Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2331 Control

Chapter 2331 Control

"This is the seventh floor of the Cyanwood Pagoda?"

Fang Yi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed seeing the empty space in front of him.

Suddenly, a faint light appeared in front of him.

It was a stone platform. On the stone platform, there was a cyan token and a storage ring, but there was nothing else.

Fang Yi's eyes could not help but brighten.

Finally found it, according to the memory passed down by Emperor Qing, in that storage ring, there are many good things stored by Emperor Qing.

Among them are many elixir to strengthen the soul.

And a huge number of soul refining stones.

It was precisely because of this that he decided to come to the Wood God Sect, borrow these elixir and soul refining stones, and break through to the God Transformation Realm.

However, the goal has now been achieved ahead of schedule.

However, his spiritual world is still small, and these things are also used.

All are necessary to open up the spiritual world.

Immediately, with a movement of his body, he moved towards the stone platform.

However, just as he was about to approach, the figure in the green robe that he was extremely familiar with unexpectedly condensed again and stood in front of him.

And the majestic aura made him feel his soul trembling as soon as he touched it.

This is definitely an existence beyond the Earth Soul Realm.

Judging from the increasing difficulty of the assessment in the Cyanwood Pagoda, no surprises, he should be the strongest person at the peak of the Heavenly Soul.

It's just...

At this moment, Fang Yi had the urge to yell.

Isn't it just a storage ring, a green wood tower!As for setting such a difficult test?

If Lao Tzu really reached the Heavenly Soul Realm, how could he care about a small Greenwood Pagoda.

Fang Yi couldn't help scolding his mother.

But then his eyes couldn't help but move.

its not right!If it is really just a green wood pagoda, and some things in the storage ring, it won't leave such a difficult test, right?Could it be that there is something else?

and many more!

Fang Yi's heart couldn't help but move. If there was anything worthy of Emperor Qing's attention, there seemed to be only one thing.

That is the Wooden Temple.

Could it be that the final reward of this assessment is the Wooden Temple?

If that's the case, then this trip is in vain, because the Wooden Temple is in his body.

Don't say it!This possibility is extremely high, otherwise, it is just a green wood pagoda, why should such an assessment be made, isn't it a waste of effort?

Thinking of this, the corner of Fang Yi's mouth couldn't help twitching.

However, the green-robed man in front of him didn't know that the Wooden Temple was acquired by him. Do you want to tell him: Don't test it, the Wooden Temple is inside me?

Fang Yi felt a little speechless.

Facing the green-robed man in the Heavenly Soul Realm, he didn't even have the slightest intention to do anything, because that would undoubtedly be looking for abuse.

and many more!

If what I expected was correct, would this green-robed man be able to sense the aura of the Wooden Temple?

In that case...

Do as soon as you think of it, and immediately, with a thought in Fang Yi's mind, the majestic vitality of the Longevity Sutra erupted instantly, and the Longevity Sutra is not only effective for saving people.

It's just that its saving effect is so strong that Fang Yi hardly uses it against enemies except for breath adjustment.

But of course it's different now.

As if sensing Fang Yi's attack, the green-robed man made a mechanical move.

The majestic power also followed, so that Fang Yi couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and almost fled in fright.

However, a miraculous scene happened.

When the two energies converged, the energy belonging to the green-robed man shattered inch by inch. Although the Longevity Sutra was much weaker in comparison, it was as powerful as a broken bamboo.

Until, the figure of the green-robed man also disintegrated.

The world returned to peace.

"Passed? Really?"

Fang Yi's eyes were full of astonishment, he naturally would not think that he had defeated the strong man in the Heavenly Soul Realm.

Most likely, the green-robed man sensed the breath of the Longevity Sutra and collapsed on his own, or the mechanism of this assessment was originally left by the Qingdi with the Longevity Sutra, so...

Fang Yi was speechless for a while.

It's a complete waste of time to fight for a long time.

But that's not always the case, the first five floors are all relative to ordinary disciples.

This seventh floor should be the key to inheriting the Wooden Temple.

In order to confirm what he thought in his heart, Fang Yi's eyes moved, and immediately landed in front of the stone platform, and picked up the storage ring.

Divine thoughts explored it, and sure enough...

Inside, Emperor Qing left a piece of information about the whereabouts of the Wooden Temple.

It even left a way to go to the Ten Thousand Monster Realm.

You must know that it is almost impossible for the strong Tianshan to enter the magic mirror space, the stronger the strength, the more impossible, because of the suppression of heaven.

On the contrary, those with weak strength have a slight possibility.

And the method left by Emperor Qing is to condense a weak clone.

Fang Yi couldn't help laughing in surprise, curled his lips, everything was as he expected.

But it's not surprising, there is nothing else besides the Wooden Temple that can make the Qing Emperor go to war so violently!

Immediately, he didn't bother to pay attention to these, the Wooden Temple had already been obtained.

His eyes couldn't help but cast into the storage ring.


There are many kinds of elixir, and the number of soul refining stones is also extremely large.

However, having broken through to the realm of transforming gods, these things no longer aroused Fang Yi's great interest, but some strange things made him a little curious.

But now is clearly not the time to study this.

Then, he looked at the cyan token again.

Take a look at the divine sense.

Immediately, he understood in his heart that this token was really the Cyanwood Token, once refined, he could truly control the entire Cyanwood Pagoda.

And the Aoki Token in Mu Chengyin's hands is just a temporary accessory.

Immediately, he was not polite and directly refined it.


Boom! !

Following his refinement, the entire Cyanwood Pagoda was thunderous.

On the sixth floor, the huge faces gathered again, looking extremely frightened and excited.

"He... did he succeed?"

"That's right! The Cyanwood Pagoda is being refined, doesn't it mean that the talent has just entered the state of transformation? Why..."

Although full of doubts.

However, at this moment, those huge faces were all extremely excited.

Because the Cyanwood Pagoda was refined, it meant that they had a chance to go out.

Of course, all of this depends on the new owner of the Qingmu Pagoda.

The thunder gradually quieted down!

It means that refining is also close to completion.

Someone seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and shouted: "Junior! Who are you, why don't you let me go out and see you quickly."


Some yelled, some echoed.

Auras of deep aura also spread out, mighty and mighty, like gods of heaven and earth.

Really horrified.

It was obvious that they were trying to use their powerful power to frighten the new owner of the Cyanwood Pagoda, so that the other party would let them out.

It has to be said that if this were replaced by ordinary people, I am afraid that they would really be shocked by them.

But Fang Yi is a bold man, so how could he be easily fooled.

The next moment, his incomparably majestic voice exploded in the void on the sixth floor, "Crack!"

Along with this sound, a boundless coercion also fell.

All the faces were shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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