Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2284 Youth in the Tomb

Chapter 2284 Youth in the Tomb

However, after the dark wind passed, the imaginary Yin spirit did not appear.

Everything around is business as usual.

Fairy Leng Yue had already studied around those tombstones, nodding and shaking her head from time to time, looking excited.

"Could it be that I think too much and don't have Yin Ling?"

Fang Yi shook his head secretly.

After all, the experience just now was too similar to the current situation, and it was inevitable that he would feel a little overwhelmed.

Immediately, he also began to study around those tombstones.

The tombstones are still those tombstones, and the names are still the same. There is no difference from everything I saw before. The only difference is that there are no ghosts appearing for the time being.

And Fairy Leng Yue did not become the Snow Queen either.

It seems!

Everything before was caused by the spiritual world, but it was so realistic that it was impossible to tell the truth from the fake.

Can't help...

"Strange! Why is there nothing? How about..."

At this time, Fairy Leng Yue's eyes flickered, and she looked at the mound behind the tombstones, which shone slightly.

Seeing this, Fang Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said, "What do you want to do? Don't be fooled."

Perhaps it was because of his experience in the spiritual world that he felt a little more awe towards this cemetery at this moment, and Fairy Leng Yue's expression at this moment couldn't hide it from him.

"What nonsense! Everyone is dead, maybe he is waiting..."

Fairy Leng Yue curled her lips, looking quite disdainful.

But Fang Yi's expression became even uglier.

It can't be so evil!

Even the lines are the same.

"You can't say anything! These people have already been buried in the ground, so digging them out again like this, don't you think..."

Fang Yi scolded sharply, trying to stop Fairy Leng Yue's actions.

However, Fairy Leng Yue looked at him with disdain, as if looking at an idiot, and couldn't help saying: "Are you stupid? Why dig it out if you want to see if there is anything in it?"


Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help being startled.

No, with the strength of the two people's spiritual sense, it seems...

Why didn't I find this suspicious point in the spiritual world before, if not, it wouldn't be here.

From this point of view, although the spiritual world is extremely realistic, there are still flaws to be found.

Fairy Leng Yue lazily talked to Fang Yi and began to search.

Fang Yi didn't say anything anymore, and also started to look around, trying to unlock the secret of this cemetery.

But unfortunately, after searching all around, he still found nothing.

This cemetery seems to be an ordinary cemetery, and there is nothing special about it, except for the names on the tombstones, which indicate their extraordinary origins.


Fang Yi couldn't help but secretly frowned.

Buzz! !

But at this time, there was a roaring sound from the surrounding world suddenly, it was the sound of swords, it was extremely astonishing.

Exuding an incomparable air of killing the sky.

Even Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help but stare at one of the countless tombstones.

A look of disbelief flashed across Fang Yi's face, and he also swept over, and the tombstone belonged to the former Tianshan Mountain Lord Emperor Wucai.

"what happened?"

The two couldn't help but looked at each other, both full of doubts.

The next moment, a unparalleled sword light shot out from the tombstone, directly moving Jiuxiaofengyun.


Wherever the sword light came, the heavens and the earth were wiped out one after another, and the endless darkness and void were reflected like daylight in an instant.

At this moment, it seemed that there was only that sword light left in the world, which was incomparable.

So strong! !

Rao Fang Yi, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a flash of astonishment flashed across his face.

Moreover, he didn't feel the aura of a strong person in the state of transformation from it, only the peak of the seventh level of fusion, and the seventh level of fusion can burst out such a sharp sword light, which is simply...

"Interesting! Your opponent is here."

At this time, Fairy Leng Yue also said something playful, with a strange light in her eyes.

As if in response to her words, the bright sword light slowly disappeared, replaced by a tall and straight figure.

The figure is a young man, dressed in black robes. Standing there, he seems to be the center of the world. His face is resolute and majestic. A pair of bright eyes are like a bright moon in the endless darkness, lighting up the void.

The aura all over his body was extremely fierce, like a peerless sword drawn out of its sheath.

No one can touch its edge.

At this moment, even Fang Yi's eyes could not help but brighten, and the energy in his body was ready to move.

Such a strong man really ignited a trace of fighting spirit in him.

The young man didn't seem to have thought that there were other people here. He was startled for a while, and then his eyes on the two became more and more fierce, full of fighting spirit.

"Not bad! Kid, who are you?"

Boy Leng Yue was the first to break the silence, with a playful look on his face.

Then he said to himself: "Let me guess, you came out of that tombstone, that tombstone is perfect, let's see your strength..."

"Hmm... You are probably the legendary Emperor Jianyi who ranks first in the demigod list, right?"

Fairy Leng Yue said slowly, with a confident look.

In fact, she didn't need to say anything, Fang Yi had already guessed it.

The second-ranked Moonless Sage Monk has seen both of them, and the young man in front of him is obviously stronger than the Moonless Sage Monk.

Combined with some other factors, apart from the legendary Emperor Jianyi, there seemed to be no other candidates.

"Who are you?"

It didn't seem to be a surprise that Emperor Jianyi's identity was discovered.

On the contrary, it's a little weird.

Because, with his current strength and fame, he would be recognized as soon as he appeared in the past, and the relationship between the two in front of him still depends on speculation.

Moreover, these two seem to be not weak, especially the white-haired young man.

It even made him unable to see through it, and even had an extremely dangerous feeling.

But it was such a person, he couldn't find anyone on the list of demigods, and he had never heard of any strong hidden world who agreed with the other party.

In this way, he had to be curious.

His eyes also became brighter.

"You don't need to know who we are, but from this point of view, not all the demigods are trash, at least there are decent ones like you."

"Even the holy monk without a moon, who can't even take a sword from my lady, can be ranked second. My lady once wondered if you are also a generation of vain."

"Fortunately... there is still something to see."

Fairy Leng Yue had a playful look on her face, and her attitude was extremely arrogant.

What he said made Di Jian stunned, and a hint of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, there was deep contempt.

"Hmph, what a big tone! You said that the Moonless Monk couldn't take your sword?"

"It's ridiculous!"

Di Jian sneered, and his eyes became a little cold.

Just kidding, with his strength, he can naturally see through the strength of Fairy Lengyue at a glance, and at the beginning of the seventh level of fusion, he even shouted to defeat the holy monk without a single sword.

How not to make him despise him, he couldn't help saying: "I really want to see how amazing your sword is!"


(End of this chapter)

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