Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2400 The Identity Was Discovered

Chapter 2400 The Identity Was Discovered

The difference between Ouyang Qian's front and back undoubtedly made everyone feel puzzled.

Among them, Ouyang Wu naturally didn't need to talk about it. He tried to ask his sister, but found nothing.

In the end, he didn't pursue it either.

In any case, this is a good thing, as for the process, it doesn't seem to be that important.

"Quick! There is movement ahead!"

At this time, as it approached, there was a sound of fierce fighting in front, the momentum was huge, and the scale of the situation was not small, and the shadows of swords were criss-crossing.

"It's the Soul Guard! They must have been disturbed by the gathering of the crowd, I'm afraid..."

There was worry in the eyes of several people.

Even though he had beheaded the powerful soul clan before, he still had a heartfelt fear in the face of the soul clan.

"No! The situation doesn't seem right, the Soul Guards were suppressed and beaten."

The eyes of several people brightened, and the original fear suddenly weakened a lot.

I saw that there were indeed many people surrounded in front, and dozens of soul guards gathered, obviously wanting to stop the curious crowd who came all the way.

But unfortunately, two men, one tall and one short, completely suppressed and beat this group of people.

So that they are powerless to fight back.

In the surrounding area, there were still many people, but at the moment they were onlookers and did not join the battle.

Obviously, these people, like Gu Qing and others, came after hearing the news.

As for the two men, one tall and one short, they were the two who were rescued by Fang Yi before, and they might not be good against powerful warriors.

But it is more than enough to deal with these ordinary soul guards.

Just kidding, they are also at the peak of the seventh level of fit.

"Hmph! A bunch of trash, I really think that you soul race can cover the sky with one hand! Let me tell you, the news of the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage has spread, and countless strong men are coming, and you soul race can never monopolize it."

"Yes! If you go in, there are countless treasures in the Dao Step of Thousand Tribulations, and those who are destined to use them..."

The two sang together and cooperated with the domineering means to instantly defeat the group of soul races.

Seeing this, the crowd was all ready to move.

If it was just these people, they definitely wouldn't dare to force their way into the Thousand Tribulation Star, but according to what the two said, countless strong men are coming, and this is undoubtedly a huge opportunity for them.

As the two charged and killed all the way, the hearts of everyone couldn't help becoming more urgent.

"The news really spread!"

Gu Qing and the others couldn't help but look at each other at this moment, with longing in their eyes.

And just at this time, a great battle was going on in the distant Thousand Tribulation Star, and violent fluctuations almost enveloped the entire world.

The crowd felt it too.

"It's the Thousand Tribulation Star! Sure enough, a big battle broke out there, and some strong men have already arrived."

Feel this strong fluctuation.

At this moment, not only did the crowd not have the slightest fear, but everyone's eyes lit up, ready to move.

"Go! Take the opportunity to enter the Thousand Tribulation Star."

I don't know who howled, and suddenly, someone took the lead, and the crowd also flocked away, so there was no fear before.

Gu Qing and others are no exception.

And this fluctuation was naturally caused by Fang Yi.

At this moment, he was holding a stalemate with an old man with a deep breath.

The old man's eyes were as bright as a torch, like a falcon, captivating, with countless runes surging all over his body, as if he was one with the entire formation.

Covered in a black robe in the big formation, it added a bit of unfathomable atmosphere.

The cultivation base suddenly reached the peak of the earth soul.

Compared with Shi Zhongtian, he didn't give way too much.

Maybe it's not as good as it is physically, but in other aspects, I'm afraid it's better than nothing.

Especially when he stood in the big formation, he seemed to be the master of this piece of heaven and earth. Obviously, this big formation was controlled by him.

With such a cultivation base, coupled with this large formation, even Fang Yi's expression could not help but become a little dignified.

"Your Excellency, you are so good at the early stages of human souls, but it is a pity that this is the soul clan, not a place where you can come just by saying."

"Be darling and catch him without a fight, maybe the old man can be lenient, otherwise..."

Wu Changxu's face was gloomy, although he said it lightly, he was already extremely shocked in his heart.

In just a few short confrontations, the strength shown by the opponent really surprised him. If it was the usual way, he would not pay attention to it at all.

What's more, at this moment, he still has a large array of blessings.

But in fact, the other party just made him feel helpless.

For him, this is definitely something that cannot be tolerated. Moreover, the matter of Qianjiexing is very important. Once the battle here lasts for too long, it will definitely attract powerful people from all walks of life. By then...

Therefore, no matter whether it is public or private, he cannot tolerate such a thing happening.

The fierce light in the eyes can't help but grow stronger,

"What about the soul clan? There are not a few soul clans who died at the hands of this lord. Today, you may be added."

Fang Yi sneered, and the killing intent was also strong all over his body.

The earth soul is at the peak and controls the formation, even he dare not be careless.

However, if there is only one person, he is not afraid. Although he does not say that he will defeat the opponent, there is not much possibility that the opponent wants to stop him.

This large formation was only set up temporarily, covering the entire Thousand Tribulation Star, with a very wide range, and its power was relatively weakened a lot.

With Fang Yi's ability, don't talk about breaking it.

But it won't be too difficult to break through the period.

However, he was not in a hurry to do so, because he wanted to know how many defense forces there were on the Thousand Tribulation Planet.

So as to formulate countermeasures.

Looking at it now, it seems that there are not many, at least after fighting for so long, no other strong people have appeared.

Is it just these defenses, or something else?

Fang Yi is more inclined to the former. With the name of the soul clan and those ordinary warriors, he is enough to stop ordinary curious people.

And for those powerful fighters, there is a strong man at the peak of the earth soul, and a large formation guarding them. It is probably impossible to break into the period.

Unless the Heavenly Soul is strong.

However, if a powerful Heavenly Soul descended, the guards would be in vain, and nothing could stop them.

and so……

More importantly, according to what the strong soul clan said before, the Thousand Tribulation Star revealed the image of the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage because it touched some secret realm.

Moreover, Fengshenmeng is likely to be among them.

Then, no matter what the reason is, the main force of the soul clan must be in the so-called secret realm.

This outside guard force is not surprising.

After thinking through these joints, Fang Yi has no intention of entanglement anymore, because in this way, Fengshenmeng's situation will undoubtedly be much more dangerous.

However, before that, this large formation...

brush! !

While thinking about it, the three-color light in Fang Yi's eyes also shot out, and a sense of destruction filled the world.

The next moment, he clenched five fingers and pushed out a huge fist.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the terrifying force of birth and death erupted.

The surrounding void was wiped out inch by inch, and even the big formation seemed to be crumbling.

"Qingdimuhuanghuangquan! It turned out to be you!!"

Wu Zhangxu shrank his pupils, as if he recognized Fang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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