Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2431 The Secret of the Undead

Chapter 2431 The Secret of the Undead


The undead finally couldn't help but want to make a move?

The crowd's excitement was suddenly ignited, and everyone's eyes were naked, ready to move.

"Let's go! Go and have a look, maybe..., if you're too late, you won't get anything."

Someone can't wait.

Everyone came here because of the stone-human race. Now that the battle is imminent, it's too late. I'm afraid they don't even have a good show, let alone other things.

Now, taking advantage of the chaos, maybe... how could they let it go.

"Yes! Let's go!!"

In a short time, the huge restaurant was almost completely gone, leaving only a few people.

Fang Yi is one of them.

"This fellow Taoist, why are you so indifferent, why don't you rush to have a look?"

Although Fang Yi has restrained his aura, the aura revealed is still not weak, and strong men like him are all coming towards the stone people.

Therefore, his calmness seemed a little strange.

A young man in a purple robe couldn't help asking.

The young man was plump and handsome, his face was crowned like jade, and he was dressed in a purple robe, which added a bit of nobility to him, and he looked like a worldly prince.

Fang Yi couldn't help raising his head slightly, smiled in surprise, and said, "Didn't Fellow Daoist rush there too?"

In fact, Fang Yi didn't hurry to go, not because of other reasons.

It's because he hasn't made up his mind yet.

It can be said that all the powerhouses besieging the stone people were all because of him.

In terms of emotion and reason, he should help the stone people.

However, things are far from that simple. For the sake of the so-called Eight Realms of Kunlun, various powerful people have besieged the stone people who may be related to them.

If he shows up and helps the stone people, doesn't that mean that the stone people are indeed related to him?

In this way, even if the immediate trouble is solved.

In the future, the stone people will be in even greater trouble.

Leaving aside, the Ancient Demon Clan alone will definitely attack the Stone People Clan, as well as the Soul Clan, Fairy Spirit Clan, etc.

Therefore, if he showed up to help the stone people at this moment, it would be tantamount to harming the stone people.

Not only him, but Shi Zhongtian's appearance may have a lot of influence.

And this was the reason why he didn't hurry to go.

He was thinking, is there any other way.


"Fellow Daoist is indeed a wonderful person. I have low strength, so it's useless to rush there. Maybe I will cause trouble to my upper body."

The purple-robed youth laughed loudly, and a gleam of wisdom flashed in his bright eyes.

"Fellow Daoist alone? Do you mind if Liu sits down?"

Although the purple-robed youth asked, he sat directly opposite Fang Yi without waiting for Fang Yi's answer, and at the same time poured himself a glass of wine unceremoniously.

Fang Yi wasn't surprised either, he just smiled lightly.

"I'm Liu Jing, I didn't ask for advice..."

The young man in purple robe raised his wine glass with a bit of air.

"Yi Feng!"

The name Fang Yi has gradually spread in Tianshan Mountain, so this former pseudonym has come in handy again.

"So it's Brother Yi, sorry!"

"Brother Liu Guanyi doesn't seem to care about the stone-human race."

Liu Jing drank it all in one gulp, with a tentative meaning in his words.

"Not necessarily!" Fang Yi smiled, "Yi really wants to care, but it's a pity that there are so many strong people from all walks of life. With Yi's little calculation, how dare you peek at the eight realms of Kunlun."

Fang Yi responded casually.

"Brother Liu, you have extraordinary equipment, why don't you go and have a look?"

It must not be that simple for the person in front of me to strike up a conversation with me for no reason.

Fang Yi couldn't help but test it out.

It can be said that the warriors who came here were all for the sake of the stone-human race. Now that the battle is imminent, the other party is chatting with me here instead. It is indeed a bit...

"Brother Yi is joking, even Brother Yi dare not have unreasonable thoughts about the Eight Realms of Kunlun, how dare Liu!"

Liu Jing laughed.

After a short pause, he continued: "Besides, the truth of the Eight Realms of Kunlun is unknown for the time being. Even if it is true, the powerful people from all walks of life are watching. Even if you have some skills, I'm afraid..."

Speaking of this, Liu Jing deliberately paused to observe his words.

Seeing Fang Yi nod his head, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but a knowing smile, and continued: "Brother Yi is a smart man, no matter how good the treasure is, you have to live to enjoy it."

"What's more, this star field is not only the Kunlun Eighth Realm, but also other things."


Fang Yi was stunned, and looked at Liu Jing pretending to be surprised.

really!The other party came with a purpose.

As for the so-called other things in his mouth, Fang Yi really didn't care. He was no longer interested in any treasures.

What he cares about is the matter of the stone people. Once the war starts, the stone people may...

Of course, strictly speaking, the Stone Human Race has nothing to do with him, but Shi Zhongtian, I'm afraid...

"What else?"

Although he didn't really care about it, Fang Yi still asked along with the words.

However, Liu Jing was not in a hurry to answer. Instead, he smiled mysteriously. After a while, he lowered his voice and said, "The secret about the immortality of the undead."


A look of surprise flashed in Fang Yi's eyes. Liu Jing's words were obviously out of his expectation.

The secret of the immortality of the undead has never been known to outsiders.

Some people said that it was because of some kind of mutation in their physical bodies, while others said that it was because of the exercises they practiced.

Various theories exist endlessly, but the real reason is unknown to outsiders.

Of course, this is limited to some ordinary warriors.

For those who are strong in the God Transformation Realm, it is not a big deal to be physically immortal, but it is almost possible to achieve the seventh level of fusion.

The difference is that undead people don't need to reach the seventh level of fusion, they can also do it.

Fang Yi is just a little curious, and it's hard to say how interested he is.

"You know? Why is that?"

Immediately, Fang Yi couldn't help asking casually.

Liu Jing smiled mysteriously, and did not reply in a hurry, but changed his mouth and said: "If Brother Yi wants to know, it's very simple. The secret of the immortality of the undead is in the abyss of immortality."

The undead abyss is a dark void of the undead.

According to legend, it is extremely dangerous inside, and the birth of the undead royal family is all in the undead abyss.

The secret of the undead is also among them.

But outsiders don't know, because that void is guarded by countless powerful undead, so...

This is the first time Fang Yi has heard of this, so he is inevitably curious.

However, more is to guess the purpose of the other party. Could it be that the other party wants to enter the abyss of immortality?Could it be that there is something in it that the other party is thinking about?

"Brother Liu was joking, the undead abyss is heavily protected by the undead, and Yi doesn't want to ask for trouble."

Fang Yi said intentionally.

But I was thinking about the feasibility of this matter in my heart.

Can the focus of the stone people be shifted to this?If that was the case, most of the crisis of the Stone Human Race would undoubtedly be resolved.


(End of this chapter)

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