Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2455

Chapter 2455

"Ignorant child, you are presumptuous!!"

Xue Tianqiu Lei Ting was furious, and sparks seemed to burst out from his eyes. As a generation of Heavenly Soul powerhouses and the majestic patriarch of the undead clan, how long ago did someone dare to despise him like this?

Not to mention that the person opposite is still a human soul, how can he not be angry.

The killing intent shot up to the sky, like a storm, sweeping away.

"This seat will surely tear your corpse into thousands of pieces today!"

As soon as the words fell, his figure was like lightning, sweeping towards him surrounded by shocking wind and clouds.

This terrifying power made the people watching all around turn pale with fright, and stepped back unconsciously, fearing that they would suffer unreasonable disasters.

Fang Yi's expression also changed dramatically.

Although he said it lightly, he didn't dare to be careless in his heart.

Because of just the previous blow, he already understood that he could not be the opponent's opponent.

Not to mention that at this moment, the other party is really angry.

In the presence of such a large audience, one blow was useless, and he was so ridiculed by himself, so it's no wonder that he didn't move and was really angry.

"It's up to you? It's still far away!"

Fang Yi sarcastically once again, all the swords and shadows around him came out, and the Futian Sword Formation was applied to him in an instant. Now that the matter has come to this point, he will naturally not retreat, so he has to fight hard.

However, his actions made the crowd shake their heads, showing a hint of regret.

Perhaps in their view, this is no different from death.

It is completely fanciful for a human soul warrior to actually try to compete head-on with a strong heavenly soul. The gap in realm, especially in the later stage, is not so easy to make up for.

In fact, the entire Tianshan Mountains has never heard of such a precedent.

There is only one best way between the human soul state and the heavenly soul state, and that is to "escape".

The sooner the better!

As for whether he can escape, it depends on luck.

And like Fang Yi, to fight head-on is simply to die.

"This kid is simply tired of living. Could it be that he thought that he would be able to contend with the opponent if he was lucky enough to catch the blow of Xue Tianqiu? Is his brain flooded?"

"It's a pity, I see that he has extraordinary strength and has a bright future, but he doesn't want to be overwhelmed by self-confidence and seek death."

"That may not be the case, maybe he thinks he can't escape, so he..."

"Not bad!"

There was a void all around, and strong men from all walks of life arrived one after another, and there were many discussions.

Everyone looked at Fang Yi, as if they were looking at a dead person, with sympathy and pity, but more often they looked like they were watching a good show.

No one thought that he would be able to contend with Xue Tianqiu, even if it was only for a short time.

Even the previous blow was just a fluke in their eyes.

However, to everyone's surprise, this fluke happened again.

I saw that Fang Yi's breath suddenly surged, facing the attack of Xue Tianchou, he also thrust out a sword, and when he stabbed out, his whole body, including the sword, seemed to have pierced the space together and disappeared in place.

"This...what's the matter?"

Some people were shocked from ear to ear.

Everyone was shocked, and their pupils could not help shrinking even if it was blood and heaven.

But then, the corner of his mouth turned into a hint of sarcasm, "It's a small skill, but you dare to use an ax in front of me, and I will die."

He yelled and extended his palm, and under the wind of the palm, the void collapsed inch by inch, and Fang Yi's stabbing figure with a sword appeared in front of everyone again.

pity! !

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help showing a trace of sympathy.

I thought that Fang Yi's sudden disappearance would bring a different result to everyone, but I didn't be seen through so easily.

It's right to think about it, after all, it's just a personal soul state, no matter how good the method is, how can it hide the blood and heaven's revenge.

Unsurprisingly, everyone felt dull, especially after seeing Fang Yi's frightened expression after being found out, everything was a foregone conclusion.

The corner of Xue Tianchou's mouth also evoked a touch of cruel pleasure.

As far as he is concerned, the previous shame can finally be washed away, and the resentment in his heart can also be let go.

Perhaps it was because of the laxness in his heart that he didn't notice at all that under Fang Yi's fearful expression, there was a cold light in the depths of his eyes.

puff! !

There was no accident when the long sword entered the body. The long sword in Xue Tianchou's hand directly defeated Fang Yi's attack, and then passed through Fang Yi's chest.

However, there was not much pain in Fang Yi's expression.

Instead, he evoked a sinister smile.

puff! !

The next moment, there was another sound of a long sword entering his body.

Strictly speaking, the two voices came almost at the same time, at least the crowd couldn't tell them apart. In their eyes, at the same time that Xue Tianqiu stabbed Fang Yi, a sword in the void also stabbed him at the same time.

The sword came silently, extremely strangely.

It was only at this moment that the person holding the sword was slowly revealed, and suddenly, it was Fang Yi.

The two Fang Yi appeared in front of the crowd at the same time, and the crowd was all dumbfounded, and their mouths fell from ear to ear in astonishment.

"It's a clone!"

Qi Jiang blurted out with horror in his eyes.

That's right!Of the two Fang Yi, one is naturally a clone. Originally, Fang Yi wanted to use illusions to confuse his opponents, but is Xuetianqiu an ordinary person?It is impossible to be easily confused.

So, he had to.

One sword for one sword, although he can't get the slightest benefit, and even his own injuries may be more serious than the opponent's.

However, being able to injure the Heavenly Soul Realm is undoubtedly something to be happy about.

But the crowd, at this moment, has been completely sluggish, one by one, as if petrified.

A person in the soul state, just under their noses, injured a person in the sky soul state, and that person was a blood and heaven enemy, such a pioneering feat was simply unheard of.

It's ridiculous that they despised each other so much before.

"Hey!! Am I dazzled, he...he actually..."

At this moment, the crowd looked at Fang Yi completely differently.

However, the corners of Xue Tianchou's mouth twitched violently, and his entire face had already turned a liver-colored color.

As a generation of heavenly soul powerhouses and the patriarch of the undead clan, it was nothing but a single attack before, but now, he was injured by a person in the soul state, and he was in full view. The humiliation and anger in his heart can be imagined .

The whole person seems to be burning.

His whole body was trembling uncontrollably, and his teeth were chattering.

"Little thief!"

The next moment, he roared with all his strength, and the breath in his body burst out suddenly, directly moving Jiutian Fengyun.

Fang Yi's complexion couldn't help changing drastically, he knew that the other party had completely gone berserk, and if he continued to be entangled like this, there must be more danger than good luck, the previous sword had already caused him a lot of damage.

If it wasn't for the other party's desire to humiliate him, and the fact that he had a good body, if he were replaced by someone else, he would have died on the spot.

Moreover, there are already more and more people around at this moment, and if the battle continues, their identities will definitely be exposed.

Although he is not afraid, things will become more and more troublesome if he does so.

After making up his mind, Fang Yi decided to retreat.

However, how did Xue Tianchou agree, and he attacked fiercely, like a ferocious beast that completely ran away.

Under such circumstances, Fang Yi wants to retreat, it seems that there is only one way to go to the three temples, but in this way...

wrong!There is another place where Fang Yi couldn't help but cast his gaze on the long bloody river.

(End of this chapter)

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