Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2473

Chapter 2473

Time is like water!

The Soul Clan and the Ancient Demon Clan never gave up on Fang Yi's search, but obviously, they found nothing.

Since the battle of Qianjiexing, Fang Yi seemed to have evaporated from the world, leaving the two major forces at a loss. Instead, their target was locked on Fengshenmeng.

At first, the two left together.

Although Fengshenmeng kept a low profile, Mengxian's name had spread throughout the Tianshan Mountains, and news of her occasionally came.

The two major forces searched around based on these news.

I don't know if it's because most of these news are speculative, or because of Fengshenmeng's own strength. In short, the two major forces didn't gain much.

On the contrary, news of their disciple being slaughtered often came from time to time.

It has to be said that the occasional appearance of Fengshenmeng made Mu Shenzong well hidden behind.

No one connected it with Fang Yi.

In addition, there is another news that often spreads from all over the Tianshan Mountains, that is, the appearance of blood-devouring Yin corpses. These Yin corpses are killing everywhere and devouring blood, which has already caused great resentment in the entire Tianshan Mountains.

Many forces are trying to besiege them, but unfortunately, their immortal bodies make the world helpless.

Rumors of the undying corpse king and the undead race also spread.


Boo! !

In an endless void, a tomb-like palace quietly floats in it, which looks extremely strange.

From time to time, there were strange sharp screams in the surrounding blood river.

Although he was no stranger to such a scene, Xue Tianchou still couldn't help his scalp tingling and his palms sweating. He looked around vigilantly and slowly stepped towards the palace.

yes!This is still the undead, the undead abyss.

After the Undying Corpse King was wounded, he didn't leave.

Firstly, it was because his soul was seriously injured, and secondly, there were still undead here.

"I've seen adults!"

There is a pool of blood inside the Longevity Tomb. The blood water is similar to the blood river, but it is more viscous and the smell of blood is stronger.

The copper coffin and the silver coffin are quietly floating on it.

As for Xue Tianchou, he was leaning against the pool with his head lowered, his face turned pale, and his body was trembling slightly.

"Any news?"

An extremely sharp and ear-piercing sound, like a sharp weapon passing through glass, came from inside the coffin.

"Not...not yet..." Xue Tianchou replied tremblingly.

As a generation of heavenly soul powerhouses and the patriarch of the undead clan, if outsiders see his expression at this moment, they will surely be surprised from ear to ear.

Of course, it would be a different matter if one knew that the person inside the coffin was the Undying Corpse King.

"The subordinates have tried their best to investigate, but there has been no whereabouts of that person. In addition...adding to our current situation, we have been hostile by the forces around us, led by the stone people, who are against me everywhere. It is impossible to send more disciples. Find the whereabouts of the man."

Seemingly afraid of being blamed, Xue Tianchou quickly explained again.

The person he was talking about naturally refers to Fang Yi.

As for the current situation of the undead, it is far worse than what he said.

After the battle of the undead abyss, the undead have become freaks in the eyes of the world, and they are the target of public criticism.

How could those forces that had grievances with them before let go of this opportunity? With the stone-human tribe as the leader, an alliance to crusade against the undead has been established.

The undead are beset by enemies on many fronts, and the situation is dire.

In addition, there are also differences among the undead, who wants to be treated as a monster by the world.

Many people have left the undead, so...

There was a moment of silence in the hall.

Xue Tianchou also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the Immortal Corpse King accepted his explanation, and quickly added: "My lord, it's better to let the undead army destroy the stone-human tribe first, and then, the subordinates can search for the man's identity with all their strength." whereabouts."

Bang! !

There was a loud bang in response to Xue Tianqiu.

For some unknown reason, his figure blasted out like a cannonball, slamming hard on the stone wall behind him, and a mouthful of blood spurted away.

"Little... villain, damn it..."

However, completely ignoring the severe pain in his body, he kowtowed to beg for mercy.

"Find him, the undead army can sense his location, if there is no news next time, hmph..."

The piercing voice sounded again.

Along with that, a drop of scarlet blood slowly floated up from inside the coffin, and finally landed in front of Xue Tianchou.

Seeing this drop of blood, Xue Tianchou seemed to have forgotten the severe pain all over his body, his expression became extremely excited, and he kowtowed repeatedly: "Thank you for your gift, my subordinate will definitely complete the task."

The hall fell into silence again.

Xue Tianqiu had already left.


But at this time, inside the huge coffin, there was another mournful and strange cry, full of anger.

It's just that voice, giving people a rather weak feeling.

It seems that Fang Yi's blow at the beginning really caused a lot of trauma to the Immortal Corpse King.


However, Fang Yi naturally knew nothing about all this.

At the moment he is immersed in cultivation.

Everything in the outside world has long been cut off by him. The soul clan, ancient demon clan, immortal corpse king, and even Mo Lao all gave him a great sense of crisis.

Let him urgently need to improve his strength.

Needless to say the first three, Mo Lao is also an uncertain factor.

It was out of helplessness that I traded with him at the beginning.

But now, the other party is already comprehending the Dao Rune of Heaven, Earth, and no one is sure when he will be able to comprehend through and reach the perfection of the three souls.

Fang Yi is not sure what will happen if this day comes quickly and gets out of control.

The opponent is not only powerful, but also knows that he is carrying the Wooden Temple.

And the countless experts in the Cyanwood Pagoda.

All of this gave him a sense of crisis that was even greater than the previous three.

Of course, from the current point of view, Mo Lao's performance is still good enough, but Fang Yi has to guard against it.

Therefore, he urgently needs to improve his strength, the strength that can compete with everyone.

Time just goes by!

Fang Yi, who was obsessed with cultivation, didn't feel it at all. He was like a statue, letting time flow like water, but he didn't leave any marks on him.

Only, the breath became stronger and stronger, more and more ethereal.

The bright spiritual world has also become more and more vast, more stable and colorful.

It's like a real world.

And in this world, the Divine Dragon of Destruction is the absolute master, controlling everything, transforming everything, and the meaning of destruction becomes more and more terrifying.

But the wooden sword in the depths of the spiritual world didn't seem to have changed in any way.

It still looks so ordinary.

Even that area seemed so abnormal, as if that area had become an eternal existence since the arrival of the wooden sword.

Time seems to have been frozen there.

But everything around is changing rapidly, it seems so weird and out of place.


(End of this chapter)

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