Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2471

Chapter 2471 The Return

"Boy, your nonsense is really bad!"

After Shi Qingshan left, only Fang Yi was left in the hall, but Mo Lao's voice suddenly sounded.

"Oh! Nonsense?" Fang Yi chuckled, "I wonder what your opinion is, Mr. Mo?"

"Boy, are you taking an old man test?"

There was a bit of disdain in Old Mo's tone, and he continued: "The old man finally knows why you came to this stone-human race. The reason for your feelings is because of this. It seems that what Emperor Qing did back then was not completely useless."

It was obvious that there was something in the words, and Fang Yi's eyes could not help but feel cold.


These old guys don't have any fuel-efficient lamps, and they can guess their purpose just from this few words.

"That's natural, otherwise how can I get your help."

Fang Yi said speciously.

Immediately, the tone changed again, a little harsh, "If I were you, I would hide it in my heart even if I guessed it. Don't forget, your life is still in my hands."

Hahaha! !

Hearing Fang Yi's threatening words, Mo Lao laughed out loud.

"Boy, since the old man opened his mouth, he naturally didn't have that plan. He just wanted to remind you that there are some things that should not be pursued too much, especially those that are not in line with your own strength. Otherwise, you will only fall into a situation where you will never be able to recover."

"Thank you for the reminder!" Fang Yi smiled knowingly, "However, I think you are afraid of being implicated!"

Fang Yi didn't have much doubt about Mo Lao's words.

As the other party said, if he really had intentions, he would pretend to be confused instead of speaking out.

What he cares about is the heaven and earth Dao pattern in Fang Yi's inner world.

Until he succeeds in comprehending it, it's best not to make any mistakes, that's all.

In fact, why does he need to remind him, Fang Yi is not stupid enough to find the whereabouts of the Earth God Temple now, and even if he wants to, he can't do it.

Black Saturn!Maybe……


"I have seen you, son! I don't know what orders you have."

A few more days passed.

Shi Zhongtian's injuries have almost recovered, and he looks fiercely at Fang Yi, and his eyes are a little different from before, full of respect and from the heart.

Fang Yi nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Shi Qingshan has sent the final candidate, I think, I will leave the task of imparting the secret to you!"

"This..." Shi Zhongtian was stunned, how could he not understand Fang Yi's meaning.

I almost became the Patriarch of the Stoneman Clan, but in the end, although I failed, it is undoubtedly a symbol that I have the opportunity to pass it on now, but...

"Thank you, son, for your kindness, but this subordinate..."

"Don't rush to refuse, let's take a look at the profiles of these candidates first!"

Before Shi Zhongtian finished speaking, Fang Yi waved his hand casually, and a jade fell in front of Shi Zhongtian.

Shi Zhongtian looked suspicious, but finally took the jade slip.

The next moment, a struggling expression appeared on his face, and he finally said: "Okay! Thank you, Young Master, for your success."

Maybe it was out of guilt, or maybe it was because of other plans, the people sent by Shi Qingshan really surprised Fang Yi and Shi Zhongtian a little bit.

Because one of the people he sent was Shi Xiaoyu, the descendant of brother Shi Zhongtian.

In all aspects of strength, it is slightly inferior to others.

It can be seen from this that Shi Qingshan must be under a lot of pressure to send him here.

Its intention is already obvious.

However, the final decision-making power was handed over to Fang Yi, and Fang Yi handed it over to Shi Zhongtian.

"I will train them well, and even teach them some other things. However, the stone people are not a certain person's stone people. Who can finally become the patriarch can only rely on themselves."

After finishing speaking, Shi Zhongtian disappeared into the hall.

These words seemed to be said by Fang Yi, but more like talking to himself.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Time just went by.

The candidate was greeted by Shi Zhongtian, so naturally Fang Yi had nothing to do, at most, he would show up occasionally when Shi Zhongtian was inconvenient to show up.

The rest of the time, either practice, or visit the entire stone people.

Of course, it is said to be a tour, but it is actually looking for Empress Houtu... Strictly speaking, it is looking for clues related to the Temple of Earth.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

It seems that apart from the legend, the relationship between the stone people and the Empress Houtu is limited to the supernatural power of petrification.

This supernatural power is the foundation of the stone people.

Although Fang Yi wanted to see, he didn't open his mouth, even though he knew that once he spoke, Shi Zhongtian would definitely not hide anything.

Because today's Shi Zhongtian has completely worshiped him as his master.

But the more so, the less he can make things difficult for the other party.

Fortunately, the Earth Temple was just an unexpected surprise, and he was not in a hurry, so he had to put it aside for the time being and talk about it later.

The Patriarch of the Stone Man Clan quickly confirmed that it was not Shi Xiaoyu.

In the eyes of many people, this was expected, but when Shi Qingshan heard about it, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, as if the boulder in his heart had finally fallen.

Because only he knows what that means.

He had no choice but to do this, but he certainly didn't want the future of the stone people to be determined by this.

Fortunately, nothing happened.


"Have you heard! There are reports of undead from all over the Tianshan Mountains."

"Hmph! What undead, they are completely brainless blood-eating corpses, they are extremely hateful."

"Who says no, all these monsters should be killed, and the so-called undead in the past should be killed as well. They actually serve such a group of monsters."

"Yes! I heard that they have the same origin as these monsters, maybe..."

The first battle about the undead abyss has already spread.

Even the undead have become the target of public criticism, street rats.

If it weren't for their extraordinary strength, I'm afraid they would have been besieged long ago, not just spurned.

However, such a day might not be too far away. The undead clan suffered heavy losses in that battle, and now they are notorious. The stone-human clan and its surrounding forces will definitely not miss this opportunity.

I believe it won't be long before the undead will be in danger.

Of course, all of this had nothing to do with Fang Yi, and he had no intention of knowing it. After the Patriarch of the Stone Man Clan confirmed, he took Shi Zhongtian and quietly left the Stone Man Clan.

The purpose of this trip has been completed, and the stone people will be safe.

Instead, the undead... and the undying corpse king.

Thinking of the Immortal Corpse King, Fang Yi couldn't help but feel a little headache. The opponent's strength was far beyond his reach.

The last time I was able to severely injure the opponent was entirely due to luck and the sword, otherwise, even if I severely injured the opponent, I am afraid that I would not end well.

no!We must improve our strength as soon as possible!

Fang Yi secretly made up his mind, this time he will start to retreat as soon as he returns. In this vast Tianshan Mountain, his own strength has already made him feel a great crisis.

The soul clan, fairy clan, ancient god clan, and now there is an even more domineering immortal corpse king.

(End of this chapter)

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