Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2495 The Power of Rules

Chapter 2495 The Power of Rules

The reason why Jun Jiuhuan is so confident is naturally his confidence in his own strength, as well as his understanding of the opponent's strength in the previous battles.

In his opinion, it is already against the sky for a strong earth soul to reach such a level.

It is impossible to be stronger, if that is the case, it is too unreasonable.

However, the fact is that it is so unreasonable.

Leaving aside how amazing Fang Yi's inner world is, it is not uncommon for him to merge the four major sword arrays and the Shimo Heavenly Book to kill enemies by leapfrogging.

Especially after the changes in the inner world.

Anyone who enters his inner world will be suppressed and will not be able to exert their own strength at all.

Jun Jiuhuan is no exception.

It's just that he doesn't have such awareness at all at the moment, and he thinks that Fang Yi has been determined, and he has the chance to win.

The sharp sword in his hand also became more and more fierce, as if it could tear everything apart.

As for Fang Yi, he couldn't help shaking his head at this moment, with a hint of amusement in the corner of his mouth. The reason why he led the other party into the inner world was not only because the inner world was so good.

It's also because Fang Yi wants to try, to try that ruled land.

That piece of land copied the pattern of heaven and earth, the rules of Mo Lao's retreat.

In the outside world, Fang Yi is still unable to control this power due to his insufficient cultivation, but in the inner world, he has tried before and can use this power a little bit.

Therefore, he wanted to see what it would be like to actually use it in battle.

Just like at this moment, watching Jun Jiuhuan's sword shadow falling that seemed to be able to tear everything apart, he did not back down, nor did he make a move, and just stood there quietly.

In Jun Jiuhuan's eyes, it seemed that he had been frightened out of his wits.

"Boy, next year today is your death day, die!"

Jun Jiuhuan smiled ferociously, looking at Fang Yi, it was like looking at a corpse.

However, slowly, his ferocious smile gradually froze, his pupils shrank sharply, and finally turned into panic.

"No! How is this possible?"

He shook his head desperately, as if he had seen a ghost.

Fang Yi still didn't move, and stood quietly on the spot. The long sword in Jun Jiuhuan's hand was only a few feet away from him. If outsiders saw it, they would definitely sweat for him.

Because it is foreseeable that Fang Yi may be penetrated in the next moment.

However the fact...

The sword seemed to be frozen and could no longer advance an inch.

Do not!Strictly speaking, it has not stopped, the long sword is still moving forward, and the fierce sword energy is no exception.

However, the speed became extremely slow, piercing little by little.

The terrifying aura that swept over was located at a certain node, and it seemed to be excluded, and above that node, some regular thin lines invisible to the naked eye were slightly rippling.

yes!This is the power of rules.

So far away!

The two seem to be close at hand, but in the middle, it seems to be separated by layers of space.

However, Fang Yi is still not proficient, and he can't really reach the end of the world. Otherwise, Jun Jiuhuan would not be able to move forward even a little bit.

But at this moment, it can only greatly reduce the opponent's speed.

Let this close distance become extremely far away, and you have to break it inch by inch before you can touch yourself.

"The power of rules! Impossible!! Why can you control the power of rules!!"

At this moment, Jun Jiuhuan no longer had the confidence she had before, and her face turned into despair.

Yes!despair! !

After Fang Yi showed such a strange supernatural power, everything has come to an end. Although it is only controlled by extremely simple rules, it is crushed in terms of strength.

What's more, Fang Yi's own strength is not weaker than him.

and so……

However, how reconciled is Jun Jiuhuan, like a mad beast, charging wantonly, making the last sound of despair like howling ghosts and wolves.

It's a pity that his battle of trapped beasts, except for making Fang Yi more familiar with the use of the power of rules, has no effect at all, and in the end, he completely fell down.

A generation of Heavenly Soul powerhouses died unwillingly and aggrieved like this.

Looking at his dead body, Fang Yi showed no pity, but rather cheered up.

The first time he used the rules, he deeply realized the power of the rules, which was completely crushing.

From this, I also understood why Elder Mo disdained the other heavenly souls so much, and why Jinling Zhenzu and Chiyan Zhenzu respected them so much.

Everything is due to strength, and only strength is the root of everything.

And the power of rules is the foundation of strength.

Heaven and earth pattern!

At this moment, Fang Yi secretly made up his mind that if he had the opportunity, he must collect more Dao patterns of heaven and earth, and comprehend the rules of heaven and earth.


Boom! !

In the void, the wind and clouds are surging, and a huge black hole is slowly condensing.

"So fast?"

The crowd was astonished. How long did it take to enter the inner world before life and death were separated?

It's no wonder that everyone is so skeptical. In the outside world, Fang Yi and Jun Jiuhuan's battle is evenly matched. Even if they enter the inner world, it is impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

But in fact, it took only a moment, and it was about to come out.

Did they shake hands and make peace?

Some people couldn't help guessing, but they quickly denied this possibility. It was impossible for the two to shake hands and make peace anyway.

So, who is the final winner?

Shi Zhongtian couldn't help being a little nervous at this moment, although he knew that Fang Yi was great, and believed that Fang Yi would win in the end.

But, so fast, he still couldn't believe it, and even wondered if he was wrong.

The blood demon patriarch undoubtedly had the same idea, his expression was tense, as if it would break at any moment.

Li Mo's eyes also burst out with brilliance, and then slowly turned into inconceivable, deep tremors, and that slightly pale face.

Because inside the black hole, the figure with white hair and blue robe had already stepped out slowly.

"No! How is this possible? Where is Master Jiu Huan?"

The faces of all the strong men of the Soul Clan changed drastically, and it was Fang Yi who walked out, which was undoubtedly unacceptable to them.

In their view, Fang Yi must die, but it is true.

"You...what did you do to Master Jiu Huan? Where is he..." Someone couldn't help but questioned, but his face was already bloodless.

Because the results couldn't be clearer.

Fang Yi looked sideways slightly, and glanced at the soul clan faintly, his eyes gradually turned cold.

The crowd of the soul clan were suddenly out of their wits with fright, and retreated subconsciously.

Unfortunately, what awaited them was the death sentence.


The voice was cold, as if without a trace of emotion.

Before he could finish his words, Shi Zhongtian charged into the crowd like a tiger out of its cage, and with the knife in his hand, it was already bloody.

"Kill!" King Qingjiao also gave an order, and his huge body was crushed away.

Countless green snake demons rushed towards them like a tide.

In an instant, all the powerhouses of the Soul Clan and Juhaixing were engulfed in it, and all kinds of shrill howls could be heard endlessly.

The scene turned into a hell on earth.

(End of this chapter)

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