Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2479 Dilemma

Chapter 2479 Dilemma

Kaka! !

Every inch of the world is frozen, and where the frost is covered, time seems to have been frozen.

The blood-devouring corpses that were originally extremely bloody as if they came from hell, one by one, were covered in frost, and turned into ice sculptures in an instant.

The crowd was stunned, but many of them were lucky to have narrowly escaped death.

The eyes can't help but look at each other.

I saw a beautiful figure falling from the sky, cold and biting, suddenly it was Fairy Leng Yue.

"'s her!"

Someone exclaimed, as if they recognized Fairy Leng Yue.

It's not surprising that Fang Yi and Fairy Leng Yue have long been famous in the bitter sea battle.

This time Fairy Leng Yue showed up with the Eight Realms of Kunlun, and it was even more popular, and there was even a picture amulet as evidence. It would be strange if no one recognized her.

For a moment, the crowd who were eager to escape could not help but hesitate at this moment.

Maybe not everyone has an idea about the Eight Realms of Kunlun.

However, the sudden appearance of Fairy Leng Yue, and such an aboveboard appearance, undoubtedly made them full of doubts.

According to common sense, it is too late for the other party to hide, so how could...

Not bad!

If it is an ordinary person, it is natural to avoid it.

But Fairy Leng Yue's trip was originally to divert the attention of the world, so how can she hide it so that people can't find it? If so, it would be a waste of effort.

That's why she showed up at this moment by taking advantage of the crowd.


"My lord, Jupiter is ahead!"

In the vast void, the ancient demon clan and his party had already arrived, and the Nine Swords Demon Monarch's eyes were deep and sharp, looking at the huge planet not far away, which was the base camp of the Wood God Sect, Tianjuxing.

At the same time, Gu Changqing also seemed to feel something, and looked up at the void with a sad face.

He had already received the news of the arrival of the ancient demons.

Although Fairy Leng Yue's plan was far beyond expectations, a Demon Lord of Nine Swords still gave him a headache.

Because the Nine Swords Demon Lord not only represents himself, but also represents his cultivation base at the peak of the earth soul, behind it, it also represents the entire ancient demon clan.

If one is not good, the Wood God Sect will be doomed forever.

"Children of Mu Shenzong, get out quickly!"

Nine days away, an extremely domineering and arrogant voice sounded, piercing through the entire planet Jupiter.

The huge Jupiter, and countless disciples of the Wood God Sect, all glared at the void.

Some people couldn't help but shoot up.

"Bastard! He Fang Xiaoxiao is making noise here, looking for death!" The thunderous voice exploded in this world, no surprise, it was Mu Xiong who couldn't bear it first.

At this moment, he was full of breath, extremely tyrannical, like a peerless beast that traveled from the ancient times.

The violent breath swept away like a storm.

"Humph! It's too much!"

Above the void, the indifferent voice came again, full of contempt.

Accompanied by this sound, the wind and clouds in the Nine Heavens surged, and a huge Sky Demon Palm fell down immediately, crushing towards Mu Xiong.

The void burst instantly, and it was extremely terrifying, as if the end was coming.

On the planet Jupiter, some weak disciples and ordinary people were already trembling with fright, their faces turned pale.

Even Mu Xiong's pupils couldn't help shrinking sharply, full of horror, trying to avoid the blow, but the blow came extremely fast, and under the palm of his hand, the space seemed to be frozen, making it impossible for him to escape.

Divine Realm!

The first shot is the power of transforming the gods.

Although Mu Xiong is impulsive, he is not stupid, he already knows who the visitor is.

Originally, he was thinking of making the first move, but he never thought of...

At this point, he had no choice but to fight hard. Immediately, he clenched his teeth, the energy in his body exploded in an instant, and the Qingdimuhuang fist slammed out.

Immediately, the power of the birth and death of all things swept across the four directions, like a torrential wave.

Although this punch was far inferior to Fang Yi's back then, it was still quite extraordinary, making that palm pause involuntarily.

The world also exploded inch by inch.

Nine days away, a sound of surprise also came.

"Qingdimuhuangquan? It's rare to have such an ability in a mere seven-fold combination."

After the words fell, the palm suddenly rose sharply and was firmly pressed down.

not good!

Mu Xiong's expression changed drastically, but before he had time to react, he felt a vast force coming.

The next moment, his huge figure plummeted down like a meteorite.


Mu Hai and Mu Sheng had also appeared at this moment, and seeing this situation, their expressions changed drastically.

Among the three, Mu Xiong was the most tyrannical, but in the end, he couldn't take a blow from the comer, and the two of them felt their hearts.

Not to mention the other disciples, all of them looked at the void with fear.

There, several figures slowly gathered.

The one in the middle is the Demon Lord of Nine Swords, with nine sharp swords on his back, his aura is unparalleled, and he goes straight to the sky, and his pair of eyes are like eagles, looking down at the crowd below.

However, it was not him who made the move, but someone else.

It was a man with an extremely arrogant demeanor, with disdain on his brows, looking down at everyone like ants.

"Heh! Is there no one who can take it?"

Just listen to his sarcasm.

"You... who are you?"

A disciple who didn't know the truth accused him.

"Who? Who? Knowingly asking, tell that kid to get out, otherwise, from now on, there will be no Wood God Sect in Tianshan." The arrogant man was extremely domineering, and he didn't take Wood God Sect seriously at all.

As a member of the ancient demon clan, a first-class power in Tianshan, such a small sect as Mu Shenzong, how could he get into his eyes.


When the crowd heard the words, they were all furious, but in view of the strength of the person who came, they dared not speak out.

"What a big breath!"

Finally, Gu Changqing stepped out slowly.

At this moment, he is full of aura, extremely majestic, and seems to be the embodiment of the everlasting emperor, domineering.

"It's you? Gu Changqing!!"

The arrogant man's pupils shrank sharply, and a flash of disbelief flashed across his face.

Gu Changqing and the blood demon ancestor entered Tianshan together, and also stayed in the demon clan for a while.

So the arrogant man recognized him at a glance.

But Nine Swords Demon Lord didn't seem to know about it, he was a little surprised, and looked at the arrogant man inquiringly, seeing this, the arrogant man quickly explained the matter.

Then, he looked at Gu Changqing again, and said coldly: "Gu Changqing, for the sake of your friendship with my ancient demon clan, tell me quickly, where is that kid?"

The arrogant man's eyes were like a knife, and he was not in a hurry to make a move.

And Gu Changqing didn't see much change on his face, and said slowly: "Gu doesn't know what you're talking about."


The arrogant man was furious, "It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine. You really think you can fool me. You and that kid are also from the outside world. Now that you are here, that kid must be here too."

"This seat urges you to tell the truth, otherwise... I will be ruthless!"

As he spoke, the arrogant man showed his killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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