Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2420

Chapter 2420


Recognize the Lord at the Dao Stage of Thousand Tribulations?

Hearing this, Fang Yi's face couldn't help but change. If that's the case, isn't Fengshenmeng...

"Boy, hurry up, once someone from the soul clan refines the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage, then everything will be over, and the girl will be in trouble."

At this moment, Elder Mo's eager voice sounded in Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

Obviously, what he said before is true, Jun Jiuzhang may really be refining the Dao Rank of Thousand Tribulations.

If you think about it, you know that no matter how strong the Fengshenmeng is, it is only in the Earth Soul Realm, which is obviously not the same as Jun Jiuzhang.

If Jun Jiuzhang is just an ordinary Heavenly Soul Realm, that's all.

But the facts have proved that Jun Jiuzhang is definitely not that simple, otherwise, the soul clan would not let him refine the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage.

Obviously, this is to train him to become a Daowen strongman, so his strength can be imagined...

With the power of Fengshenmeng, defeat is also reasonable.

But at this moment, there is no room for failure.

Immediately, Fang Yi's eyes turned sideways, he gritted his teeth, and walked towards the depths of the space.

Immediately, a huge pressure followed, almost crushing Fang Yi, as if the blood vessels in his body were about to burst, but fortunately he has a good body, otherwise...

"Stop that kid and kill him!"

Seeing that Jun Jiuzhang's refinement is imminent, how can the powerful soul clan tolerate Fang Yi's destruction.

One command.

Immediately, those strong soul clansmen who also passed through the blockade of Mo Lao with Fang Yi rushed towards Fang Yi quickly, with murderous intent.

"Kid, die!"

There was a loud shout, and a series of majestic attacks followed.

Like a monstrous torrent, engulfing the world.

Although the most powerful people of the soul clan were blocked by Mo Lao, there were also quite a few of them who were in the state of transforming gods.

One can imagine this blow.

Especially in this situation, it is difficult to move an inch in this space, and it is impossible to escape in the face of countless attacks.

Switching to any other martial artist of the same level, not to mention dying on the spot, I'm afraid...

Rao Mo's expression couldn't help but change, and there was a flash of panic.

Just kidding, something unexpected happened to Fang Yi, and he was also doomed. He thought that he could easily get the Dao Run of Heaven and Earth in this deal with the other party.

In this way, it is not far to condense the Dao body, even if it is worth taking some risks.

But who would have thought that things would turn out like this.

It is obviously impossible to say that he is not worried at all.

"Brother Fang!!"

Ouyang Wu and the others in the distance were also extremely eager, as if they wanted to rush up.

However, in the end, he restrained himself. Although Ouyang Wu was a little impulsive, he was not stupid. This kind of battle had nothing to do with them.

Rushing in hastily, not only would it not be effective at all, but it would be no different from death.

Compared with the nervousness of the few people, Fang Yi did not change much, but his expression was a little dignified.

Although these people put him under great pressure, he has a strong physical body, and he is not a soft persimmon. If it weren't for this space restricting his freedom and being unable to move, he would really not be afraid of these people.

As for now, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and go forward.

"court death!"

He only heard a muffled shout, his eyes sank, and the three-color sword light burst out.

The resplendent sword shadow tore through the space, splitting mountains and mountains all the way, splitting the torrential waves into two, and the sound of thunder also exploded in this world.


However, the huge impact still made him feel his heart boil, and he couldn't help gushing out a mouthful of blood.

Just kidding, he is not facing two people alone.

but a group of people.

And within this specific space, you can't even dodge, you can only connect hard.

Just spitting out a mouthful of blood, I have to say, is already a miracle, if it were someone else, not to mention dying on the spot, I'm afraid it wouldn't be much worse.

"How is it possible? Are you okay?"

The complexions of the group of strong soul clansmen changed drastically, full of inconceivable.

Mo Lao's eyes could not help but brighten, but then dimmed again, because the next blow was far from enough.

Unless all these people can be taken care of.

And even so, there is no way to stop Jun Jiuzhang from refining the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage, unless he can rush in and stop the other party from refining, but, how is this possible...

This space is already filled with the power of space rules, even for him, if there are no restrictions, it will take a lot of time to break through.

Now it is restricted, and even he can't pass through it, so...

"Boy! Give up! Get out, the old man is here, enough to guarantee your safety."

Immediately, he quickly reminded.

The fact is as he said, with him around, no one can hurt Fang Yi, but the premise is that it must be outside, not within that space.

In that space, even he can't do anything.

What's more, he has to block these strong men.

However, how could Fang Yi back down?Although he retreated, he was no longer in danger, but what about Fengshenmeng?

Fengshenmeng was trapped in that space. Once Jun Jiuzhang refined the Thousand Tribulations Dao Stage, she would be unable to escape, and the consequences would be unimaginable, so... no matter what, he couldn't retreat.


There was a fierce light in his eyes, and his whole body was filled with breath.

A sense of destruction also swept out in an instant, and there was no reservation at all. At this moment, he couldn't keep it anymore.

This is? ?

Sensing this sense of destruction, everyone was shocked.

Because the originally imprisoned space around him seems to have been wiped out inch by inch.

But compared to the shock of the crowd, Mo Lao's pupils shrank, full of disbelief, his eyeballs seemed to fall out, and his figure couldn't help but freeze.

During this pause, two more strong men successfully broke through and rushed towards Fang Yi.


Immediately, he was furious, but his eyes kept staring at Fang Yi.

And Fang Yi, with the spread of that sense of destruction, felt the space around him loosen, and he was overjoyed.

The crowd turned pale with shock.

"What's going on? He... He was able to break the constraints of space rules?"

The power of rules is not unbreakable, as long as you have absolute strength, but with Fang Yi's current cultivation base, it is obviously still far away.

The reason for such a situation is that the power of rules in this space is not strong.

Secondly, this is not his power at all, but the underworld dragon.

It's a pity that this energy is obviously too weak, not enough to smash the power of rules in this space, it can only be slightly loosened.

But just like this, Fang Yi was extremely excited.

Because it undoubtedly gave him great hope.

On the contrary, all the soul clan members turned pale, "I will kill this son with all my strength, no matter what the cost, and absolutely must not let him destroy Lord Jiuzhang's refinement of the Thousand Tribulations Dao Stage."

kill kill kill! !

Following the order of the high-ranking soul clan, the group of strong soul clan rushed forward again.

Especially the two strong men who came later blocked all of Fang Yi's rears one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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