Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2468 Earth Temple

Chapter 2468 Earth Temple

"How about it?"

In a certain stone hall, all the senior officials of the stone people clan were looking at an old man above them with eager eyes.

The old man is the Great Elder of the Stone People Clan, Shi Qingshan.

In the Undead Abyss party, although the stone people almost mobilized their nests, Shi Qingshan stayed behind to prevent some unsightly people from taking the opportunity to make trouble.

At this moment, facing everyone's eyes, Shi Qingshan's old face was full of helplessness, and then he shook his head.


Although the crowd had expected it long ago, they were all devastated by Shi Qingshan's affirmation.

Then, they knelt down to the ground one by one.

Shi Qingshan was also in tears, and then gave some instructions, and several Shiren disciples carried out Shi Gandang's body, which was located in the center of the hall.

A generation of Heavenly Soul powerhouses, the patriarch of the Stone Man Clan, just fell away.

"Great elder, the patriarch has passed away, so we..., and the guardian stone man..."

After a short period of grief, someone below asked.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look at Shi Qingshan together.

Shi Qingshan shook his head slightly, and said: "There is no need to rush to re-establish the patriarch. As for protecting the stone man..."

As he spoke, he raised his head slightly and looked in a certain direction.

In that direction, there is also another stone hall, and inside the stone hall, Fang Yi and Mo Lao are suddenly in it.

"Stinky boy! It seems that you are recovering well."

Seeing Fang Yi with a rosy face, Elder Mo couldn't help being amazed.

He clearly remembered that a few days ago, Fang Yi was on the verge of dying, almost half of his life. He never thought that in just a few days, he was already alive and well.

However, he didn't know that although it was only a few days in the outside world, it had been dozens of days in the water temple.

And Fang Yi didn't suffer too much trauma back then.

What's more, I'm exhausted and exhausted.

Fang Yi smiled as a response. Thinking of the battle with the Immortal Corpse King a few days ago, he couldn't help feeling a bit of fear at the moment. If it wasn't for the sword, he would never have been so relaxed.

Situ Mingkong actually gave him a big gift, and in the future he will have a chance...

"Boy, tell me! The crisis of the stone people has been lifted, why do you still come to this stone people?"

After a pause, Elder Mo asked again.

In the battle of Undead Abyss, countless strong people from all walks of life were killed and injured, especially the undead.

Not to mention that they are no longer a threat to the stone people, even if they can, the appearance of the guardian stone people makes them dare not act rashly.

Just kidding, that is an existence that can compete with the undying corpse king.

Whoever is tired of life is looking for trouble.

"There's no reason, since they invited you, let's stop by to have a look!" Fang Yi said lightly.

"And, here is the group of stones."

Immediately, he added another sentence, but there was obviously something insincere in his eyes.

"Hmph! Do you really think that this old man is a three-year-old child, from Shitou's tribe? Shitou himself is afraid that he would not come here. If not, he would not hide in the Greenwood Pagoda to recuperate."

Elder Mo looked at Fang Yi with disdain, that expression...

Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips.

It has to be said that Mo Lao's suspicion is accurate. The reason why Fang Yi came to the stone people was naturally not only because of the invitation of the stone people, but also because of protecting the stone people.

Of course, it wasn't that he wanted to protect the stone man.

Although the guardian stone man is indeed still in his hands at this moment, if he really covets it, he can just leave.

There's no need to come to the stone people, isn't that the same as sending sheep to the tiger's mouth?

Although it is not certain who is the sheep and who is the tiger.

However, Shi Zhongtian is also considered loyal to him, and Shi Gandang is also worthy of being the leader of the clan and worthy of respect.

How could he take it by force?

In fact, the purpose of his coming here is to guard the back of the stone man, because Fang Yi noticed something abnormal when he comprehended the secret.

The guardian stone man contains the most mysterious power of the earth element.

Moreover, there is a faint resonance with his three major temples.

It was precisely because of this that he was able to fully comprehend the secret in such a short period of time.

The so-called five elements generate and restrain each other.

So he affirmed that this guardian stone man must have a great relationship with the Earth Temple, one of the five great temples of the Good Fortune Shrine.

And this is why he came here.

Now he has gathered three of the five great temples, leaving only the Golden Temple and the Earth Temple. He is naturally eager for these two temples, and he will not miss them even if there are clues.

What's more, this is not just a clue, it is almost certain.

The legendary Empress Houtu, also known as the Mother of the Earth, controls the Temple of the Earth. Isn't this the best proof?

The kung fu practices practiced by the entire Stone People Clan are all earth-type, which also explains the problem.

The only problem is, is the Earth Temple already under control?

Is the so-called Empress Houtu the owner of the Temple of Earth? If so, it will be troublesome. The other party was able to defeat the Immortal Corpse King in ancient times, and was the Immortal Corpse King in its heyday.

Such a character, even if Fang Yi has the ability to reach the sky, he is definitely not an opponent.

Not to mention that countless thousands of years have passed, the opponent's strength...

I feel scared even thinking about it.

Of course, another possibility is not ruled out, that is, the other party has fallen, and the Earth Temple is waiting for him in a certain corner.

Perhaps this possibility is extremely slim, but it does not necessarily exist.

But no matter what the possibility is, it is necessary to figure out what is going on with Empress Houtu, as well as her origin and whereabouts.

The clearer the better, maybe you can find something from it.

And this is the reason why Fang Yi came here.


"Is Mr. Fang here?"

Outside the stone hall, an old voice sounded.

finally come!

Fang Yi slowly opened his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, then he paused, and said, "Great Elder, please come in!"

Shi Qingshan stepped into the main hall, and behind him were several high-ranking stone-human clansmen, all of whom had extremely extraordinary auras, as if they had reached the state of transforming gods.

"On behalf of the entire Shiren clan, I would like to thank Mr. Fang for his great help."

Shi Qingshan was extremely sincere, his already slightly bent back bent deeply.

Naturally, the others did not dare to neglect and saluted one after another.

"The Great Elder doesn't need to do this!"

Fang Yi got up and smiled, "Fang is just trying to protect himself."

"Young master Fang is joking. You can escape at any time, but in the end of the battle, our Stone Human Clan is far behind." Shi Qingshan complimented.

In the words, there is also a sense of shame.

Fang Yi was noncommittal, just smiled, and didn't want to get entangled in this issue, so he asked directly: "The Great Elder is here, what is the reason?"

He knew the reason and asked, for the stone people, the most important thing is to protect the stone people.

When asked by him, Shi Qingshan didn't know what to say.

It is true that the stone people are guarding the stone people, but no one in the stone people can motivate them, but the other party..., and the other party has done a big favor to the stone people this time.

and so……

Seeing Shi Qingshan's appearance like this, Fang Yi couldn't help smiling, and then he opened his hand, and the guardian stone man appeared out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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