Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2484 Half Copper Coffin

Chapter 2484 Half Copper Coffin

In fact, Fang Yi's strength is not as terrifying as imagined.

The reason why he was able to easily defeat Qi Kaitai was naturally inseparable from his speed, otherwise, it wouldn't be so easy.

Of course, even without relying on speed, it wouldn't be too difficult to defeat Qi Kaitai.

With Fang Yi's strength, below the middle stage of the Heavenly Soul Realm, he is no match for him at all. Even in the middle stage of the Heavenly Soul, if he does his best, Fang Yi has a certain degree of confidence.

However, there is no need for that now.

Four people are enough.

The matter of the sea of ​​bitterness was imminent, if it was not because of the consideration of Mu Shenzong, he would not even bother to enter the sixth floor of the Cyanwood Pagoda.


"I know you are unwilling, but I mean what I say. You have the opportunity to challenge me at any time. Once you win, I will give you freedom."

After leaving the Cyanwood Pagoda, Fang Yi glanced at the four of them lightly, repeating the previous promise.

Hearing this, the four of them were all ready to move.

On the other hand, Shi Zhongtian couldn't help a self-deprecating smile from the corner of his mouth, and promised that there would be no false promises. Unfortunately, he once had the same fantasy.

But in the end...he just realized that it was really only a fantasy.

Fortunately, he has long since lost such thoughts.

"Qi Kaitai, I will leave this place to you. With you as the leader, I will not restrict the freedom of the four of you. However, if something happens to the Wood God Sect, you will know the consequences."

After some explanations, Fang Yi directly threw down a cruel sentence.

This was also the reason why he was eager to subdue the four of them.

He must rush to the sea of ​​bitterness as soon as possible, and the Wood God Sect, after this battle, the ancient demons will definitely not let it go easily, and only with four people in charge can they rest easy.

"Yes!" The four of them were a little reluctant at first.

After all, how are they used to being called and called as people who are in the realm of transforming gods.

Now I heard that they don't need to do anything at all, and they don't restrict freedom, but just guard the planet, so it will be different.


Seeing this, Fang Yi nodded in satisfaction.

Then he looked somewhere in the void and shouted, "Old Mo, let's go!"

Boom! !

The next moment, deep in the space, there was a muffled sound of thunder. As far as the eye could see, the space was slightly rippling like water waves, and a figure slowly stepped out of the ripples.

Who is it if it's not Mo Lao?

Good guy!

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help concentrating. Although he still couldn't see the reality of Mo Lao, this method alone showed that the other party's understanding of the Dao pattern of space had gone a step further in the past hundred years.

"Congratulations, Mr. Mo! It seems that Mr. Mo is not far from condensing his body."

Fang Yi complimented, but his eyes were a little deep.

"Hehe! Kid, it's not as simple as you think. What do you think of as a condensed body? The old man is still far behind."

"Let's not talk about the difficulty of condensing the Dao body. Even if the condensing is successful, you still have to accept the test of the rules and regulations. If you can't bear it, it will be lost forever."

Mo Lao shook his head slightly, his eyes filled with fear.

Then he said: "Forget it, why tell you these things, it's still early!"

Rule Thundercloud?

For some reason, Fang Yi suddenly remembered that when the Abyss of Immortality and the Longevity Tomb were condensed and formed, the terrifying thundercloud was full of the power of rules. Could it be...

Forget it, business matters, let's talk about these later!

"Since that's the case, then I wish Elder Mo to gather his Dao body as soon as possible. Now, let's go on the road first!"

After speaking, Fang Yi stopped talking nonsense, and drifted away with Mo Laoshi.

In the same place, there were only four people left dumbfounded.

"I... what did I see? That kid really...really subdued Mo Lao? This..."

The four of them looked at each other, seeing deep shock in each other's eyes.

Before, Fang Yi threatened to subdue Mr. Mo. In their view, that was simply impossible, and it was nothing more than a trick to provoke them deliberately.

But now, all this actually appeared in front of their eyes.

How not to surprise them?

It was at this moment that they began to feel relieved, even Mo Lao was like this, let alone them.


Just before the four of them came back to their senses, a strong smell of blood suddenly came to their nostrils.

Qi Kaitai reacted immediately, and his sharp gaze, like two sharp swords, swept towards a certain place in the void.

Boo! !

The next moment, a sharp strange cry came from the void, accompanied by two blood-red figures, suddenly it was the blood-devouring Yin Corpse.

"What the hell? Get lost!!"

Qi Kaitai shouted angrily, waved his big palm, and a terrifying power erupted instantly, like a ferocious beast out of its cage.

He slammed into the two blood-devouring corpses fiercely.

Bang bang! !

Two loud noises came in succession, and the two blood-devouring corpses blasted out like cannonballs.

A flash of disdain flashed in Qi Kaitai's eyes, but then, it became unbelievable, because the two blood-devouring corpses had attacked again, and they seemed to be unharmed.

"These ghosts are weird!"

The four of them quickly realized something was wrong, and went up to meet it at the same time.

It could have been said that it would have been a breeze to deal with two blood-devouring Yin corpses with two peak heavenly souls and two great earthly souls.

But in fact, those two Yin corpses were extremely difficult to deal with. They were beaten and collapsed several times, but they were able to recover as before.

This really surprised the four of them.

Fortunately, the four of them were not easy people, they tried various attacks, and finally imprisoned the two Yin corpses in a certain magic weapon.


"Strange! How did these ghost corpses find here?"

In the void, Shi Zhongtian was full of doubts.

It turned out that the group of three did not go far away, but watched all this in the dark.

Fang Yi's brows were also furrowed at this moment, thoughtful, and then asked: "During the past hundred years of my retreat, have these ghost corpses appeared near the planet Jupiter?"

"Master Hui, it has never appeared before!"

Shi Zhongtian replied, "However, news of blood-devouring ghost corpses appearing and appearing all over the Tianshan Mountains is coming from time to time. There is no pattern. Some people suspect what they are looking for."

What are you looking for?

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move, these ghost corpses appeared just after he left the level.

Could it be such a coincidence?

Is it because...

Thinking of this, Fang Yi couldn't help but move, and half of the copper coffin appeared in front of the three of them, which was the part of the Wujiang coffin that was chopped down by Leiyun.

"This is..." Both Mo Lao and Shi Zhongtian undoubtedly recognized the Wujiang coffin.

"This is too bad. They must be for this thing. Now that they have discovered Jupiter, if they attack on a large scale, I'm afraid..."

Shi Zhongtian showed a worried look, his words were undoubtedly very reasonable.

However, Fang Yi shook his head, but a strange light flashed in his eyes.

He has retreated for a hundred years, and none of these corpses appeared, and they came as soon as he left the seclusion. This obviously cannot be a coincidence.

The only explanation is that these yin corpses can sense the position of half of Wujiang's outer coffin, and he was in the water temple when he retreated. The water temple isolated everything, so those yin corpses could not perceive it.

But as soon as they left the customs, they found them.

Then, they will definitely go looking for this half of the boundless coffin, maybe...

(End of this chapter)

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