Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2464 Guardian Stoneman

Chapter 2464 Guardian Stoneman

Boom! !

Outside, the battle was getting more and more intense, and Mo Lao was forced to run around.

Although he is very powerful, he is obviously inferior to the Immortal Corpse King. This is due to the Undying Corpse King's double-mindedness, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

And Shi Zhongtian had also joined the battle at this moment.

The situation is critical, and I can't take care of so much anymore.

However, he still seemed to be a little concerned about his identity, so he dressed up casually.

Although he was just dressing up casually, in this case, who would pay attention to his identity, so...

When it comes to Mo Lao, the two of them have been trapped together in the Green Wood Pagoda for tens of thousands of years, and they are very familiar with each other's aura, so naturally they can't hide it from him.

"Shitou, where did that brat go? Escaped?"

He only heard him scold and asked anxiously.

Fang Yi disappeared suddenly without a trace of breath, no wonder he was suspicious.

Of course, he was only suspicious. After getting along with Fang Yi for this period of time, he was already very clear about Fang Yi's character. Otherwise, he would have left long ago, so how could he have survived until now.

"Old Mo, just hold on, it will be done soon!"

Although Shi Zhongtian didn't know where Fang Yi went, but Shi Gandang also disappeared together, so he believed that Fang Yi's disappearance must be related to comprehending the secret.

Otherwise, if Fang Yi really wanted to escape, he wouldn't have to take Shi Gandang with him.

So, he had no choice but to reply like this.

"Bastard, it's easy to say, you stand up! Tell that kid, if he doesn't leave, the old man won't be able to keep him."

Elder Mo issued his final warning.

In fact, he was almost at his limit. If it wasn't for Fang Yi, he would have already retreated.

Shi Zhongtian didn't know if it was a tendon, or he could see that Mo Lao couldn't hold on any longer, and actually, as Mo Lao said, he attacked the Immortal Corpse King, his eyes were determined.

"Idiot, you don't want to die!"

Mr. Mo was obviously stunned, and cursed loudly, but he didn't slack off in the slightest, and shot again and again.

Fearing that one of them would be bad, Shi Zhongtian died.

It's a pity, compared to the Immortal Corpse King, Shi Zhongtian's strength was too weak after all, in just one round, he was shot flying, with blood flowing from his mouth.

Thanks to Mo Lao's timely action, otherwise, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

But even so, his injuries were also extremely serious, he could hardly stand up anymore, and his face was pale.

Boom! !

At this time, the Immortal Monument came to suppress again.

The Immortal Corpse King failed to kill Shi Zhongtian with one blow, and seemed to be extremely angry. The terrifying monument of immortality was like a divine peak, vowing to crush Shi Zhongtian into slag.

Seeing this, Old Mo was in a hurry, but unfortunately, in the hands of the Immortal Corpse King, he couldn't take care of himself, so he could only watch helplessly.

Shi Zhongtian's pupils were also full of fear.

Instinctively, his breath soared, every inch of his body was petrified, and he turned into a stone man in an instant.

This is? ?

All the powerhouses of the Stone Human Race looked at each other in blank dismay.

Shi Zhongtian's sudden transformation undoubtedly took them by surprise. Although there are a lot of stone people, there are only a handful of them who have reached the peak of the earth soul.

Among them, naturally, Shi Zhongtian would not be there.

boom! !

There was another loud bang, the monument of immortality fell, and Shi Zhongtian flew out again.

He had already suffered heavy injuries, so it is conceivable that he would hard-wire the monument at this moment.

The whole person has completely lost consciousness, life and death are unknown, but the blood from the mouth is still pouring out, it is extremely tragic.

However, the Monument of Immortality seemed to be unsatisfied, and another suppression came.

"Stop it!"

A group of stone-human powerhouses rushed over in a hurry. Although they didn't know Shi Zhongtian's identity, the transformation of the stone-human had already explained everything, so...

However, with their strength, it is far from enough, and the monument of immortality has already fallen.


The crowd roared unwillingly.

Seeing that Shi Zhongtian was about to be blasted to pieces, suddenly, in the void, a ripple rippled slightly from above him.

The next moment, from the ripples, a stone man stepped out slowly.

The stone man was five meters tall and was made of unknown blue stones. The whole body exuded a khaki-yellow light, giving people a sense of incomprehensible thickness, like a mountain.

Every time it took a step, the sky and the earth trembled, and the Longevity Tomb seemed to be affected.

The river of blood around was churned even more by the shock.

I saw him throw a punch casually, and blasted the suppressed immortal tablet away.

Seems like an understatement.

"Guardian stone man? Is it really a guardian stone man?!"

Among the stone people, there was a few strong men whose eyes were full of excitement.

Although not many people know about the stone guards, the top executives still know a little bit.

Especially after the Guardian Stone Man couldn't be moved, the Stone Man Clan tried their best in the past dynasties, and more people knew about it than before.

However, this was the first time seeing the Guardian Stone Man like this.

"No! Didn't it mean that under the full force of the guardian stone man, the body size can reach ten meters away? Why?"

Some people have doubts, and seem to have some doubts about the stone man in front of them.

In fact, his suspicion was not wrong.

Because Shi Gandang didn't fully comprehend the secret, he only comprehended part of it, and after that, it was difficult to obtain anything.

And time has not allowed, so he tried to mobilize the guardian stone man.

I never thought, it is really possible, but the power can only be used partially, but fortunately, it is already extremely good, giving him the confidence to fight the Immortal Corpse King.

What's more, there is no other way right now, so...


The appearance of the guardian stone man gave the Immortal Corpse King a strange expression for the first time, and hatred was shining in his cold eyes.

The death energy around him also became more and more intense.

Elder Mo couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

"Naughty animal! Sue to die!" A resounding voice came from inside the guardian stone man. At the same time, the guardian stone man also made another move, punching fiercely.

This fist, like a sky crashing and earth ripping apart, before the fist wind arrived, the countless meteorites and the longevity tomb that was about to condense were all trembling violently, as if they would burst apart at any moment.

Good guy!

Rao Mo Lao, a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

"It's the patriarch! The patriarch urged the guardian stone man, we are saved!"

Hearing Shi Gandang's voice, all the Shiren disciples cheered happily.

Not to mention the excitement when seeing the guardian stone man behave so tyrannically.

Moreover, those who know more or less about the legend of the guardian stone man are naturally more confident, as if they already have the chance to win.

But the fact...


The Immortal Corpse King let out a strange cry, reached out with his big hand, and inserted the monument of immortality directly in front of the Longevity Tomb. Immediately, the trembling Longevity Tomb instantly stabilized.

Afterwards, he also slapped fiercely, facing the guardian stone man.

This palm is not inferior to that punch, and it goes away with monstrous power.

The crowd all stared wide-eyed, watching this scene nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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