Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2411 Help

Chapter 2411 Help

"No! We must think of a solution as soon as possible, otherwise..."

Fang Yi's mind was like lightning, and his feet did not stagnate at all, and he resolutely walked forward.

However, every time he took a step, the huge pressure from his body and soul made him tremble as if struck by lightning.

Especially the pressure from the soul.

In contrast, his physical body is domineering, and he has the longevity scriptures, his performance is not much inferior to that of ordinary Heavenly Soul Realm.

But the power of the soul is far inferior, and it cannot be sustained at all.


Fang Yi couldn't help cursing secretly, seeing the crowd getting closer and closer, he couldn't help but feel more and more anxious in his heart.

That's all!It seems only...

Immediately, his eyes widened, and his figure disappeared in place.

Do not!

He didn't enter the water temple. With the magic of the water temple, it might not be too difficult to break through the blockade of this space.

But even so, it was in vain.

Because he didn't want to escape from this space at this moment, but to ensure the safety of Fengshenmeng.

Of course, if it can also help Fengshenmeng, that would be great.

Therefore, instead of entering the Water God Temple, he entered the Cyanwood Pagoda.

There are many great powers of heavenly souls in the Cyanwood Pagoda, if they can help, then everything here will not be a problem.

However, it is obviously not that easy to get their help.

But for Fengshenmeng, Fang Yi had no choice but to give it a try.


"Hehe! Boy, you are here again. This time, are you looking for trouble, or are you asking for something!"

On the sixth floor of the Cyanwood Pagoda, seeing Fang Yi's huge face condensed, the Golden Spirit True Ancestor snorted first, with a hint of sarcasm faintly revealing.

Chiyan True Ancestor is not as arrogant as before.

However, he couldn't help asking: "Little friend, have you ever fulfilled what you promised this old man? Has Chilong Zhenyan been passed on to my Chixiao Palace disciple?"

There was eagerness in his eyes.

Obviously, he still couldn't forget this matter, no wonder, after all, this is the foundation of Chixiao Palace.

"My lord has always said one thing, and I will naturally do what I promise you."

Fang Yi glanced at the two of them and said loudly.

At the same time, I was thinking about how to speak, these are some old foxes, if I ask for help directly, these people will definitely ask to let them out.

Even, if they see their urgency, they may all want to go out, in that case...

Fang Yi didn't want to imprison them.

However, Emperor Qing has imprisoned them for so many years, and now that Emperor Qing is dead, this resentment will naturally be vented on him, and then...

This is why he has been afraid to let these people go.

"Heh! Just say the same thing? It's just too treacherous, boy, when will you let us out?"

"You and I have no grievances or enmities, let us go out now, and I guarantee that the past will not be blamed, how about it?"

The Golden Spirit True Ancestor spoke again, and the others looked at Fang Yi eagerly.

Fang Yi smiled lightly and said, "Although that's the case, who can keep it? Although I don't intend to embarrass you, but for my own safety, I have to do so."

"Heh! Good boy, if that's the case, why are you here?"

True Ancestor of the Golden Spirit said angrily, gnashing his teeth.

Fang Yi's face was indifferent, he didn't care, and his expression was a little fluctuating, then he paused and said: "It's nothing, I just want to ask you something."


Hearing this, the Golden Spirit True Ancestor couldn't help but sneered, and said, "Boy, you have something to ask for!"

"Simple, let us go out, you can say anything, otherwise, I guarantee that you won't even be able to ask half a word."

The crowd is also deeply impressed.

Old fox!

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help cursing inwardly. He didn't say anything, so...

However, remembering that Shen Canghai and others were so eager for the Taoist pattern that day, Fang Yi murmured softly, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, "It's okay not to say! Anyway, the thousand-calamity Dao level and the Heavenly and Earth Dao pattern are still far away from me."

As he said that, Fang Yi's huge face seemed to be about to disappear.

"Wait! What did you say?"

Hearing this, True Ancestor Jin Ling's eyes suddenly brightened.

True Ancestor Chi Yan and several other Heavenly Soul Great Powers were no exception, each of them had longing gleams in their eyes.

Even Mo Lao, who had been silent all this time, slowly opened his eyes at this moment.


Fang Yi pretended not to care, it seemed that he just said something casually, and pretended to leave.

"You bastard, don't be fooled. How can you hide the smallness in your heart from me, tell me! What's going on?"

The Golden Spirit True Ancestor was obviously a little impatient, and stared at Fang Yi closely, with deep interest in his eyes.

"Little friend, you might as well just say it, maybe the old man can answer it for you."

True Ancestor Chi Yan didn't forget to interject at this time.

It seems to be quite earnest.

But before, he didn't say anything at all. Obviously, the reason why he spoke was not because Fang Yi helped Scarlet Firmament Palace through the difficulties last time, but only because of the Thousand Tribulation Dao Step and the Dao Rune of Heaven and Earth itself.

"Oh! You're thinking too much, I don't have any ideas."

Seeing several people taking the bait, Fang Yi was overjoyed, but on the surface he still pretended to be careless.

"I just happened to pass by the Thousand Tribulation Star and encountered the advent of the Thousand Tribulation Dao Step. Afterwards, I heard about the Heaven and Earth Dao Rune. I don't know much about it, so I just asked casually."

"As for don't like to talk, anyway, I don't have any hope. The great powers of the heavenly souls gather, and it's best for me to stay far away."

Fang Yi looked as if nothing had happened.

If this was said in normal times, everyone might not believe it, but at this moment, they are not too suspicious.

It's just because the Dao pattern of heaven and earth is something that can only be touched by the great power of the soul of the sky. Although Fang Yi's strength is good, it is only compared to warriors of the same level.

Compared with the power of Tianhun, there is obviously still a big gap.

"Are you serious? The Dao Rank of Thousand Tribulations came out? Is it the magic weapon left by the Holy Monarch of Thousand Tribulations?"

"It's a pity! This seat is trapped here, otherwise..."

The eyes of the Golden Spirit True Ancestor were about to move, eager to the extreme.

The other people were similar, clamoring to go out one by one, and instead put Fang Yi's problems behind them, which made Fang Yi very depressed.

"Little friend, how about making a deal?"

However, at this moment, a slightly old voice sounded in Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

That suddenly came from Mo Lao.


Hearing the sound, Fang Yi couldn't help being startled. Originally, he only wanted to arouse the desire of those heavenly souls for power, so he took the opportunity to make a request, and then step by step...

Unexpectedly, this directly aroused Mo Lao's curiosity.

Although he didn't know the strength of Mo Lao, the attitudes of Chi Yan Zhenzu and Jin Ling Zhenzu towards him undoubtedly explained everything.

It is definitely the most powerful existence on the sixth floor of the Qingmu Pagoda.

If there is his help, then... all problems will undoubtedly be solved.

It's just... What are the Dao Steps of Thousand Tribulations and Dao Patterns of Heaven and Earth?To make a person so strong and so eager.

(End of this chapter)

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