Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2444 Killing

Chapter 2444 Killing

According to what he said, in fact, his so-called knowledge of the whereabouts of the Longevity Tomb was just a guess.

Things still have to start with the undead.

Among the undead clan, most of the disciples whose strength has reached the peak of the seventh level of fusion will choose to enter the abyss of undead to try their luck.

First of all, there are spiritual seeds in the undead abyss, if you are lucky, you might be able to get one.

Second, that is to promote the undead royal family.

The specific key to promotion is a secret even among the undead, let alone outsiders.

Liu Jing also didn't know the details.

However, hundreds of years ago, he had the honor to accompany an undead disciple into the abyss of undeath. At that time, the two of them were both at the peak of the seventh level of fusion, and they had always been friends.

And they are all on the threshold of impacting the realm of transforming gods.

Just suffering from lack of spiritual seeds, the two decided to enter the abyss of immortality after discussing.

The abyss of undead is vast, and it is almost impossible for the undead to completely block the abyss of undead. In fact, when some casual practitioners enter, they turn a blind eye.

Because entering it, very few can come out.

At the same time, they can also use these people to learn more about the undead abyss.

Of course, this is limited to small forces.

Like Liu Jing this time, gathering so many people at once is not one of them.

And it was during that expedition that the two accidentally discovered the hidden place suspected to be the Longevity Tomb, and ventured deep into it.

As a result, one was killed and one injured.

The undead disciple died tragically, but Liu Jing managed to save his life and obtained a spiritual seed.

I see! !

Hearing Liu Jing's words, Qi Jiang couldn't help nodding, with longing in his eyes.

However, he didn't rush to ask questions, but first complimented: "Liu Daoyou has a great fortune, and if he survives a catastrophe, he must have a future blessing."

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, then said again: "What about Ling Lao?"

Liu Jing didn't answer, but a strangeness flashed in his eyes.

It seems that what he said is not true, and among them, I am afraid that he has concealed a lot.

How could Fang Yi not see it.

However, he was not interested in caring about it. What he cared about was another matter, so he immediately asked, "Then does he know the location?"

When Fang Yi said he, he was naturally referring to Ling Lao.

The so-called location is naturally the suspected hiding place of the Longevity Tomb.

Liu Jing was startled for a moment, but then nodded, "I know!"

"Since this is the case, then we have to hurry up and get on the road, otherwise, I'm afraid others will get there first."

What do you mean?

Qi Jiang seemed a little puzzled, and hurriedly asked: "You mean, the Elder Ling will tell those people the whereabouts of the Longevity Tomb?"

He was a little skeptical at first, but at the end of the sentence, his expression said everything.

Liu Jing did the same, nodded and said: "That's right! As usual, he would never say anything, but in times of crisis, this is the only way to wash away his suspicion..."

"Not only that, there is another point. We have already escaped. He is afraid of being caught by us first, so he will definitely do something. Instead of taking advantage of us, how can he give up the opportunity to clear himself of suspicion?"

Fang Yi added.

"Yes, yes!" Qi Jiang suddenly realized, "Then what are we waiting for?"

Compared with his eagerness, Liu Jing's whole person was a little bad, and his face became extremely ugly.

Because what he said before was tantamount to pushing Elder Ling into the center of the storm.

Originally thought that Linglao could not escape this time, who would have thought...

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help sneering in his heart, but he still said: "Of course, this is just a guess. Maybe Ling Lao can escape. Even if he can't, I believe he will not say this hole card unless it is a last resort."

"The top priority is that we must get to our destination first."

"Yes!" Qi Jiang repeatedly echoed.

Liu Jing was obviously hesitant, but the matter had come to this point, and he couldn't help it.

He could only say: "Okay! However, this business is extremely dangerous. The Abyss of Immortality has attracted the attention of the outside world, and it will definitely attract a large number of strong people."

"You and I, the three of us, must unite and advance and retreat together!"

Obviously, he wanted to win over Fang Yi and the two of them, in case Ling Lao got into trouble.

"Of course!"

Qi Jiang readily agreed, as if it was a matter of course.

Fang Yi also smiled as a response.

"That's good! Let's set off immediately!" Liu Jing gritted his teeth, although he didn't know if the two were perfunctory, but the matter had come to this point, so it had to be.

Immediately, a group of people slowly disappeared at the end of sight.


However, just as the group of people were on the road, the outside world was completely boiling.

The news of the advent of the Good Fortune Shrine has already spread.

Countless strong men rushed to the abyss of immortality in a steady stream, strong and weak, old and young, everything that one expects to find.

These people may not have any illusions about the Good Fortune Shrine, just to join in the fun and make fun of it, it is the Good Fortune artifact known as the Three Realms of Good Fortune.

Even if you can't own it, it's good to have a look at it.

Therefore, the situation of the undead abyss can be imagined, the endless void, and the silhouettes are endless.

This usually uninhabited undead abyss is now like a bustling city.

In particular, the matter of the Stone People Clan had originally attracted a large number of strong men, and now they all gathered here, one by one, like wolves.

"Where is the Good Fortune Shrine? Where is it? Why is there nothing, it can't be a rumor!"

"What rumors, let me tell you that the phantom of the Shrine of Good Fortune has been revealed just now, and it is miraculous. After hearing about it, there was a big battle, which seems to be fighting for the Shrine of Good Fortune."


"That's still false, the undead have already mobilized."


The crowd swarmed, each one seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

Of course, many people have doubts, but curiosity still drives them forward.

"Patriarch, is it really the Good Fortune Shrine? This... this is too incredible."

Among the crowd, a group of burly men was looking at the abyss of undead with suspicious expressions on their faces.

The leader is the patriarch of the Stone Man Clan, Shi Gandang.

"Bah! Others don't know what God's Fortune Palace is, so don't you guys know that besides the Longevity Tomb, where does God's Fortune Palace come from in this undead abyss?"

"It's a pity that the Longevity Tomb is about to come out. I, the Stone Human Race, are afraid..."

Shi Gandang's eyes were full of worry, and he seemed quite afraid of mentioning the Longevity Tomb.

"There is a legend in the clan that the Longevity Tomb has already been smashed by Empress Houtu? Even if it came out, there is nothing to worry about." Someone said disdainfully.

"You know what a fart, the current undead will overwhelm us, once they get the Longevity Tomb..."

"No! They must not be allowed to get the Longevity Tomb."

Shi Gandang's eyes widened, he clenched his fists, and there was a 'click' sound, revealing a strong determination.

After calming down for a while, he asked again: "Have all our people arrived yet?"

"The head of the Hui clan is coming one after another."

"Very good! Send the order down, tell them not to do anything, just pick on the bastard of the undead race, take this opportunity, and kill him happily."


(End of this chapter)

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