Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2492 One Hit Suppression

Chapter 2492 One-hit suppression

"Naughty animal! Still wanting to escape in the hands of this seat, what a fool's dream!"

The demon god Xuying spit out the words, the huge claws have been hanging on the leader of the Qingjiao King, this palm seems to be unavoidable.

The corner of Li Mo's mouth could not help but evoke a touch of pleasure.

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas is even worse, because since then, no one in this area can compete with him.

However, just when everyone thought that King Qingjiao would definitely die, the joy at the corner of Li Mo's mouth suddenly froze, and the palm did not fall for a long time.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's that he can't.

Because just at that moment, the surrounding space seemed to have some kind of change.

The Qing Jiao King, who was close at hand, suddenly seemed to be extremely far away from him. Even though the other party was clearly in front of him, there seemed to be an endless distance.

That is a change in the rules of space, so far away.

There seems to be countless spaces between the two.

At the same time, King Qingjiao only felt that the power that bound him originally disappeared out of thin air.

But in fact, he could clearly see the terrifying palm hanging from the leader.

"what happened?"

The crowd couldn't help but look at each other at this moment.

They didn't understand what happened, let alone why Li Mo's face became so ugly, and why the palm didn't fall for so long.

It's no wonder, with their strength, how they can sense the changes in the rules of space.

However, Li Mo and Jun Jiuhuan are obviously different.

The expressions of both of them changed drastically, and their pupils shrank sharply, full of disbelief.

Boom! !

At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps came, the space was rippling, and two majestic figures came slowly.


The first to react was suddenly the giant Yin Corpse.

Just hearing it howl, it turned into a bloody light, and attacked and killed with all its strength.

It's a pity that although it was going aggressively, it stopped at a distance of several meters from the two, because there seemed to be an invisible wall in the air, blocking his way.

"Fang Yi!" The blood demon patriarch blurted out.

Not bad!

Needless to say, they were Fang Yi and Shi Zhongtian.

At this moment, Fang Yi stepped slowly from the void, like a great emperor traveling in the starry sky.

With every gesture, it seems to be integrated with this space.

Very miraculous.

"Young Master! Luckily, you are not disgraceful!" Qing Jiao King's eyes were full of horror at the moment, but he was more excited, and his expression became extremely respectful in his words.


The reason why King Qingjiao took the risk was that he had received Fang Yi's instructions.

If not, how could he not even want his life, offend the soul race and the ancient demon race at the same time, and even risk extermination of the race.

In fact, he couldn't refuse Fang Yi's order at all.

The heart is also distressed.

However, this distress disappeared after Fang Yi showed such a powerful side.

"You did a great job this time!"

Fang Yi looked sideways slightly, and nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, his sharp eyes swept towards Li Mo and the others again, and said: "After this matter is over, I will give you back your freedom and give you a fortune."


Hearing this, King Qingjiao's eyes brightened, it was nothing more than good fortune, and freedom was undoubtedly what he longed for most.

Although Fang Yi only asked him to do one thing since he surrendered, and that was the current thing.

However, regaining his freedom is naturally what he dreams of.

Immediately, he quickly said: "Thank you, young master!"

"He! It's him! He was the one who was with the girl in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness last time, and the Eighth Realm of Kunlun is in his hands."

Enemies were extremely jealous when they met each other, and the True Ancestor of the Four Seas couldn't help being the first to jump out.

In the bitter sea battle that day, he followed Fang Yi's way. Later, Fang Yi escaped from Juhaixing, and his divine sense clone was severely injured. Seeing it now, how can he bear it.

Like him, Fang Yi's eyes were also cold, and his killing intent was revealed.

"I said before, when we meet again, I will take your life!"

While speaking, Fang Yi strode forward.


The whole world trembled, the sound of dragon chant roared, and then he stretched out his giant palm, and a huge claw of a real dragon condensed out of thin air, as if falling from the nine heavens, across endless space, and crushed directly towards the true ancestor of the world .

This palm came extremely suddenly, and it was extremely domineering.

None of the people present thought that Fang Yi would dare to make the first move in the face of the two heavenly souls and the giant Yin Corpse, and the target would be the True Ancestor of the World.

You must know that the True Ancestor of the Four Seas is not a soft persimmon, a majestic soul-level powerhouse.

However, what everyone didn't expect was yet to come.

Faced with this palm, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas changed his countenance and tried to get rid of it, but the claws of the real dragon enveloped the world, and under the wind of the palm, everything could not hide.

That terrifying power seemed to come from hell.

The True Ancestors of the Four Seas couldn't help falling into the abyss, as if they were being targeted by the god of death.

The breath of death is also approaching.

"No! You can't be so powerful!!" True Ancestor of the Four Seas didn't take it seriously at first, but after the palm fell, his eyes were filled with fear, as if he had seen a ghost.

That's strange, the last time they fought against each other, Fang Yi was only seven times fit.

Although the strength is outstanding, it is still not worth mentioning.

But now, in such a short period of time, he has actually reached the Earth Soul Realm, and this majestic palm made him unable to resist much.

It seems that what he is facing at this moment is not an earth soul realm at all, but a sky soul realm.

Fang Yi naturally didn't bother to pay attention to him, and the true dragon's claw became even worse.

"No! Help me!!"

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas howled, asking for help.

But unfortunately, I don't know if this palm came too fast, or because of other reasons.

In short, neither Li Mo nor Jun Jiuhuan made a move.

Just watching helplessly, watching the claws of the real dragon fall, watching the expression of the true ancestor of the world become more and more ferocious, and finally turned into a cloud of blood mist, dissipating between heaven and earth.

The huge crowd seemed to be completely petrified.

The dignified ruler who gathered starfish, the existence of the earth soul state, just like that, failed to take even a single blow, and died completely.

More importantly, the three powerhouses witnessed all this, but none of them made a move.

Everything seemed so weird.

King Qing Jiao was also jaw-dropping in astonishment, completely confused. What he didn't understand was why the True Ancestor of the Four Seas was so unbearable that he didn't even take a single blow from Fang Yi.

As an old opponent, he naturally knows how strong the True Ancestor of the Four Seas is.

The result can be...

He even didn't understand why Li Mo and Jun Jiuhuan didn't make a move. Although the three of them cooperated temporarily, Fang Yi's behavior was undoubtedly slapping them in the face.

But just like that, neither of them made a move, and their faces were extremely ugly.

What is the reason for all this?

Maybe King Qingjiao couldn't figure it out even if he wanted to crack his head, but he knew a fact.

That is the Fang Yi of today, who is no longer the Fang Yi of the past. Even if he is as tyrannical as the True Ancestor of the World, he has no choice but to let him be slaughtered.

Even Li Mo and Jun Jiuhuan didn't dare to act rashly.

(End of this chapter)

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