Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2429 Traitor

Chapter 2429 Traitor

"My lord, there is the latest news from the clan."

Shen Tianyu was secretly proud of himself, and at this moment, another disciple of the ancient god race came in a hurry.


"My lord, the kid who is pregnant with the Kunlun Eight Realm has appeared, but he is from the Thousand Tribulation Star of the Soul Clan, not the Stone Human Clan."


Shen Tianyu's sharp gaze swept over like a falcon.

"My lord, Thousand Tribulation Star..."

The visitor quickly explained the battle of the Thousand Tribulation Star in detail.

A few days have passed, and the news always spreads very fast, especially such astonishing news, Shimo Heavenly Book, Thousand Calamity Dao Step, nothing like it.

"Shimo Heavenly Book? What is the origin of that kid? Not only does he have one of the eight realms of Kunlun, but he also owns Shimo Heavenly Book. Could it be..."

Hearing this, several ancient god clan powerhouses were all shocked, and their eyes showed strange lights.

Shen Tianyu is no exception, the light in his eyes is like a hungry wolf.

Wei Wei pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Can you find out what is the relationship between that kid and the ancient demons?"

"My lord, the two should have nothing to do with each other. I heard that a large number of strong men from the ancient demon clan have already dispatched, and they are all coming for that kid."


Shen Tianyu nodded, and his expression couldn't help becoming a little dignified.

"My lord, what should we do now? That kid didn't come to the Stone Human Clan at all. Aren't we wasting our time here?"

The subordinate asked before.

All the powerful ancient gods couldn't help looking at Shen Tianyu, waiting for his final decision.

Shen Tianyu did not rush to make a decision, but looked at the later disciples of the ancient gods, and asked, "Has there ever been a whereabouts of that kid?"

"Return to your lord, not yet, the boy has disappeared since he escaped."

The visitor told the truth.

Hearing this, Shen Tianyu couldn't help frowning.

"Instead of being aimless, it's better to sit on the sidelines and wait for a rabbit. Anyway, there is no whereabouts of that kid, and he must have some kind of relationship with the stone-human tribe. No matter how bad it is, the strong man of the stone-human tribe should know something about him. Maybe he can learn from him." Find out about the boy's whereabouts."

"Yes! The two fought side by side in Chixiao Palace back then, and they have a very close relationship."

The powerful ancient gods proposed one after another.

There is no doubt that there is some truth in these words, and Shen Tianyu also has the same thoughts, at least it is better than searching aimlessly.

And since it has come, how can it just leave.

"Never mind!"

Immediately, he nodded, and his deep eyes couldn't help casting towards the huge planet below.


"What? Shimo Heavenly Book? That kid..."

At the same time, everything that happened on the Thousand Tribulation Star spread to almost all major forces.

This made the crowd who had been staring at the stone-human tribe feel a little more hesitant in their hearts, because the real master was not here, and they acted blindly, and the teacher came out of nowhere.

Of course, there are not a few people who have the same idea as Shen Tianyu.

It's just that the situation has eased.


"How? Word has spread, what's their reaction?"

On a huge planet, in a certain huge stone palace, at the top is a man with a figure like an iron tower, as immovable as a mountain.

The thick breath is almost integrated with this stone palace, extremely majestic.

He is the patriarch of this generation of stone people, Shi Gandang.

And below him, there are also a group of stone-human strong men, all of them looked sad, looking at the disciples of the same clan who had just entered the hall.

"Returning to my lords, I can't see anything unusual for the time being, and they show no signs of retreating."

The disciple replied.

"Bastards! These wolves are ambitious, and no one is in our stone people. This is clearly.... Could it be that our stone people are easy to bully?"

"Fight with them, it's a big deal!"


In the main hall, everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

The stone people, perhaps because of the characteristics of the stone, most of them have a very rigid character and are not afraid of power.

Just like at this moment, even in the face of countless strong men, they all have the confidence to fight to the death.

"It's natural to fight, but before you fight, you must find out who that person is. When did our Stone Human Race gain a peak earth soul powerhouse?"

"Or maybe that person is not a stone-human race, but just has supernatural powers similar to my stone-human race?"

At this time, a doubt sounded from the crowd.

In fact, the same question has been haunting everyone in the hall.

The peak of the earth soul, not to mention the stone people, even in the entire Tianshan Mountains, there are countless existences.

If the Stone People really had such a strong man, there would be no reason or possibility for everyone present not to know about it, but the fact is that they really didn't know about it.

They even watched the battle video of that battle, but none of them recognized Shi Zhongtian.

It's no wonder that Shi Zhongtian has been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, and most of those who knew him have passed away.

"Impossible! That can't be a similar supernatural power, which is the characteristic of our stone people, it's just..."

Someone objected.

As a member of the Stoneman tribe, he is naturally very familiar with the characteristics of his own tribe.

It's just Shi Zhongtian's origin that makes them feel extremely puzzled.

Everyone was still discussing, very noisy.

Shi Gandang couldn't help frowning, but there was a strange light in the depths of his eyes, as if he remembered something.

"Patriarch, what should we do now, please order?"

At this time, a strong man from the Stone People Tribe asked.

Everyone in the hall couldn't help but look at it together.

"Let's wait and talk!"

Shi Gandang scanned the crowd, and finally waved his hand to drive them away.

As the patriarch of the stone-human clan, he can't be as impulsive as everyone else, because this is related to the fate of the entire stone-human clan, and he must be responsible to the stone-human clan.

In the current situation, one bad move may bring catastrophe to the stone people, so...

Everyone withdrew one after another, leaving only Shi Gandang in the empty hall.

He turned around slowly and stared at a huge mural directly above the main hall. On the painting was a woman, overlooking all living beings like a god, making people feel an urge to worship.

But on the left and right of the woman, there are several stone figures guarding her side like statues.

"Do you know who he is?"

Shi Gan faced the mural with a pious expression, as if he was talking to himself.

In the empty hall, there was only a faint echo without any response.

Just like that, the hall fell into silence.

It wasn't until a moment later that an old voice sounded, with a bit of helplessness, sighed: "His name is Shi Zhongtian."


Hearing this, Shi Gandang's eyes flashed a hint of disbelief, and he couldn't help but blurted out: "The traitor of the Shiren clan, Shi Zhongtian? He is still alive?"

Shi Zhongtian, the taboo of the stone people, has passed tens of thousands of years, but the stone people will never forget this name.

It's just because this person is a traitor of the stone people, he betrayed the stone people.

Betrayed Empress Dowager.

(End of this chapter)

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