Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2286 Slaying the Heavens 1 Swords

Chapter 2286

brush! !

The resplendent three-color sword shadow also became more radiant, more resplendent than before, and even overwhelmed the golden light.

However, the ten thousand zhang golden light was even more fierce, cutting mountains and mountains like a bamboo along the way.

If it were an ordinary person, under this sword, they would definitely die without a place to bury their lives.

However, Fang Yi is obviously not comparable to ordinary people, and the three-color sword shadow is not something that can be broken by ordinary sword moves.

Two extremely fierce and domineering sword shadows clashed instantly.

Suddenly, thousands of miles of void was wiped out inch by inch.

The invisible sword energy is powerful everywhere.

At this moment, it was as if the end was approaching, and the top of the sky seemed to be about to collapse completely, which was extremely shocking.

Fortunately, there is no one around here, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Boom! ! !

There was a constant loud noise, and the sky and the earth were shattered inch by inch. With the two of them at the center, a huge black hole instantly engulfed all directions, which was extremely terrifying.

Like a huge space storm.

Everything can be crushed into powder under this storm.

Even time seemed to be shattered, and the world fell into a moment of distortion.

It wasn't until the two majestic figures, one black and one blue, flew out of the black hole that the world seemed to return to normal.

A terrible storm swept across the four directions, tearing everything apart.

Only those two figures stood still, like two heavenly pillars, standing upright.

With this blow, they were evenly divided.

Fairy Leng Yue, who was standing in the cemetery, could not help but brighten her eyes when she saw this scene, and even had a hint of arrogance, proud?pride?

But Di Jianyi's eyes were extremely deep, staring at Fang Yi closely, a little unbelievable.

Especially seeing the latter with a calm face, as if nothing happened.

This color of astonishment became more and more intense.

However, he didn't intend to make another move. Instead, he said: "I lost! You are really good!"

With that said, he turned around and was about to leave.

Is this over?

Fang Yi couldn't help being stunned, the winner hadn't been decided yet, it was just one blow, why...

Immediately, he was ready to speak.

But at this time, Emperor Jianyi's voice sounded first, "But unfortunately, I don't know what secrets this space has."

"All I know is that each of these tombstones is an inheritance, and whether you can obtain it depends on yourself."

"Remember, it's useless to use strength, because the weakest of them is ten thousand times stronger than you and me."


When Emperor Jian arrived, he kept his promise very much and told everything he knew.

Although it was extremely limited, it gave Fang Yi some clues.

"I hope you can gain something, let's fight again in the God Transformation Realm!"

After the words fell, Emperor Jianyi didn't stay any longer, and directly turned into a beam of sword light, disappearing at the end of the darkness.

But at the same place, Fang Yi was speechless, obviously not enjoying himself.

"What? Are you not happy after winning?"

At this time, Fairy Leng Yue landed in front of Fang Yi with a flash of her figure, with a playful smile on her face, looking Fang Yi up and down, as if meeting Fang Yi for the first time.


Fang Yi laughed at himself, "This counts as a win? Isn't it too childish?"

"No, it's no joke at all!"

"You did win!"

Fairy Leng Yue looked calm, as if she knew something.

Fang Yi became even more puzzled when he heard this, and looked at her in puzzlement.

Fairy Leng Yue didn't hold back anymore, she paused and asked, "What do you think of his sword?"

"It's amazing! I'm afraid no one on the list of demigods can take over."

"However, beheading the God Transformation Realm doesn't seem to be enough!"

Fang Yi pondered for a moment before speaking.

That sword was quite impressive. On the demigod list, he had seen the No. [-] Saint Monk without Moon, the No. [-] Jun Wudao, and the No. [-] Scarlet Scale Demon Lord.

With the strength of these three people, I am afraid that none of them can withstand that sword.

From this, it is enough to explain the power of that sword.

However, according to the legend, Emperor Sword One had killed someone in the God Transformation Realm, and with the power of that sword, it seemed to be a bit weaker.

Could it be that the rumors are false?

Or, the other party didn't try their best?

"That's right!" Fairy Leng Yue nodded appreciatively, seeming to see through Fang Yi's thoughts, and said again: "This sword is indeed the sword of his seventh-level fusion."

"Besides, there is no second sword, because there is only one sword in Zhantian Swordsmanship."

Heaven-slashing and sword-drawing technique?

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move. This name sounds extremely extraordinary.

And only one sword?this……

Could this be the reason why the opponent gave up so simply?

Fang Yi became more and more puzzled.

"So? It's a rumor that he beheaded the God Transformation Realm?" For some reason, he always had some disbelief, and when Emperor Jian left in the end, he couldn't see any emotions belonging to the loser.

"Don't worry, Miss Ben hasn't finished yet!"

Fairy Leng Yue smiled triumphantly, and continued: "Although this sword is his sword at the peak of the seventh level of fusion, it does not integrate the power of the soul."

"Once merged, it is not impossible to kill the God Transformation Realm."

"In other words, he didn't try his best, maybe he didn't even bother to use the power of his soul to deal with you, a rookie with a seven-fold body."

Fairy Leng Yue said, and gave Fang Yi a look of disdain.

There is also a playful smile.

Fang Yi couldn't help being startled when he heard this.


The other party really had reservations, and he was actually despised, making the other party disdain to perform the real sword-slashing technique.

Fang Yi couldn't help laughing at himself. Since he practiced, no strong man of the same level dared to ignore him. He didn't expect that today...

"Hey!! How do you feel? Are you upset?"

Fairy Leng Yue chuckled and looked at Fang Yi playfully.

Then he said again: "It doesn't matter, didn't he invite the battle, wait for the God Transformation Realm to fight back, and, didn't you also hold back?"

Fairy Leng Yue seems to know everything, and nothing can be hidden from her eyes.

Fang Yi couldn't help but glared at her.

The fact is just like what she said, Fang Yi did keep his hand because he wanted to see what Emperor Jianyi's next sword move would be.

The sword that claims to be able to kill a strong person in the realm of transforming gods.

But I never thought that the opponent would admit defeat directly, and did not use that sword.

Disdain?Or other reasons?

"That's right! You seem to know a lot about Zhantian and Drawing Swordsmanship, what kind of swordmanship is that?"

Immediately, Fang Yi couldn't help asking, with deep curiosity.

"Well, cough, it's a long story..."

"Specifically, Ms. Ben is not very clear about this..."

Fairy Leng Yue started to play sloppy eyes, and she couldn't speak clearly, but Fang Yi probably understood a little bit.

He was also extremely shocked, because only from the few words of Fairy Leng Yue, he learned that this technique of cutting the sky and drawing the sword is not a martial art at all, and even surpasses the realm of transforming gods.

As for what level it has reached, it is temporarily unknown.

But what is certain is that this sword can integrate the power of the inner world and the spiritual world.

Its power can be imagined...

(End of this chapter)

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