Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2294 The power of that punch

Chapter 2294 The power of that punch

Sensing this gaze, suspicion flashed across the skinny old man's snake-like eyes.

But there is no slack in the hands.

The figure was like lightning, and the ghost claw also poked out again, even more startled than before.

Not to mention Ghost Axe, there seemed to be raging flames in his eyes, as if he wanted to cut Fang Yi into pieces.

The crowd also recovered from the initial shock and became extremely nervous.

It was as if they were themselves in the field at the moment.

"Senior brother Qi, are they dead?"

In a certain corner of the crowd, Qi Feng especially, his expression was tense, and his face was pale, showing eagerness.

And beside him, besides Elder Lin, there was also Qi Tiancheng from before.

Several people all looked at the field intently.


Qi Tiancheng's answer was irrelevant, because he could no longer see through the two sides in the battle, let alone distinguish who won and who lost.

Although, he didn't like Fang Yi and Fairy Leng Yue.

However, the previous scene where the opponent killed the Quartet, as well as the palm just now, made everything full of unknowns.

In addition, the other party's calm and composed expression, as if nothing happened.

It made him even more incapable of distinguishing, and his eyes couldn't help showing a strong color of curiosity, as well as a hint of anticipation.

In fact, it's not just him, there are many strong people present, all of them are.

His eyes are urgent.

Until those two figures attacked again, their expressions were tense to the extreme.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, remained indifferent, unable to see much reaction.

At the same time, he clenched his five fingers, and there was a muffled sound of thunder in his palm. Afterwards, he slowly punched out. That punch seemed ordinary.

Didn't show much power.

However, as the fist wind passed by, the vision persisted, and the surrounding flowers and trees seemed to wither in an instant.

All things perish.

It was actually similar to the aura of the skinny old man, and even more powerful.

From the deep eyes of the skinny old man, two rays of light could not help bursting out, full of inconceivability, and the ghost claws that had been protruding out couldn't help but stop in mid-air.

As for Ghost Axe, his expression also changed drastically, with a look of disbelief flashing across his face.

Especially looking at the giant palm that he poked out, shattered inch by inch, this expression became more intense.

Fortunately, the opponent's punch was crushed inch by inch under his giant palm.

This finally gave him some comfort.

However, the mutation is back!

Seeing that the opponent's punch was about to completely collapse, suddenly, the withered flowers, plants and trees around him seemed to be revived in an instant, and they were all emerald green.

Incomparably mysterious!

And the punch that was about to collapse, like those flowers and trees, re-condensed.

He directly blasted at Ghost Axe.

boom! !

Immediately, there was a loud bang, and under everyone's inconceivable gazes, the figure of Ghost Axe blasted out like a cannonball.

The blood in the mouth is like a spring, swaying the sky.


At this moment, the surroundings seemed to fall into a deathly silence.

The crowd also seemed to have turned into stone sculptures, unable to speak out in astonishment.

Compared with Emperor Jianyi's sword, if the two are still evenly matched, then at this moment, they are undoubtedly a strong crush.

A seven-fold fit, powerfully crushing a God Transformation Realm.

And still under the watchful eyes of another strong man in the Transformation God Realm, how could the crowd not be shocked by such an ending?

In the deep eyes of the skinny old man, there is also a gleam of light.

As for Ghost Axe, he finally stabilized his figure at this moment, his face was pale, blood was still overflowing from his mouth, and he said in horror: "Qingdimuhuangquan!"

good!This punch is exactly the 'Qingdimuhuangquan' that Fang Yi learned from Qingdi's inheritance.

Having comprehended this punch before, he couldn't wait to try it.

It's just right now!

" are the descendant of Emperor Qing? How is it possible, aren't you from the spirit world?"

Ghost Axe's eyes were filled with disbelief.

As far as he knew, it hadn't been long since the other party entered the Tianshan Mountains, and it was impossible for him to obtain the Qing Emperor's inheritance. Even if he obtained it, he would not be able to comprehend it so quickly.

and so……

"What? Qingdi Wooden Emperor Fist? The peerless powerhouse who once dominated the Tianshan Mountains, Qingdi's unique skill?"

"Isn't the Wood God Sect already in decline? How come there are still such strong people?"

The crowd was in an uproar.

Seeing it, they seem to be familiar with the name of Emperor Qing.

He was just amazed that Fang Yi turned out to be the heir of the Qing Emperor, and his expression seemed to be a little stunned, and he attributed Fang Yi's strength to this.

As for Fang Yi himself, naturally he didn't have the slightest sense of self-awareness.

The heir of Qing Emperor?

To him, it was nothing more than two sets of exercises. Of course, the magic of these exercises really satisfied him.

Subconsciously, he nodded his head.

And Fairy Leng Yue at the side still didn't seem to have recovered.

I have no idea what's going on in front of me.

However, the countless figures around, the majestic aura, and the voices of discussion from the crowd finally made her understand the strength of Ghost Axe and the skinny old man.

The powerhouse of the God Transformation Realm, the existence that has disappeared in the spirit world.

At this moment, she appeared alive in front of her eyes, and was blown away by Fang Yi's punch. The shock in her heart can be imagined.

The pretty face was also pale.

"Not bad!"

However, Fang Yi said something casually, and after that, his sharp eyes couldn't help but cast on Ghost Axe.

What he said was not bad, so he naturally said that Qingdimuhuangquan was not bad.

"I have no grievances with you, but you have repeatedly offended me. Since you insist on courting death, then I will fulfill you."

The faint voice sounded again, like a king's trial.

It is hard for anyone to imagine that this is a wild statement made by a seven-layered body to transform the gods.

But it is.

At the same time as the words fell, Fang Yi punched again.

Compared with the previous punch, this punch is more domineering, obliterating all directions.

Exuding endless destruction and death.

Because, this fist is not only Qingdimuhuangquan, but also infused with the destructive breath of the underworld dragon by Fang Yi. Everything, if it touches a little bit, it will be annihilated inch by inch.

Even those who are strong in the God Transformation Realm are not immune.

This is not difficult to see from the situation of Ghost Axe at the moment.

Facing that punch, how could Ghost Axe retreat, his whole body burst out with breath, and he went straight to meet him.

It's a pity that no matter how tyrannical he is, once he comes into contact with Fang Yi's punch, every inch will be reduced to fly ash. Before he can even react, half of his body has already been turned into a dry bone.


A mournful howl followed.

Immediately afterwards, that punch condensed again and hit the other half of his body.

If this punch landed, he would definitely die on the spot.

"Bastard! This old man will surely be torn to pieces."

Seeing that punch was about to hit, Ghost Ax roared unwillingly, and then directly tore apart half of the rotten body, turned into a bloody light, and disappeared into the world.

(End of this chapter)

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