Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2263 Cyan Light Wave

Chapter 2263 Cyan Light Wave

From a certain corner of the endless abyss of nine deaths, a cyan beam of light shot out, illuminating the entire pitch-black abyss of nine deaths.

"Look! That's it!"

"That must be the land that the blood demon ancestor said!"

One after another figures flew in that direction, like lightning bolts.

Blood Pupil Demon Lord is also one of them.

In addition, not far behind him, the huge body of the giant Moyan, like a mountain, followed closely at every step, extremely fast.

A thunderous voice sounded from his mouth.

"Old monster with red eyes, the spiritual seed is mine, so don't waste your efforts."

Although he yelled like this on the surface, his speed was not as fast as the opponent, which made him extremely annoyed and he gritted his teeth.

"Just you?"

"Fools with strong limbs and simple minds, don't daydream."

The blood-eyed monster could not help but sarcastically.

He didn't forget to slap a palm casually in his hand, and the giant Mo Yan was so angry that he croaked.

"Bastard!" He was furious, not daring to relax his feet at the same time, and greeted him at the same time, the two of them, one in front and one behind, quickly rushed towards the blue beam of light.

At the same time, there are still many figures galloping from all directions.

It is not slower than the two of them.


At the same time, Fang Yi and Han Zhilin undoubtedly sensed this bright blue beam of light.

Especially Fang Yi, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up, this blue beam of light gave him a vaguely familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

But for a while, I couldn't remember.

"There is..."

Han Zhilin's eyes were also bright at the moment, but he was more apprehensive.

After all, such a big movement will definitely attract countless strong people to go, even though he has reached the seventh level of fusion.

However, compared with the powerhouses on the demigod list, there is undoubtedly a huge gap. He still knows this self-knowledge.

Therefore, he was obviously hesitant.

He couldn't help looking at Fang Yi.

Of course, Fang Yi needless to say, it was so lively, how could he not go and see it.

Moreover, along the way, except for the sealed place before, the two of them found nothing.

Even if there were, they only occasionally saw the corpses of some warriors who also entered this place to explore, although their belongings were not bad.

However, after experiencing that sealed place, even Han Zhilin had no interest.

Not to mention him.

Immediately, the two decided to take a look together.

However, Han Zhilin seems to be just holding the mentality of looking around. If there is anything, he probably doesn't dare to make a move. After all, for him, this time the harvest is already great.

Coming! !

As it approached, more and more figures appeared around, and all of them had auras like abysses.

The destinations are all the blue beams of light.

It looked like a hillside, and the cyan light shrouded the entire hillside, emitting an indescribably bright cyan light that shot straight into the sky, reflecting the entire world into a blue color.

And around the beam of light, several figures had already arrived at this moment.

They stood proudly above the void, looking at the huge hillside and the faint light waves covering the entire hillside.

It's like a protective cover.

"It must be here. The blood demon ancestor once said that it is protected by blue energy."

"Break it!"

Above the void, several figures couldn't wait, and shot one after another.

Immediately, one after another majestic power descended, and the terrifying atmosphere permeated the world, as if the whole world was coming to an end.

Just kidding, all those who can stand proudly in the void at this moment are super strong.

With just one person, the destructive power is enough to destroy a whole world.

What's more, so many people shot at the same time.

As you can imagine...

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the countless majestic attacks fell like stones sinking into the sea, and only caused ripples on the blue light waves.

Other than that, the light waves are still intact.

And the huge aftermath had already razed the surrounding world to the ground.

Even Fang Yi and the two who were about to approach were greatly shocked.

Especially Han Zhilin, who was almost blown away.

The whole face also became extremely pale.

One must know that he is also a seventh-layer fit body, and if the aftermath is so overbearing, one can imagine the few people in Void Mountain.

Of course, this aftermath was not done by one person.

And the cyan light wave is also very strange, as if it bounced all the energy out of everyone.

That's what led to this result.

It's not that he is so bad.

However, this is enough to show that the power of the few people in the void clearly has nothing to do with him.

Fang Yi was also slightly shocked. Of course, what shocked him was not the strength of the few people, but the tyranny of the blue light wave. So many strong people shot at the same time, unexpectedly...

The ones who were as shocked as him were undoubtedly the people of Void.

One by one, the eyesight changed drastically.

It's unbelievable.

"Grandma's, so hard? Let me try it."

At this time, a sound like thunder sounded, accompanied by violent tremors, like an earthquake.

Then, a huge figure appeared in everyone's sight.

Needless to say, that figure was the giant Mo Yan that Fang Yi had seen before. His body of nearly a hundred feet made everyone look like an ant in front of him.

The mountain-like fist also slammed down violently, like a meteorite falling from the nine heavens.

Pierce everything, smash everything.

The faces of the crowd all changed drastically. No one expected that this giant Demon Flame would be so tyrannical.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the sky and the earth trembled, the earth trembled, the earth cracked, and the whole world seemed to collapse.

But, unfortunately, the cyan light wave only trembled slightly.

After that, the huge body of the giant Mo Yan bounced out instead.

Like a hill, it hit the ground heavily.

Fortunately, his physical body is strong, otherwise, if it were someone else, I'm afraid he would suffer a lot of injuries. As for him, he got up angrily.

There was a fierce light in his eyes, and he couldn't help shouting: "Bastard! I don't believe it!"

As he spoke, he raised his huge fist again.

"Idiot, don't stop, are you going to destroy this place!"

At this time, another angry voice sounded, and the person who spoke was none other than the blood-eyed Demon Lord.

Apart from him, several other people also echoed, no wonder, still being attacked by the giant demon flame, the cyan light wave has not been broken, I am afraid that this piece of heaven and earth will be destroyed.

How can they agree.

"Red-eyed old monster, when will it be your turn to intervene in this seat's affairs?"

The giant Moyan was furious.

But even though he said so, he didn't continue to attack. He has well-developed limbs, but his mind is not simple.

It was just annoyed before.

"What should I do now? This thing can't be broken, so how to get in."

Someone asked.

"Don't worry, since the blood demon patriarch can enter, then we can too, let's look for it first."


(End of this chapter)

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