yi's gaze, the man in the red robe looked over with a pair of blood pupils.

Like two bloody thunderbolts, piercing through everything.

Even Elder Lin and Qi Feng couldn't help trembling, their faces turned slightly pale.

"Blood pupil Demon Lord!"

Elder Lin blurted out even more, and his eyes were full of jealousy.

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help being surprised, the blood-eyed demon king, he vaguely remembered the name, it was the tenth ranked ancient demon powerhouse on the list of demigods.

It is two places taller than Lei Zhen.

"Hmph!" There was a trace of disdain in the eyes of the blood-eyed demon king, and then he looked away.

Obviously, he didn't notice Fang Yi's extraordinaryness.

In his eyes, Fang Yi is no different from others, they are all ants, not worth mentioning at all.

Even if you look at it more, it seems a bit redundant.

But Mr. Lin and Qi Feng obviously didn't think so at the moment, and their expressions became a little weird.

Perhaps, they thought of Lei Town. Isn't that what Lei Town was like back then, but as a result, they didn't even take a single sword.

Although the blood-eyed Demon Lord ranks higher than Lei Zhen, in the hearts of the two, he obviously cannot be compared with Fang Yi, and even the top three powerhouses in the demigod list may not be enough.

Only Emperor Jianyi might be able to.

I don't know why, at this moment, the two of them had some expectations, looking forward to Fang Yi and Di Jianyi...

Fang Yi naturally didn't know what the two of them were thinking, and he didn't intend to disdain the blood-eyed demon.

His gaze scanned the crowd again.

However, apart from the blood-eyed Demon Lord, there was no other strong person who could make him look sideways.

Although there are quite a few combined seven-layers, their strengths are uneven.

Fang Yi had a vague feeling that the seventh level of fusion in Tianshan Mountain did not seem to be as powerful as the seventh level of integration in the spirit world.

Although the seven-fold fusion in the spirit world is extremely rare, each of them, such as the blood demon ancestor, the eternal green emperor, and the Xiaoyao Taoist master, is incomparably domineering.

On this Tianshan Mountain, he is not weaker than the strong ones on the demigod list.

Perhaps this has something to do with the thinness of energy in the spirit world!

Fang Yi can only infer this.

Boom! !

While he was looking at the crowd, suddenly, the roaring waves around him trembled violently, as if they were about to turn the world upside down.

Accompanied by, there were still bursts of thunder.

"what happened?"

The expressions of the crowd changed drastically, as if they were facing an enemy.

Elder Lin and Qi Feng were no exception, but for some reason, when they saw Fang Yi beside them, they felt a sense of security in their hearts at this moment.

But others obviously don't.

Even if the blood-eyed demon monarch looked in the direction of the sound source, his pupils could not help shrinking slightly.

His expression also became a little dignified.

As for Fang Yi, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up, revealing a strong look of surprise.

Because, he saw a gigantic creature, which was approaching quickly.

That gigantic monster was neither a monster race nor a bitter sea creature, but a real human being, but with a height of nearly a hundred feet, it looked like a giant of heaven and earth.

His whole body seemed to contain infinite energy, and his blood was soaring, like a mountain pushing across.

Every time he took a step, the world trembled endlessly.

Like the Peerless King Kong, he is suddenly a giant race.

(End of this chapter)

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