Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2403 The strong gather

Chapter 2403 The strong gather

boom! !

A loud noise came immediately, and the entire formation completely collapsed.

The remaining half of Wu Changxu's body has already exploded inch by inch, and it seems that he will be completely wiped out in an instant.

In the end, it fell directly into the Thousand Tribulation Star and disappeared.

what? ?

Seeing this scene, the crowd all stared wide-eyed and looked at Fang Yi in disbelief. If they had any doubts before, at this moment, the doubts have undoubtedly disappeared.

Gu Qing and his party were completely speechless.

The mouth was opened as if it could hold a fist.

"Look! It's the Dao Step of Thousand Tribulations!!"

After a short period of shock, as the entire formation completely collapsed, the true face of the Thousand Tribulation Star finally appeared in front of everyone.

A phantom of a three-sided minaret like a mountain peak also emerged.

The body of the tower is extremely ethereal, giving people a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

There are three sides of the tower, and each side has 99 steps. At the top, there is a ball of bright light, which makes it hard to see clearly.

"Is this the Thousand Tribulation Dao Step?"

Even Fang Yi couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

Although Gu Qing and the others had told him about the extraordinaryness of this magic weapon, seeing it with his own eyes now made him even more shocked.

Because this is just a phantom, it actually gives an incomparable feeling.

I thought it was just an ordinary three-soul magic weapon, even if it was a bit special, it wouldn't be too exaggerated.

But the aura exuded by the phantom in front of him is obviously more than that simple.

"Quick! There are countless treasures in the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage..."

The crowd seemed to have lost their minds at the moment, especially when they looked at the radiant pagoda body, their eyes were full of greed.

What's more, regardless of Fang Yi's presence, he went straight to the Thousand Tribulations Dao Step.

Seeing that Fang Yi didn't stop him, everyone rushed like crazy, scrambling to be the first, as if they were afraid of being one step ahead.

The whole scene fell into a frenzy.

Not only that, as the big formation broke open, the phantom of the Thousand Tribulation Dao Step also made the crowd who came from afar feel extremely eager.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but twitched a sinister smile, and immediately rushed towards the phantom.

In the arena, if there is anyone who has not acted, it is Gu Qing and his party.

It's not that they don't want to, it's that they don't dare.

At this moment, their faces were as white as paper, and when they thought of driving Fang Yi away before, they couldn't help feeling chills down their backs and getting drenched all over.

It's like walking through hell.

Ouyang Wu didn't realize it, but his eyes were shining brightly, and he hurriedly chased after him.

Ouyang Qian is no exception.

"What should I do?" The other people couldn't help looking at each other and asked.

"Let's go! If he really wanted to embarrass us, he would have done it long ago. How could he wait until now?"

Gu Qing gritted his teeth and turned his heart away.

The Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage has already appeared, and he definitely has no possibility of retreating at this time. Of course, he knows better that Fang Yi doesn't bother to embarrass them, otherwise...

Involuntarily, a tinge of regret arose in his heart.


Immediately, several people also left quickly.

And in the distance, there are more martial artists who heard the news, and auras like abysses followed.

Finally, a strong man has arrived.

"Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage! It's really a Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage!!" Incomparably excited voices resounded in the void, and a storm was about to come.


"Look! That's a portal!"

The phantom of the Thousand Tribulation Dao Step is close in front of you, and an entrance also appears.

The phantom was formed by the light in the entrance.

"Quick!" The crowd scrambled, seeming to have forgotten that this is the soul clan, and they all disappeared into it like a flash of lightning.

Fang Yi didn't go too far ahead, and entered with the crowd.

Since the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage is so extraordinary, the defenses of the Soul Race may be far more than that.

Of course, it can't be ruled out that the Soul Race is trying their best to collect the Thousand Tribulation Dao Step. Once they are collected, all problems will undoubtedly no longer be problems.

and so……

However, things are obviously not that simple.

In the entrance, just after entering it, Fang Yi felt a sharp killing intent.

Accompanied by a thunderous voice, "Bold! The land of the soul clan, trespassers will die!"

kill kill kill! !

Countless killing cries soared to the sky, and a disciple of the soul race appeared, and began to slaughter these intruders wantonly.

The entire entrance to the secret realm seemed to be heavily armed by the Soul Race.

It seemed that he wanted to give everyone a head-on blow and catch them off guard.

Compared with the huge space outside, the place here is relatively narrow, which is undoubtedly more suitable for blocking.

Moreover, the outside world didn't know the situation inside, and one by one flocked desperately, one can imagine...

Suddenly, there was a sea of ​​blood and mountains of corpses all around.

Those who rushed to the front almost wiped out the entire army. Just kidding, since the soul clan has already fortified, how can they break through so easily.

Fortunately, Fang Yi has already followed.

Not only that, but several other strong men have also been killed. These are obviously from the news later, and their strength is much stronger than that of the crowd.

A chaotic fight ensued.

With the continuous influx of people, the defense line of the soul clan is already on the verge of collapse.


Suddenly, there was an explosion, and a terrifying aura swept over from the depths of the secret realm like a torrential wave.

In an instant, the surrounding world was covered with dark clouds, and the whole sky seemed to be falling down.

Rao Fang Yi, his eyes couldn't help but change drastically, because this aura alone was much stronger than the Jun Qianjie and Baixian he had seen before.

Then, the strength of the coming person can be imagined, it is definitely a great power of the soul.

Undoubtedly, the crowd was overwhelmed by this terrifying power, each and every one of them was terrified.

In an instant, a phantom in the red robe condensed above the void.

He has a majestic demeanor, a childlike face with white hair, and a pair of eyes like two groups of burning flames.

"You are courting death!"

As soon as his face became angry, terrifying power swept out like a storm, and before the huge tearing force approached, the entire space was torn apart.

Some warriors who were close were turned into countless fragments in an instant.

When the crowd heard about it, they were all terrified, and everyone felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

Even Fang Yi couldn't help but feel astonished flashing in his pupils. Such a strong man, with his current strength, is undoubtedly far behind.

However, it was not easy to form such a situation.

If you are stunned by the person in front of you, then...

How could Fang Yi be reconciled, his eyes lit up, and he was about to compete with the other party.

But at this time, another voice sounded first, "Jun Jiuzhang, the Dao Rank of Thousand Tribulations came out, such a big event, could it be that your soul clan wants to have it all to yourself?"

Accompanied by this voice, another terrifying aura swept over, which was no weaker than the phantom in the red robe.

Jun Jiuzhang's pupils shrank, his face became extremely ugly, and his eyes were gloomy.

Slowly spit out three words, "Shen Canghai!"


(End of this chapter)

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