Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2324 Depressed Yuan Qitian

Chapter 2324 Depressed Yuan Qitian

It was still a blue space, but the difference was that there seemed to be a faint light shrouding it around.

It seems miraculous.

Moreover, the aura of destruction here is significantly stronger than other places.

"That's it?"

A look of surprise flashed across Fang Yi's face, because apart from the faint light, he didn't see any guardian figures.

"You'll know when you go in, look!"

After saying that, Yuan Qitian didn't talk nonsense, and with a flash of his figure, he shot directly into the light like a golden lightning.

His body passed through the faint light, as if passing through the water.

There are faint ripples.

Immediately afterwards, from within the light, a figure also condensed.

The figure was a burly middle-aged man, dressed in a green robe, with a resolute face, not angry and majestic.

However, he was a little less angry.

good!He doesn't seem to be an entity, he doesn't even seem to have consciousness, it's just an image left by a powerful existence.

And as Yuan Qitian penetrated, the figure quickly attacked him.

The speed is extremely fast and the shot is majestic.

The power is vast.

At this moment, the feeling is so real, as if it is an entity.

Even Yuan Qitian, his expression couldn't help changing, he quickly got entangled with the other party, but it's a pity, compared to that figure, Yuan Qitian's strength was obviously inferior.

It is almost only for being beaten, and it is difficult to fight back.

Fang Yi looked at this scene and couldn't help being stunned. The appearance of that figure almost made him confirm that this was the assessment in the Cyanwood Pagoda.

However, the difficulty of this assessment may not be too exaggerated.

Even Yuan Qitian, such a strong man, can only be beaten, so the others...

You know, he is a strong man in the God Transformation Realm.

wait!Something seems wrong.

Fang Yi faintly realized that something was unusual. Since the Qingmu Pagoda was left by the Qing Emperor to the Mu Shenzong's inheritance, how could the assessment be so difficult?

It's impossible, even ordinary disciples of Mu Shenzong have reached Yuan Qitian's level, right?

In that case, it's not just against the sky.

Although the Tianshan Mountains are vast, the existence of the God Transformation Realm is rare, so how is it possible...


This assessment is absolutely impossible to be so difficult, let alone this is the second level.

Fang Yi was determined in his heart, but for a while he didn't know what was wrong.

And Yuan Qitian, who was already in a panic, was forced by that figure to jump up and down, and couldn't help shouting: "Brother Fang, you still don't make a move."

Seeing this, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move.

Although I haven't figured out what's going on, I can't say, I can only try it first.

Immediately, he didn't hesitate anymore, and with a thought, he shot towards the two of them.

Seeing that the two of them were right in front of him, he raised a giant palm and was about to take a picture.

But at that moment, a strange scene happened.

When he passed through that light, everything in front of him disappeared out of thin air, replaced by another figure in green robe.

And Yuan Qitian and the previous figure seemed to be not far away, fighting fiercely.

However, it seems to be in a different space from him.

From the perspective of the outside world, within that faint light, it seems to be a rhombus-shaped space.

Fang Yi and Yuan Qitian each faced a figure in green robes.

"Damn it! This damn place, everyone enters a different space."

Yuan Qitian obviously also noticed this scene, his eyes were full of astonishment.

Originally, he was planning for the two to join forces, but he never thought about it, and it all fell apart.

Fang Yi was also surprised, but then he discovered something even more surprising, that is, the green-robed figure who was facing him attacked at the same time as he entered the space.

The difference is that his strength is not comparable to that of Yuan Qitian's opponent.

According to Fang Yi's estimate, his opponents are at the peak of the sixth level of the combined body, close to the existence of the seventh level of the combined body.

"Grandma, hell!"

Yuan Qitian undoubtedly discovered all this, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Shouting in his mouth: "Damn it, what kind of ghost tower is this? It's clear that I can't get along with you."

No wonder he was like this, Fang Yi was puzzled.

However, he was not in a hurry to beat his opponent, because he wanted to find out why.

As for Yuan Qitian, the unfair treatment he received was extremely unbalanced, he cursed and chattered, and then, as if he had discovered something, he simply escaped from the space.

This space seems to be unconstrained and does not limit escape.

And after he escaped, his original opponent also disappeared.

Seeing this, his eyes moved again, and he came towards Fang Yi's space again.

Just like before, the two failed to enter the same space, Yuan Qitian appeared in another space, and his opponent was still as tyrannical as before.

"Grandma! I just don't believe it."

Yuan Qitian was furious, and escaped again. After trying three times, the result was without exception.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help trying twice, but his opponent was so weak every time.

This really put Yuan Qi in a bad mood.

However, Fang Yi vaguely understood something, since this Green Wood Pagoda was reserved for the disciples of Mu Shenzong.

And the space inside the tower is filled with the aura of destruction.

Obviously, only the disciples of the Wood God Sect can participate in this assessment. Although Fang Yi is not a disciple of the Wood God Sect, he has practiced the Kurong Jue and Qingdi Muhuang Fist.

and so……

As for Yuan Qitian, as an outsider, he does not have the two auras of dryness and glory in his body, so he will be turned away.

Knowing this, Fang Yi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Yuan Qitian seemed to understand something, he looked at Fang Yi hopefully, and said, "Brother Fang, whether I can go out or not is entirely up to you now."

"Do your best!"

Fang Yi smiled indifferently, and immediately threw a punch without bothering.

The terrifying power of destruction erupted instantly.

Not surprisingly, the green-robed figure completely collapsed like smoke, disappearing invisible.

At the same time, countless cyan energies gathered, and at the place where the cyan robe figure disappeared, a cyan halo formed, like a legendary gate.


Seeing this circle of light, Yuan Qitian's eyes brightened, ready to move.

He wanted to rush into it, but unfortunately, as soon as he entered that space, he came to another space, and there was a powerful opponent waiting for him.

Immediately, he was so angry that he croaked and screamed, very angry.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help smiling sympathetically, and said, "Brother Yuan, don't worry, if Fang can go out, he will definitely take you out with him."

As he said that, Fang Yi didn't stop, and stepped directly into the blue light circle.

After that, it disappeared into this space out of thin air.

All around, there were only Yuan Qitian's croaking and furious voices, and the sound of the blue figure's wild bombardment.


(End of this chapter)

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