Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2278 Ice Queen

Chapter 2278 Ice Queen

What exactly is this place?

At this moment, the biggest question in Fang Yi's mind is undoubtedly this.

A mysterious cemetery is likely to bury powerful people from the three realms, located in the abyss of nine deaths, how could he not be surprised by such an astonishing discovery.

However, Gu Changqing had never heard of a similar experience before.

Was Gu Changqing hiding it?

It seems unlikely that the other party has no need to hide.

In other words, the other party and the blood demon ancestor did not enter this space.

Then why did I and Fairy Leng Yue enter here?The two of them are stronger?Or maybe there are other reasons.

Also, is this the last core of the Abyss of Nine Deaths?

What about the assessment?Doesn't exist at all?

What about the crisis?

So far, the two of them didn't seem to have encountered any crisis, which was obviously different from the experiences of Gu Changqing and the blood demon patriarch.

Not very logical either.

Just came in so easily?

If so, how could this place be called the Abyss of Nine Deaths?

Also, what is the purpose of entering here?

Looking at the cemetery in front of him, Fang Yi couldn't help frowning. It's impossible to rob the tomb by himself, right?

Although there may be a lot of good things in there, these people have no grievances or enmity with him, and they have already been buried in the ground, and Fang Yi will always be a little bit helpless to dig them out.

However, Fairy Leng Yue didn't seem to think so, her eyes lit up.

"It's developed, it's developed! These people must be peerless and powerful, and there must be many treasures, not as good as us..."

As she spoke, she looked at Fang Yi with extremely fiery eyes, seeming a little impatient.

It seems to be about to do it.

Fang Yi frowned when he saw this, and said, "You really want to dig them up, don't you?"

"Why not?"

Fairy Leng Yue asked back, taking it for granted.

"People are already dead, and it would be a waste to bury them underneath, and maybe they are waiting for successors to inherit."

With that said, she was about to make a move.

"Enough!" Fang Yi shouted, although he was also a little moved.

However, for some reason, looking at the stele, he couldn't help but think of the Kyushu Realm, and the densely packed names of the Kyushu tribesmen in the Kyushu Boundary.

and so……

"Look at the surrounding situation first, maybe it's just a trap?"

"Moreover, everything here is too contrary to what Gu Changqing said, and it must be unusual, so don't act rashly."

Fang Yi continued, with a hint of displeasure.

Hearing this, Fairy Leng Yue was not annoyed, but smiled strangely.

Whoosh! !

At this time, a gust of dark wind passed through, eerie and terrifying, which made people feel creepy.

From the side of Fairy Leng Yue, in the tomb she was about to dig, a ghostly aura rose up, accompanied by howling ghosts and wolves.

It makes the scalp numb and the back feel cold.

This is? ?

Fang Yi reacted instantly, and his expression couldn't help but change, "Get out of here!"

Fortunately, Fairy Leng Yue was not slow and escaped in an instant.

I saw that the spooky ghostly aura instantly transformed into a fierce ghost with an incomparably ferocious expression, which was extremely terrifying.

"Ignorant girl, dare to blaspheme this seat, damn it!"

After that, the ghost spit out human words, turned into a ghost claw, and grabbed Fairy Leng Yue directly.

Before the ghost claws arrived, the dense aura had already struck first, making one's soul tremble, as if falling into an ice cave.


Fang Yi quickly reminded, and at the same time, a giant palm also greeted him.

Fairy Leng Yue, however, seemed a little scared, and quickly hid behind Fang Yi.

"I told you a long time ago not to move around, now I know!"

Seeing this, Fang Yi did not forget to scold him.

"I didn't know that these ghosts would linger, damn it!" Fairy Leng Yue seemed a little upset, curled her lips, and said disapprovingly.

Fang Yi was speechless, and suddenly felt that it was a mistake to bring the other party by his side.

But right now he can't help it anymore, the ghost has already attacked.

Do not!It is not so much a ghost as it is a ghost, it seems to be transformed by the undissipated souls of these fallen powerhouses.

Although it has similarities with those ghost beasts in the outside world.

But the strength is not the same.

What's more, it's all pure soul power, even Fang Yi can't hold it.

"Senior, we didn't intend to disturb, we just entered here by chance..."

Fang Yi tried to explain, but unfortunately, the Yin spirit turned a deaf ear to it. It seemed that although he retained great strength, his intelligence was only limited to instinct.

He doesn't have a complete consciousness, he only knows how to protect his last resting place.

Such an opponent is undoubtedly the most troublesome.

Fang Yi had a terrible headache, but he could barely hold on.

However, what caused him even more headaches was still behind. All around the world, ghostly aura rose up, turning into ghosts, and surrounded them from all directions.


Seeing this scene, Fang Yi couldn't help cursing.

It seemed that the arrival of the two of them had disturbed their rest and made them appear furious.

"Go!" Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, he rolled up Fairy Leng Yue and was about to flee.

Just kidding, just one Yin spirit has already made it difficult for him to support. With so many Yin spirits, even if he has all-powerful means, it is absolutely impossible.

So, without even thinking about it, he ran away quickly.

However, what he didn't expect was that Fairy Leng Yue didn't move a bit.

Instead, he said coldly: "A group of lonely ghosts dare to act presumptuously in front of this palace, they are looking for death!"

The cold voice seemed to make the whole space fall into an ice cave.

Even Fang Yi couldn't help but tremble all over.

Immediately, he seemed to have noticed something, turned his head abruptly, and saw Fairy Leng Yue at this moment, how can she still have the promise before, the whole person is like a piece of ice that will not melt for thousands of years.

Her expression was extremely cold, as if she didn't touch the dust of the world, like a supreme queen.

"Ice Queen!"

Seeing this expression, Fang Yi blurted out.

Because he was too familiar with this expression, he had already seen it in Qianlian Lake that day.

Afterwards, he also learned from Luo Qianxue, how could he not be able to tell the difference.

"You really are the Ice Queen! Tell me! Where is Wuxian?"

At this moment, Fang Yi seemed to have forgotten the situation in front of him. He only had the Ice Queen in his eyes, and a pair of bright eyes were also slightly glowing red.

However, the Ice Queen didn't even look at him, and directly swept towards the group of Yin spirits.

Her beautiful eyes turned slightly cold.

Immediately, there were bursts of freezing sounds from the surrounding world, and blossoming ice lotuses bloomed accordingly.

Together with the countless Yin spirits, they were also frozen inch by inch, turning into a frozen paradise, and strangely shaped ice sculptures stood in the paradise, extremely weird.

how is this possible?so powerful?

Fang Yi's pupils were wide open, filled with disbelief, but his eyes were still cold.

(End of this chapter)

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