Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2427

Chapter 2427 A Good Plan

"It's really the power of rules!! How is it possible?!"

In a piece of regular thin lines like a mess, Mo Lao was a little sluggish.

But in an instant, he came to his senses and became extremely excited. He even couldn't help trembling slightly, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I!"

Fang Yi's figure also appeared, with a playful face and a little complacency.

Especially looking at the mess, his eyes became darker.

As for the power of rules, he has not touched it yet.

However, everything in the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage before, the constraints of the power of the rules, made him indirectly feel the magic and power of the power of the rules.

If he can control it, how can he not desire it.

And this is also one of the main reasons why he allowed Mr. Mo to enter his inner world for enlightenment.

"It really is the power of rules!!"

Elder Mo already ignored Fang Yi's words, obviously because he was too excited, and all his mind was in that "mess", and there were no other things.

The figure couldn't help but quickly, and rushed towards the "mess" like lightning.

Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

Sure enough, no matter how powerful you are, you also have your own weaknesses, or things you desire.

And what Elder Mo desires most is the Dao Rune of Heaven and Earth, because only in this way can he condense the Dao Body, break through to the most powerful existence, and become a legend.

Similarly, this is what every martial artist desires.

"Wait a minute!"

Just as Mo Lao was about to sit cross-legged and comprehend the power of those rules, Fang Yi's voice sounded again.

"Boy! What else do you want?"

Mo Lao was a little impatient, but he still asked patiently.

"Hehe, it's fine." Fang Yi smiled and replied, "The Lord of Heaven and Earth Daowen has already handed it over to you as promised, so should you fulfill what you promised me?"


Hearing this, Elder Mo couldn't help snorting coldly, before saying, "Boy! Don't worry, since the old man has promised to protect you well, he will naturally do so."

"Besides, this old man is in your inner world right now. If anything happens to you, your inner world will also collapse. What are you worried about!"

Elder Mo was quite disdainful, with a hint of sarcasm.

Fang Yi didn't take it seriously at all, and continued: "Of course, I can trust Mr. Mo, but when Mr. Mo is comprehending, if I encounter any troubles, I can't bother Mr. Mo for everything."

"Firstly, there are some troubles that don't need to be done by Mr. Mo, and secondly, they also disturb Mr. Mo's cultivation, right?"

There is no doubt that these words are very reasonable.

The power to comprehend the rules is the most forbidden to disturb, if that's the case...

"Tell me! What do you want to do, kid?"

Mo Lao pondered for a moment, and stared at Fang Yi with sharp eyes, with a hint of warning.

It seemed to be warning Fang Yi not to make excessive demands.

However, Fang Yi turned a blind eye and said to himself: "It's nothing, since it's inconvenient for Mo Lao to take action, then let others take action."

"In the Cyanwood Pagoda, those strong people respect Mo Lao very much, I believe..."

Fang Yi's eyes were full of light, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

The powerhouse in the Cyanwood Pagoda is a huge force, Fang Yi has always wanted to use it for himself, but suffered from no chance, and now...

"Boy, I'm afraid your wishful thinking is wrong!"

Elder Mo obviously understood Fang Yi's intentions, so he couldn't help but sneered.

"Although they are extremely respectful to this old man, they are not to the point of obeying orders, let alone to the point of disregarding their own safety. So, don't try to use this to subdue them."

"Because it's impossible!"

Elder Mo said bluntly.

Although these words may not be true, I believe that the difficulty must not be small.

Although warriors respect their strength, their dignity cannot be challenged.

Moreover, these people have been imprisoned for countless years, and they have already looked down upon life and death, so how could they be so easily subdued.

Fang Yi naturally understood the truth, and couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Boy! With your strength, it doesn't matter whether you subdue them or not. There are few troubles that you can't solve. In the Cyanwood Pagoda, there are not many that can be solved for you."

"Chi Yan and Jin Ling are fine, but just the two of them, I can't just rely on a word from the old man."

"Chi Yan has some relationship with you, maybe you can gain his trust."

"As for other people, if you want to subdue some thugs, you'd better rely on yourself to subdue them. If the old man helps you, you may not be able to control them, will you?"

Elder Mo asked back, and after that, he ignored Fang Yi and just immersed himself in the "mess".

Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips, looking bored.

However, what Mo Lao said was not completely unreasonable. It seemed that if he wanted to subdue all the powerful men in the Cyanwood Pagoda, he had to take it step by step, and there was no rush.

Fortunately, with Mo Lao's trump card at hand, he finally had some protection.

Glancing at the "messy mess" and Mo Lao again, Fang Yi's figure also disappeared into the world.

"Little guy! It's a good plan!"

Mo Lao seemed to have sensed it, opened his eyes slightly, murmured a word, and then devoted himself into the mess, his eyes were extremely hot.


"What did you say? The Shimo Heavenly Book is so amazing?"

"That's still false. Let me tell you. In ancient times, Shimo roamed the Three Realms, and no one could fight against him. He relied on Shimo's Heavenly Book. There are even legends that this Heavenly Book is the source of all demons. It is regarded as a sacred scripture by the family."

"Really? Then where did that kid come from back then? Unexpectedly..."

Maybe it's because Shimo's deeds are too far away, so far away that even the huge Tianshan Mountains know very little about Shimo's legends.

It wasn't until several days later that the legend about Shimo gradually spread.

And the book of the Beginning Demon Heaven was also passed on to become more and more mysterious.

In the end, it even surpassed the Dao Step of Thousand Tribulations.

Of course, not many people know the true origin of the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage, and the matter of Shimo has just been forgotten by people in the long river of time.

Once mentioned again, those past legends will also be revived.

And caused a great sensation in the entire Tianshan Mountains.

This was obviously unexpected by Fang Yi. He was listening to the discussion of the crowd at this moment, frowning slightly.

"Who knows, I heard that that kid offended many people, first there were the soul clan, then there were the fairy clan, and now that the Shimo Heavenly Book has reappeared, the ancient demon clan must be crazy about it, I'm afraid..."

"Who says it's not, I heard that the ancient demons have already mobilized to find out the whereabouts of that kid."

"Unfortunately, that kid seems to have nothing good to do. If you want to blame, you can only blame him for being too high-profile."

"However, that kid and Mengxian seem to have a lot of relationship, and I don't know if this matter will implicate Mengxian."


The crowd was still discussing, but the topic turned to Fengshen Meng, and the words were even full of concern.

As for Fang Yi's life and death, no one cared at all.

(End of this chapter)

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