Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2334

Chapter 2334

Mu Chengyin's eyes were full of despair and unwillingness, watching Fang Yi stepping forward step by step, like falling into an abyss.

I couldn't help trembling all over.

As for the crowd, they didn't even dare to vent their breath at this moment, and they kept silent like cicadas.

"I ask you, where are the disciples of the Wood God Sect who accompanied you in the sea of ​​suffering?"

Fang Yi could sweep away all the people in the arena at a glance.

To his surprise, more than half of the people he met in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness were not on the list at this moment, and neither was the fat man.

You know, these people are all strong, and it is conceivable that they dare to enter the sea of ​​suffering.

Now that there is such a big commotion here, but these people are not seen...

The crowd was also surprised when they heard the words, as if they finally realized something, they couldn't help turning their eyes to Mu Chengyin.


Mu Cheng's dark eyes flickered, and he was obviously a little guilty.

"It's him! He must have planned it long ago. He was the one who coveted the Qingmu order, and he was the one who killed the suzerain."

Although Mu Xiong was impulsive, he was not stupid, and quickly accused him.

"Since you don't say it, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

As Fang Yi said, he didn't bother to talk nonsense, and with his giant palm, he grabbed Mu Chengyin in his heart like an eagle catching a chicken.

Kaka! !

Gently pinch with five fingers, and suddenly, there is a sound of bones and flesh bursting.

Mu Chengyin's whole body was like firecrackers, flesh and blood flying everywhere, it was extremely tragic, he screamed in pain, even his soul was imprisoned.

"I said I said...they are in my inner world."

Finally, Mu Chengyin couldn't bear it any longer, and big sweat droplets rolled down like rain.

Hearing this, with a thought in Fang Yi's mind, Mu Chengyin's spiritual sea also burst, and his inner world completely collapsed.

A figure appeared immediately.

It was the group of disciples of the Wood God Sect that Fang Yi had met before in the sea of ​​bitterness.

The fat man was suddenly among them.

It's just that the expression is a little sluggish, and it seems that everyone has suffered a lot.

"How did this happen? You..."

The faces of the disciples of the Wood God Sect changed drastically.

"Report to the Second Elder and the Third Elder..." Immediately, a disciple recounted his experience.

Even Fang Yi's identity was known to everyone.

Immediately, the eyes of the Mu Shenzong disciples looking at Fang Yi became completely different, with a fiery light, especially after hearing that Fang Yi might solve the Kurong Jue.

It became even more fanatical.

But Fang Yi just smiled at this.

"It's really boring, a bunch of trash, why bother to do this with them, just kill them if they don't like it."

Yuan Qitian seemed to have something to say.

According to his idea, after he came out, he would of course start a massacre to avenge his trap in the Cyanwood Pagoda, even if he slaughtered the entire Mu Shenzong.

However, Que Fang Yi flatly denied it.

First of all, the culprits are Mu Chengyin and Mu Chengfeng, and Fang Yi doesn't want to commit too many crimes.

Second, he still has to rely on these people to gain a firm foothold in Tianshan.

Although the strength of these people is not worth mentioning, it is enough to inquire about the news.

Yuan Qitian naturally also understood, but in his opinion, direct suppression is enough, and there is no need to be so troublesome.

However, the ready-made identity of the Qing Emperor's successor is undoubtedly more convincing to everyone, so Fang Yi doesn't mind playing around.

Moreover, there is no need for him to speak, those imprisoned by Mu Chengyin will speak for him.


"How are you?"

In the main hall, Fang Yi couldn't help but glanced at Fairy Leng Yue, and asked a casual question.

To be honest, he was really afraid that something would happen to the other party.

Because this matter should be caused by him after all, the other party was only implicated.

I originally thought that entering the Cyanwood Pagoda was only a matter of a moment, who would have thought that it would take so long, but luckily the other party is fine, finally...

"You already knew that Mu Chengyin would attack you? Then why didn't you bring me along?"

Fairy Leng Yue glanced at Fang Yi, seemingly dissatisfied.

Fang Yi obviously heard the meaning of reproach, smiled lightly, and said: "I have already reminded you to be careful."


Hearing this, Fairy Leng Yue was even angrier, but she didn't say anything more.

And her body doesn't allow her to act aggressively.

Seeing this, Fang Yi casually threw out a storage ring. Anyway, the harvest this time was not small, and he was not stingy, and at the same time he asked: "Heal your wounds well!"

Fairy Leng Yue glanced at him, took the storage ring and said, "I deserve it!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored Fang Yi and walked straight away.

Fang Yi was speechless for a while.

"Women are troublesome!" At this moment, Yuan Qitian couldn't help interjecting, looking very impatient.

"By the way! Brother Fang, what are your plans next?"

Immediately, he asked again.

Fang Yi didn't hide anything, he said that he planned to subdue Mu Shenzong, and with this as a foothold, he planned to gain a firm foothold in Tianshan Mountain.

Yuan Qitian's strength is extraordinary, if he can pull the other party together, it would be great.

However, Yuan Qitian was not interested in this at all.

But it seemed that Fang Yi was particularly fond of it, and he was pleased to agree, but he said something first and didn't care about anything, but the benefits couldn't be less.

Fang Yi was completely speechless, but fortunately, there are still a group of disciples from the Wood God Sect, so there is no need for the other party to do anything.

Moreover, it's time for Gu Changqing to come, it's enough to have him in charge.


"Mr. Fang, we already know the whole story. It's all a conspiracy by Mu Chengfeng and Mu Chengyin. We don't know anything about it."

In the same hall as before, Mu Xiong, the second and third elders of Mu Shenzong, and other senior officials gathered together.

They all looked at Fang Yi with complicated expressions.

There are fears, expectations, and longings.

"I know, if it weren't for this, do you think you can still stand here?"

Fang Yi's voice was neither cold nor calm.

But just like that, the faces of the crowd turned slightly pale with fright.

"Mr. Fang is really generous. On behalf of the Wood God Sect, this old man is very grateful. I hope that you can lend a helping hand again to help the disciples of the Wood God Sect solve the Kurong Jue."

"At the same time, everyone in the Wood God Sect hopes that Young Master can be the suzerain of the Wood God Sect."

At this time, the second elder finally spoke, with a look of hope.

Everyone looked at Fang Yi closely.

However, Fang Yi still had a lukewarm look, and said indifferently: "What? Is this an exchange? A mere Wood God Sect, would it be rare for you to be my lord?"

There was a hint of displeasure in his words.

Hearing this, the second elder's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said: "Young master calm down, I don't mean this, the young master is the descendant of Emperor Qing, and the Wood God Sect was created by Emperor Qing. I believe that Emperor Qing has a spirit in the sky, and I hope to see him He is the descendant of the Mu Shenzong, leading the Mu Shenzong to the peak again."

"As for the Kurong Jue, I dare not force it, it's all up to you, Young Master."

The second elder's posture was extremely low.

Everyone was also silent.

Yuan Qitian on the side couldn't help curling his lips, looking like you guys are acquainted.

The corners of Fang Yi's mouth could not help but rise slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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