Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2423 Overbearing Fengshen Dream

Chapter 2423 Overbearing Fengshen Dream

"Look! She is going to refine the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage!"

At this moment, the surrounding people all felt it.

Some kind of repulsive force faintly emerged in the huge space, shrouded in some unknown strange energy, and some even fled in a hurry.

Once the Thousand Calamity Dao Stage is refined, they will undoubtedly be passive within the Thousand Calamity Dao Stage.

It is even possible that life and death are between Fengshen's dream and mind.

So... How dare the crowd stay.


"The Dao Step of Thousand Tribulations belongs to this seat, and the Dao pattern of heaven and earth belongs to this seat."

Jun Jiuzhang yelled unwillingly, and his blood-red eyes couldn't help but glance at Fengshenmeng, revealing a fierce killing intent.

"Death to me!"

Suddenly, he slashed out with a knife, and the bright light of the knife burst out, wrapped in his monstrous anger, as if to split Fengshenmeng in two.

Fortunately, Fang Yi had expected it and was always ready.

At this critical moment, how can there be no precautions, the sacred monuments of the ten demons form a world of their own, protecting Fengshenmeng in it.

At the same time, the resplendent three-color sword shadow also directly slashed down, taking Jun Jiuzhang directly.


The roar of anger was like rolling thunder, shaking the world and the earth.

A knife and a sword fell almost at the same time.

And Fang Yi's figure also flew out directly, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help gushing from his mouth.

As for Jun Jiuzhang, it seemed that he was even more serious than him. He was bleeding profusely, and his face was pale. He had already been severely injured.

Just kidding, Fang Yi is not restricted by space, but Jun Jiuzhang was attacked by Fang Yi at the critical moment when he was competing with Fengshenmeng for the Thousand Tribulation Dao Rank, and he was already seriously injured.

At this moment, it was even more hurtful.

This is because of his own strength, if it is an ordinary warrior, or even an ordinary Heavenly Soul Realm, his life may be in danger.

Boom! !

The tremors in the space became more and more intense, and some of the weaker ones were already exhausted, vomiting blood incessantly.

"Run away!"

The crowd is like a bereaved dog, everyone hates their parents for losing two legs, and the refinement of the Thousand Tribulations Dao Step has been irreversible, so who dares to stay.

"Master Jiuzhang, retreat quickly!" Seeing this situation, the two elders of the Soul Clan hurriedly reminded.

Just kidding, the Thousand Tribulation Dao Step was left by the Thousand Tribulation Sage Monarch. Although it is temporarily unknown how powerful it is, judging from the power of rules contained in that space, it is obviously not something they can bear.

Even Mo Lao had a dignified look on his face, as if hesitating whether to quit or not.

But seeing that Fang Yi was still entangled, he didn't do anything.

"Bastard, I will kill you!"

At this moment, Jun Jiuzhang seemed to have lost his mind, chasing and beating Fang Yi.

Perhaps it was because he had absolute confidence in his own strength and didn't think anyone could take his life, so he didn't rush to withdraw.

In fact, with Fang Yi's strength, even relying on the constraints of this space, it is not enough to kill the opponent.

Although Jun Jiuzhang's actions were hindered, his strength was still there.

It's not that simple to kill.

However, Fang Yi couldn't do it, but it didn't mean that other people couldn't do it either.

At this time, the energy in the surrounding space surged like a storm, and runes began to emerge one after another.

Fang Yi's complexion also changed drastically.

Because, with the emergence of these runes, the force of the rules that had no restraint for him, actually reapplied to him, making him unable to move.

How could this be?

A flash of panic flashed in Fang Yi's eyes. Could it be that the Thousand Tribulation Dao Step recognized the master, and he had already lost his advantage over this space?

If so...

"Little thief! You are dead, take your life!"

Jun Jiuzhang was obviously also aware of this change, and a sharp and fierce light shot out of his eyes, with a strong killing intent.

The bright sword light burst out and came straight to Fang Yi.

The crowd was a little confused, so Fang Yi didn't realize that something was wrong until the bright sword light was about to fall, and Fang Yi still didn't move half a minute.

However, before they could react, Fengshenmeng, who had kept her eyes closed all the time, suddenly opened them.

The bright light made the whole world seem to be brightened.

Countless starlight fell from the nine heavens, covering her body, making her seem like a saint of starlight.

The next moment, she disappeared in place out of thin air, and when she reappeared, she was already standing in front of Fang Yi, under the unparalleled sword glow.

However, compared to the starlight around her, the blade light seemed a bit dim.

In the end, it cracked little by little, without warning.

"She...she has already refined the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage!"

Seeing this, the crowd was all terrified.

Compared with the crowd, Jun Jiuzhang's eyes were even more protruding, full of disbelief, as if he couldn't accept his shocking blow, which was wiped out in the hands of the opponent without a sound.

It should be known that the other party is only in the soul state, but the facts cannot be questioned by him.

Moreover, what made him even more unacceptable was yet to come.

A starlight giant palm condensed out of thin air and crushed directly towards him.

That palm seems to contain great power, and it has the aura of dominating everything, at least in this space.

Jun Jiuzhang only felt that what he was facing at the moment was not an earth soul state, but the whole world.

"Do not……"

He roared unwillingly, his wide-open pupils were full of despair.

But unfortunately, the only response to him was the starry palm.

Boom! ! !

Immediately, a shocking loud noise pierced the heaven and earth, and Jun Jiuzhang's majestic figure also burst open directly, forming a cloud of blood mist, swaying the sky.

The body of a generation of heavenly soul powerhouses was shattered.

The surrounding crowd all looked at this scene in horror, with their mouths wide open like statues.

How could the crowd believe that the mighty soul of the generation of the dignified soul clan, especially Jun Jiuzhang, was wiped out like this.

You know, Jun Jiuzhang is not comparable to Jun Qianjie.

Although Jun Qianjie is also in the Heavenly Soul Realm, it hasn't been long since he entered the Heavenly Soul Realm, and Jun Jiuzhang is a well-known strong man in the Heavenly Soul Realm, and now...

Not only Jun Qianjie, but also Jun Jiuzhang were beheaded by Fengshen Meng.

The shock in the hearts of the crowd can be imagined.

The name of Fairy Shenmeng will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Tianshan Mountains.

"Fairy Shenmeng, this is Fairy Shenmeng!!"

Looking at this scene, Ouyang Wu couldn't help but brighten his eyes. He was a young man, and after hearing that Fengshen Meng killed Jun Qianjie, he had already longed for it.

At this moment, Fengshen Meng once again obliterated Jun Jiuzhang, which already shocked him into a heavenly man.

However, the next moment, he felt a great force coming from the wild.

The scenery in front of him also changed, and suddenly, he had appeared in the outside world.

Like him, there were still countless stunned people around. It turned out that everyone had been excluded from the Thousand Calamity Dao Step.

And in front of him, the huge three-sided minaret is also changing and shrinking rapidly.

Finally disappeared completely in the world.

In situ, only the figures of Fengshen Meng and Fang Yi remained.

(End of this chapter)

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